Skin has too much skin for any one man. In fact, he has too much skin for any three men. In fact, well, you get the idea. His skin grows faster and more often then it should (similar to X-Man Marrow's bones), fortunately, he seems to have complete control over his epidermis (similar to how the Inhuman Medusa has control over her hair), however this control does not come easily. It is only with great concentration and the ability to stand headaches that he can make his skin do whatever he wants, even if it's only for a while.
The most common use for Skin's powers is the creation of tendrils (similar to Spider-Man's webs). He can shoot parts of his skin out at a tremendous rate, and use the tendril to grab on to things, allowing him to swing from place to place, save a team-member, hit someone in the head, etc. He has also practiced using his skin to slingshot himself short distances by pulling his skin tight, and then releasing himself, he has yet to manage landing.
Larger surface areas provide the oportunity to encur greater damage on ones oppenent. Recently, Skin has taken to expanding the surface area of his hands so he can litterally slap his oppenents into submission. This is a quick manuver that allows for easily handling of non-powered oppenents.
By twisting extra skin in the palm of his hand, Angelo can create an interesting trap for a would- be attacker. Once someone punches the prepared palm, Skin can instantly grab and twist the attackers arm however he chooses.
Because skin can extend skin from any part of his body, he has learned to experiment with attack techniques. Here he uses the skin in the palm of his hand as a cat-of-nine-tails whip, with devastating results.
When facing an opponent that is too powerful or to large to be tackled, Skin can bunch together his extra skin in a dense ball-like mass, and swing it at his opponent like a ball and chain. This mace technique is a lot stronger then it appears at first glance, with the powerful muscles controlling his skin, and it's tough durability, he can pack quite a punch.
Skin can subdue an opponent with non-lethal force, simply by cutting of their supply of oxygen. By covering their mouth and nose, or constricting on the persons chest, he can slow them down enough to render them unconscious, or at the very least, prevent them from thinking clearly enough to use super-powers, or otherwise pose a threat.
Just as Skin can use the powerful muscles and tough durability of his skin to pull himself up, he can also use it to propel himself upwards or forwards. He can use this ability to push himself into a quick leap, or to reach high places without the need for something to pull himself up with.
Because his skin is completely loose on his body, Skin can slide around inside of it to escape almost any trap, even when stuck in the clutches of the Unstoppable Juggernaut!
Even if he isn't always the best looking member of Gen X, he can look worse. Just maintaining that little bit of control takes intense concentration. When he is distracted or unconscious, he melts like a wax candle, which can be a painful experience (one wonders how he sleeps).
While Skin is physically no stronger than any other person, the muscles that control his distended skin are apparently very strong, and very fast. Using this extra strength, he can lift/pull both himself and the weight of another (the full extent of this has yet to be tested), and with it's speed, his skin can capture a falling person almost immediately, and pull a person out of the path of a falling building before it can get near them.
Although Skin once seemed hesitant about testing the durability of his skin, it seems he may not have much had reason to be worried. He has used his skin to do everything from breaking through a car's windshield to supporting the weight of two or more people. A normal persons skin would have been severely injured in any of these cases.
(this has never been outright stated in a comic, but it has been inferred through the art in several issues) While Skin may have gruesome face at times (he's looked like every thing from E.T. to Pinocchio to a hunchback), he does posses the ability to disguise his appearance. He has shown the ability to not only control the growth of his skin, but apparently, it's color as well. He has been shown with everything from gray to yellowish to brown skin. Unfortunately, this process takes intense concentration, and causes severe pain, otherwise he would be able to maintain a more normal appearance at all times. (He has also been shown changing the length and color of his hair... admittedly, this may seem a bit extreme for a "skin" based mutant, but the ability to change the pigment of his skin does seem within his abilities)
On to the next section to learn about Skin's Hang Outs!

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Skin, Generation X and all related characters are properties of Marvel Comics. Their use in this site is merely an attempt to share knowledge of the characters and to promote the comics themselves.
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