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Being from the largely Latino section of Los Angeles, Angelo has been surrounded by Spanish his whole life. How fluent he is has never been made clear, but he can speak it well enough to converse with locals in Mexico's interior.

On this page translations for some of the Spanish words that slip into Skin's everyday speech will eventually be translated, to make it easier for the non-Spanish speaking reader (and I must admit, I'm not that fluent myself).

Also, some choice Angelo quotes will be here in the near future.

Jubilee's attempt at the Spanish language...


"Barrio" = district (direct translation); neighborhood (common use); the "hood" (colloquialism)

"¡Madre de Dios!" = Mother of God!

"¡Ay, Dios mio!" = Oh, my God!

"¿Qué pasa?" = What's happening? (What's up?)


Some Catch Phrases:

Most common catch phrase: "¡Caramba!" or "¡Ay, caramba!" (surprise)

Second Most Common Catch Phrase: "well, let's all join hands and sing kumbya." (or variations; sarcastic)

On to the next section to learn about Skin's Old Life!

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