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There's this saying I once heard, or maybe I didn't really hear it. Maybe some portion of my mind just made it up, I really don't know. But anyway, it went something like "No matter how thin you cut the cheese (or was it bread? who cares), it will always have two sides. I laughed when I heard/thought it cuz what it really said to me was something that I've come to realize in this goddamned life. A simple, unescapable, undeniable reality; and that is, that every story will, at the very LEAST, have two sides.


What does that mean? What happens to "truth"? Truth... now there's an arbitrary word if I ever heard one. "Love"... there's another. The simple fact of the matter is that they all depend on our point of view, our own perspective of the situation. What I perceive as truth may not look the same to someone else. In the same measure how do I KNOW what I feel is love? or hate? Stare at something long enough and in time it looks like something else! That ugly girl becomes the most beautiful creature on earth and that perfect woman becomes flawed. A harmless flirt becomes a betrayal of the soul and that innocent stare becomes the measure of true love. Right now for example you're probably thinking "Oh yeah, this guy is crazy," however from my viewpoint I'm QUITE sane... YOU all are crazy!

The Message

So what's the point of all this mindless pratter then? What exactly am I getting at here? Life people... Life. It's all relative, subject to change, subject to different perspectives. Hence while you go through these pages, I urge you to step back and take another view of things. Look at life from another perspective, but most of all, enjoy yourself as I attempt to show you what is...

Just Another Twist to the Tale.

This has been a presentation by
ATR Productions