Welcome to Nulorgo's Advanced Dungeons and Dragons home page. Nulorgo is a hobgoblin and young at sixteen years of age. Not sure what I am writing about...? I am a player of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and Nulorgo is my character. This home page and the pages that follow in hyper-text mode are an account of the games I have played with Nulorgo as my character. I started playing in the summer of 1998. We play on Sunday evenings at a friends place. Please have a look at our adventures:

Game Numbers leading to web pages accounting Nulorgo's games,

1. Nulorgo is captured by Zentil Keep Armed Horse Guards.

2. Nulorgo is nearly drowned leaving Phlan.

3. Life in a tavern and working on a suit of Armor is tough.

4. Escaping the city and getting meat to eat.

5. With the help of a Giant and a Dwarfs spell a fort is won.

6. We explore the tower and take up residence.

7. Down we go into the dungeons and the fights are won.

8. Trapped in an underground room we fight a giant and win.

9. We find a way out, also screaming mushrooms and a dragon.

10. Spells are prepared to fight the dragon but we are on our way.

Next Campaign.

After checking out Nulorgo's adventures. You can read my links to other Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's web spaces.

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