Are you a Cyberpunk? Do you know what this word means? I wonder about these questions myself. Of course, I am, who I am. But in the past called myself a cowboy, a hippy, and a punk. Is this part of play or drama? Figure in a serious mental illness, and maybe, I don't know who I am sometimes. But being myself more these days thanks to medication, I wonder about identity. Suppose I say, "I am a Cyberpunk." and you ask me, "Well, what is a Cyberpunk?", just trying to keep yourself on level ground in talking with me. I might then say, "Your a Cyberpunk too." Along the lines of the expression, "I am a philosopher and your a philosopher too." Now your in real trouble because your not sure of what I am talking about and I am involving you in this unknown identity too. But really Cyberpunk is a creation, as I believe it to be, of Science Fiction authors and not necessarily a form of drama or identity.

Read some cyberpunk short stories I have written. There's Nand Symptom and A day in the life to read for now.

You can also buy A day in the life in hardcopy by following this link plus if you do that you get the stories of 17 other authors of cyberpunk. Of course you too can read and write cyberpunk on-line by visiting this newsgroup: alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo.

There is a role playing game though called Cyberpunk 2020 which I am learning to play. And it is played as a role playing game so maybe it is an identity for some.

Until films like Johnny Mnemonic and TV shows like the X-Files episode known as Kill Switch, William Gibson was just a novelist. There were a few roles for actresses, actors and robots in these films and TV but it was still not yet a form of play. Now it may be seen to be a subcultural identity, and it will remain a form of characterisation for novels and other forms of art.

Enjoy this section of the web space as I try to cover all I can in this area of science fiction.


This cyberpunk site last updated May 1st, 2002. Workers of the World Unite!

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