Dragon Books, part II

These are more books about dragons, but unlike the books on the two Fiction pages, these are scholarly collections of dragon lore or explorations of the evidence of the elusive nature of the Genuine Dragon. The layout is much the same as on the ficiton pages, and the information here should be sufficient to allow you to find these in your local library or bookstore.

Non-Fiction Titles
- South, Malcolm (editor). Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide. This contains many interesting articles on a variety of mythic creatures, from Amphipteres to Medusa and beyond; the extensive and well-researched article on dragons is only one of many items worthy of notice.
- Editors of Time-Life Books. Dragons. Typical Time-Life fare, with lots of historical illustrations and "reader's digest" versions of pertinent texts. Of some interest.
- Base, Grahame, illustrated by Author. The Discovery of Dragons. You will find this one on the shelves of the Children's Book section, but it is easily the equal (or the surperior) of the Johnsgaard treatment of true-life dragons. (Plus it has truly spectacular pictures.)
- Green, Roger Lancelyn. A Calvacade of Dragons. This is an excellent collection of dragon stories through time and across cultures. A very thorough introduction to dragon lore.
- Johnsgaard, Paul, and Karen Johnsgaard. Dragons and Unicorns: A Natural History. This is written in the form of a scientific survey, and traces the origins of dragons (and unicorns) in a pseudo-evolutionary manner, describing their modern forms and liberally borrowing from the authors' own interpretations of mythology and natural science. Illustrated.
- Nye, Jody Lynne. w/McCaffery, Anne. Illustrated by Hamilton, T. and Clouse, J. The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern. A detailed description of the biology, origins, history, and culture of the dragons of McCaffery's Pern novels (see "Fiction" page). Includes a great deal of information on the culture of the human inhabitants of Pern. Of great interest to those familiar with the series.
- Piggot, Juliet. Japanese Mythology. Includes information about the various incarnations of dragons in Japanese myths. Illustrations & photos.
- Sanders, Tao Tao Liu. Illustrated by Pau, Johnny. Dragons, Gods, and Spirits from Chinese Mythology. Slightly less scholarly, but much more entertaining and artistic than the above.
- Shuker, Karl. Dragons, a Natural History. In many ways superior to the rather "touchy-feely" book by the Johnsgaards, this volume successfully combines a fairly comprehensive overview of dragon lore with fairly legitimate scholarly explorations of GENUINE dragondom. Illustrated extensively with interesting historical images.

: Highly recommended non-dragon fiction and non-fiction books, especially top fantasy and historical fiction selections.

If you would like to contact me about any of the books on the list or recommend your own dragon favorites, you can e-mail me at dracnova@hotmail.com
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