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X-Philies Club

Want to give out information about the X-Files. Think that you are ready for horror and Science Fiction then join this club. Get and give pictures out to fellow fans. There will be games and contests about your knowledge of the X-Files. Every month there will also be a X-Files Webpage of the Month decided by me, Steve Smith, and a panel of four other people. If you want to be one of the people in charge of the Webpage of the month awards then email me at before place runs out. The names of the people in the panel will be posted every month on this page and their votes. To apply for X-Files Webpage of the Month you must first have a webpage already built, be part of the club and have a basic knowledge of HTML. Also your site must contain photos, information a link to this page; which you will get as soon as you join and a link page containing all sites contained in the link page of my webpage.

X-Files Webpage of the Month

Panel of voters for the month of October are:
Full time:
Steve Smith
Part time:
Regrister today to be a X-Files Webpage of the Month. You may just get a lot more visitors talking about your webpage. No fee to enter. All winners will be placed in the X-Files Webpage of the Year contest automatically.

Link to The Ultimate X-Files Webpage

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