Dragon Books, part I (B)

These are some great dragon books with quickie reviews. The books listed below are longer and written for older audiences than those in Part A and some of them are not recommended for younger readers; these are clearly noted. The author's name is listed first, then the illustrator (if any), the title, and finally, any comments. The information should be enough for you to find them in your local library or bookstore.

Fiction Titles

COMING SOON: Recommended non-Dragon fiction and non-ficiton books, especially fantasy and historical fiction favorites.

If you are looking for dragon books with beautiful illustrations or books especially for children, click on List, Part I (A) to get the list.

If you are looking for dragon non-fiction, click on List, Part II for non-fiction titles. Reading is Believing!

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If you would like to e-mail me, click on my address: dracnova@hotmail.com I would be happy to hear about any dragon books I may have missed, or talk about other great reads from some of these authors.

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