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Fan Fiction

Authors of stories are listed in alphabetical order.



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A short but hilarious story about Charley having a baby. But who is the daddy?

This story has also been published on the Discussion Board of The Unofficial Biker Mice from Mars Fanclub under the name "Teaser".

Day Dreamer

Heidi`s Angels

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Part 1: Heidi`s Angels

Part 2: Baby Blues

Part 3: Double Date

Part 4: Lovers Tiff

Part 5: Emotional exchange part 1: An addition and a Star

Part 6: Emotional exhange part 2: A star transformation

Part 7: Gossip!

Part 8: A Wedding

Dreamer Serie

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Part 1: Dreamer Saves the day

Part 2: Heartache

Mizeleingzelo de Megazone

Megazone family

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General Warning

We meet our human "heroes" & "baddies" from NorthWay Senior High School. Wendy and Billie doesn`t seem to get along to at all...

Part 1: Brawlers (R)
Some people just can`t stay away from each other`s throats! Who is this mysterious Mizeleingzelo - whose name even burns the neerves of Vinnie? And why?

Part 2: U-turn to Hell (PG-13)
Wendy has disappeared and Billie has problems with his rector. Now he has to find her before it`s too late. Can Mizeleingzelo fight against the Road Ravens? Has the Biker Mice found the end because of her? Who is the monster that appears to William and what he has to do with him? You`ll get more answers by reading the part...

Part 3: Mission Impossible (PG-13)
We meet our newest hero, Venom Predator who has an impossible mission. What`s Billie Munny doing at the last chance garage and can Rea keep Vinnie away from Mize.

Guest hero: Rea Kat, owned by Rea Kat and appearing under her permission in this story.

The Modo-Dream

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The story bases on a dream I saw in January 2000 and to some of the dreams I`ve seen after the moment when I started to write this.

When Mr. Limburger moves to the countryside, Biker Mice follow him like always, but they don`t know they`ve been followed too. Who could help Modo when he starts to slip away from this life and has Elina something else to offer than just troubles and sorries? Can Charley stop the goons when Vinnie and Throttle are away? Why Rimfire is arrested and if Modo ever gets better, can he face the scars that Pestonina left in him and start new life with new love?

To these questions you`ll get the answers and more when you read this story. PG-13 due to certain descriptive things and situations. Though certain characters are very much like some real, truly existing people, they are not supposed to be any sort of versions of those real people. However they may base partly on real people, but mostly they are just result of my practical imagination.
The beginning of this story has also been published on the discussion board of The Unofficial Biker Mice from Mars Fan Club.
Special thank yous to those kind people who told me how to write Sergeant Scabbard`s name correctly.

Don`t Forget Bro!

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The story bases on R.L. Stine`s "Don`t forget me!" and is my Biker Mice version from it.

Prologue (G)
Charley and Biker Mice have moved in to a new house. It is very old but there is much space for the Bros for practicing and "fights." Enough room, so they don`t have to stand each other all the time. Throttle`s hoping to get rid of Vinnie.

He should think twice what he`s hoping...

Part 1:"New House, New Tricks" (G)
It seems that everything is not fine with the bros. - especially with Throttle...

Part 2: Cellar (PG)
Jack McCyber comes to see how Charley and the mice`s moving to their new house goes. Before Throttle can get further with Jack, the cellar and Vinnie mixes his plans.

Fan fiction for mature readers Adult Fan Fiction   Link`s not working yet.

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