First and foremost I would like to say that all images on this page are copyrighted to their respected artists and designers. The many gifs on my page are used in good faith and collected over the years from different artists, graphics designers, programs, disks and webmasters. They are used with permission so don't come crying to me about stealing, because I don't really give a rat's patootie what you think. Some of the stuff was even made and altered by myself, thus you can go sit on your thumb if you don't like what I have up.

As for photography on this site, a vast majority was taken by Shawn Smith and myself and all our pictures are copyrighted to ourselves. If you want to use images off this site you can email me for permission to use them. I am not going to just throw out Shawn's email to whomever, thus you can push the little email button on the front page if you wish to have them on your site. Some were taken by random people whose permission I have aquired through the years to use on my site . . . again no whining. Ask before taking.

Past all that now, I would like to say thank you to Shawn (Alana), for allowing me to scan and use her pictures on my site. The more you take the more people will get to see how great of a photographer you are. So keep snapping and I will keep scanning and posting. You rock girl!

Thanks also to Fox (not sure the real name here), Shortround's page(?) whose Spring War IX galleries are featured on the Spring War picture page. Thanks to Bravenet for their free crap that they let me use in giving me a guest book and site counter. I love free stuff. And, of course thank you to all those others out there whom I have used stuff from in the past and present. I appreciate all the help given for me to write up the company list and get it current.

I would also like to say that Dragonlance materials are copyrighted to Wizards of the Coast. And, that the Amtgard rulebook/corpora are copyrighted to Amtgard Inc. to avoid any legal entanglements or infringe on copyrights.

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