Fiction Titles
- Bradshaw, Gillian. The Dragon and the Thief; sequel, The Land of Gold. These combine historical fiction and fantasy to tell the story of a dragon in ancient egypt. Good dragon stuff, good historical fiction.
- Fletcher, Susan. Flight of the Dragon Kyn; Dragon's Milk; Sign of the Dove. Wonderful dragon babies, interesting world. The first two books in the series are very enjoyable, but I highly recommend skipping the third. Warning! Contains a few somewhat graphic scenes.
- Gannet, Ruth Stiles. Illustrated by Gannet, Ruth Chrisman. My Father's Dragon; Elmer and the Dragon; The Dragons of Blueland. The ingenuity of Elmer Elevator and his dragon friend is absolutely amazing. Must-reads for all ages!
- Kushner, John. A Book Dragon. One of the most gorgeous stories I've ever read--once you start, it will be impossible to put down! This is a book that will give you an intense feeling of deja-vu for places that you have never seen. A must for dragon- and book-lovers.
- McCaffery, Anne. Chronicles of Pern: First Fall; Dragonsdawn; Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern; Nerilka's Story; Dragonflight; Dragonquest; The White Dragon; Dragonsong; Dragonsinger; Dragondrums; The Renegades of Pern; All the Weyrs of Pern; The Dolphins of Pern; Red Star Rising. This is a sci-fi dragon epic. The futuristic world, the dragons, and the characters, are all totally believable. I have listed the books as I read them and as I always try to read series, in "chronological" order according to when the events happened on the fictional world of Pern. The author recommends reading them in the order they are written (this is the order in which they are listed on inside cover of the book). My way lets you know why places are named for whom they are named, and you understand where certain otherwise inexplicable aspects of Pern society come from. The author's recommendation ensures you know all the vocabulary ("cot"=small landholding, "weyr"=dragon breeding colony, etc.) before reading the novels where it is assumed such definitions are known. You decide! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 DUE TO ADULT LANGUAGE AND CONTENT.
- Wrede, Patricia. Dealing with Dragons; Searching for Dragons; Calling on Dragons; Talking to Dragons. Only the first book of the series is of great dragon interest. As the series progresses, it gets to be more and more about the humans--who are interesting at first, but once their novelty wears off, they actually become a bit irritating. Too bad, as I normally like this author. In general, however, the fictional world in which the action takes place is fairly well-done.
- Yep, Laurence Dragon of the Lost Sea; Dragon Steel; Dragon Cauldron; Dragon War. Cycle of dragon tales based on Chinese folklore. Bottom line: if you never, ever, read any other books about dragons in your whole life, AT LEAST read this series. Yep is the BEST! Read from the beginning and in order for maximum enjoyment & comprehension.
Dragonwings Although this is historical fiction and not fantasy, it does center around a man who, in his own unique way, is trying to become a dragon. An excellent choice for those who feel the call of the dragon spirit.
- Yolen, Jane. Dragon's Blood; Heart's Blood; A Sending of Dragons. Set in the future on a distant planet, the series must be read in order and in its entirety to be fully appreciated. Easily a rival for Yep's mini-epic. However, like McCaffery's Dragon series, I would not recommend Yolen's earthy dragon-world to children under 15 or so, because of both writing style and content.

: Recommended non-Dragon fiction and non-ficiton books, especially fantasy and historical fiction favorites.
If you are looking for dragon books with beautiful illustrations or books especially for children, click on List, Part I (A) to get the list.
If you are looking for dragon non-fiction, click on List, Part II for non-fiction titles. Reading is Believing!

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If you would like to e-mail me, click on my address: dracnova@hotmail.com I would be happy to hear about any dragon books I may have missed, or talk about other great reads from some of these authors.

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