
[Introduction] [Show bar] [Things to watch for] [Toronto?] [The dark man] [Misc] [Precepts] [The endings] [Mediums path] [Wrap up] [2006] [2007] [Reading] [Outcome] [Extra] [Future]


I cannot remember for the life of me the actual date that this story begins, but it was in fall of 1988, four years into a relationship with the love of my life, that love had been knocked down a peg, by strange circumstances 2 (two) years previous that I could not explain, or possibly did not want to believe. It was as though our relationship was at a stalemate, I went to The Misty Moon Show Bar on Barrington St. The Hair Studio was across the street, to have a couple drinks, and hang around a bit. I wasn't part of the bar scene, my life evolved around my girlfriend and furthering my education to help build a better life for the two of us. Before the time of this writing, all I believed was some time in my life, I will meet some special woman, who will be someone I have to take care of. It has been pieced together from 2000 to the present. slowly and painfully. I'm not making up this story, I'm just trying to transcribe what was told to me. Only, if I do not do what I'm supposed to do will I remember this story and, the person who told it to me. This copy is close to being written as I remembered what the medium told me.

The Show bar

I was hanging around a table at the front of the bar, close to the window on Barrington Street, when a women approached me. She asked me my name, and my date of birth, so I told her. She then began telling me about my life including personal things that only I would know, I was interested, so I asked her if she could tell if my girlfriend and I would get married. Not that I wanted to get married, I was just wondering. The lady told me she did not see my present girlfriend at all, that my next girlfriend will be this women. She proceded to tell me of a gift which I will receive, for all the problems of the past and all the problems I'm about to come my way; It would be the last one for me.

TThe women that I will marry has dark hair, she will be tall and thin, she also told me that this women would be very young, much younger, quite a bit younger, than I. The lady stated, after I gave her a puzzling look "Yes she is born and she is doing fine. This is really good; You are her gift also, Mowen. This doesn't happen very often. She is waiting for you." This women is already mine, all I have to do is wait for her, and she will be presented to me. This is a thing that you both asked for.

The lady informed me of where I would be with her the first time; at a party, a christmas party, but she couldn't tell where. The timing makes this a very special occasion for the both of us, and what I would do, to cause this to happen. You both enjoy the same things. (It was a thing started a time previous, to the first time I met her, and I caused this to happen. I will answer a personal ad). What made it unbelievable, was I don't go to events she mentioned, and I've never answered any ads, to cause this to happen. Never will, either. Oh, that is very nice, you said you would help her, and that is exactly what we are going to try to do. The lady had to go trough this event three times or more, because it was to messed up, and it goes back to what seemed like the beginning, "It does not have to go this way". What the large lady saw, would be two points in time, that were somewhat identical but, she noticed subtle differences. [I think she mentioned, I do not work there]. This woman, to be, Would be comming in a certain place, then leaving that place. The following, is what was going to be between those two points in time.

There will be some kind of confusion, that the large lady could not explain at first. The large lady seemed to believe that this meeting in the place was already set up, not to fail. "I see her Mowen she is right there, you are so fortunate. She is pretty. Oh Mowen! You lost her. "Don't worry Mowen". As the Large lady followed several time lines she found the point in the past, the Gift and I would be together. She told me that I left her at the party. The large lady told me, "That is not very bright." She informed me, that leaving this woman at the party is not supposed to happen, It has to be fixed, the Gift does not know what to do, She told me, it didn't look as though I was doing alright either.

Every thing this woman has done in her life from the time she was born, is set for this time (The party), and likewise for me. The large lady; she was talking to me, to try and fix this thing that was going to happen in the future. This time the Gift leaves, because I apologized for leaving her at the party, "She don't have to act like that." Then the Large lady mentioned to me, "You will have to get over it." "She thinks you dumped her", "it's the way you said it." She is not quite the same gift she was. The lady made a slight face, and said, Ooo, she is a little bit damaged; Stupid girl. "Gee, That was a short time frame." It is somthing that is going to hurt her deeply later on, and you are going to cause this. I said, "What?" "It can still work Mowen, if you want it to. Unless you can get over, and pass what has happend, it may not come to a good end.

What happens to this woman depends on how she keeps herself, and what you do. She does not do very well. A lot will depend on you. The third time will be the last time you will ever see each other. No, She will go away for a time, I will see her before she goes away. "I can see her, Mowen. Up on a balcony." As a sign to me that this event is already happening. You will not know it is her for some time later, some kind of disagreement (or something happens).

The large lady got a sad look on her face. She is doing things to punish YOU. she is really stupid; She has to grow up; then corrected herself. "Well, She has to learn some things first, Mowen." (At first the woman was not ever comming back, then it changed to a prescribed time. After communicatiing Somehow, she would then come back and we would meet at the same place it ended. She is comming back to get you. (Which is the way it is supposed to go). The Medium Stated, "No, the woman comes back and you are not going to know it." "So I'm telling you." Something I have done, or do with a computer. "She does come back." "You have to keep watch for her, because you could miss her. You do miss her a couple of times." "She is calling you something different." (Why is she calling me?) "Let me see if I can help you here." No; I can't make out what she is saying."

"T here is somthing else going on that is making it diffucult for you. It will not happen here, There is just too much going on. She also mentioned to me, that "Evil" is here in this place, but I already know that. This Evil has no business being here. The medium seemed to think that it was something conjured up from the past.

You will see her Mowen, that way you will know it is her. The Medium told me, that if I could not catch up with her, I will have to keep writing this until the end, because there will be only two events that will be changed. After the Third event nobody can change what is set for her.

T he Medium told me, what I was doing with computers was amazing and that I should keep it up. This is how I will live. she then told me the other thing is going nowhere. She told me I would be a little late at noticing what's happening, but it will get better.

Things for her to watch out for

The Medium then tries to find places in time where we might cross paths at the same time, so we would not have to get to the last meeting, The first one is forgivable the second one is not. It happens here. No, not here; maybe here, No, not here either. She told me that I was going to let her "get away." She wants you to see her, She is playing a game, In her mind, you have to play her game. No matter what anybody says she is not having a good time. She is not handling this very well, she is putting the blame on you for this. She has a big mouth, and she should keep it shut. Her own big mouth is the reason for her problems. Some thing about she was giving up to much information, on the wrong things to the wrong people. "What she is saying is nobody's business.

She will fall in love with him, and he will sweep her off her feet. "She told me, "He is a charmer."" They are keeping her tied up on the floor in front of a window, she is right across from you, she is looking right at you, The Medium got excited "You are looking right at her! you see her. Oh Mowen, she gets punished for this, she doesn't deserve this. She is not allowed to see you. You have to see her, they are doing this to taunt you. she is going to get a few beatings in her life. They are feeding her beer. [I heard someone from the beer bottle belcony Yell, "K" will do any thing for a beer".] Oh these people are sick Mowen, you have to get her away from them.

The things they are making her do is unbelievable, once he gets her away, He is not going to treat her very well." she will live in constant fear and intimidation" she will be hiding the marks under her clothes. These marks are for no reason but He hates you, and hates the idea that she is your gift from God.

Her life will continue to get worse, until, well, that's a shame."[I think it had to do with a relationship]. The words sexual torture were used. The physiological loss of use of her hands, and feet, are not the worst of her problems. (I'm not sure, but I believe the Medium had a vision of the gifts hand falling off). The Medium acually jumped back, then told me again that this will not happen, because I can prevent it. "It is there," Meaning, it is already set what happens with her life, and that this can happen at any time. The Medium warned me that the gift doesn't deserve this.

It has to do with someone that you know, somebody that has been giving you problems in the past, they have been watching for her too. You have to look up to see them. "He is sitting against the wall under the pictures." I would not recognize him for some reason, or he has changed. She even told me what this persons name was supposed to be. she told me first his name would be Don, then she said, "not quite." "His name would be Darrell or Darin, he uses both. [He was a monster looking guy, with a muscle bound face. He became extremly ugly].

She told me "He is a very bad person. He is very good at what he does." After a certain time frame you will not be able to get her away from him. You will have a run-in with this person. She told me, That this person has a surprise waiting for him, and it is very fitting for who he is, but it is a ways off. What happens to her (the gift), comes back around to him, and this place. but you can prevent this from happening. believe me, if you can do this, you will be rewarded. I didn't have to worry about it, just be aware of it.


The only thing that is going to keep her alive is her belief that you might find her. (that's not going to happen). If it happens before this time I'm going to get the blame for it. She has just been through too much. You will hear about it. Your own life will not get much better. Your life will be a lot different when that time comes, than what it is now. All the time she is going through this she will be wishing that you would take her out of it. {Once she gets used to the box that's how she will travel. From Toronto to Vancouver? At the end she either lives in a box, or someone keeps her head in a box. This part does not go away either.} She will go away willingly. This man will bring her there a few times to prove to her that nothing will happen to her. Once she leaves Ontario nobody will ever see her again. She never gets to see the light of day. The medium told me that after Christmas, I was to continue to phone a certain person, and somehow my gift and I would end up in the same place (Toronto) The Medium could not tell me who follows who. I would meet the Medium, then once we found and got my gift, we (the Gift and I) were going to go to the second place. If I was to refuse to do this, then The gift and I would end up in the second place, not together but couple hundred miles apart, where I would learn about her life which contributes to her death. Then my life ends shortly after that.

[April 2003, received a phone call to go to the second place to work, looks like I'm not going to the first place]


The Medium informed me about another man, he is following this writing too. she told me to write this to him. but I do not know where it belongs in this writing. She told me that it seems to be a cousin, of mine or a distant relative, she told me that this person has already done one person (she did not tell me whether it was a man or a women) and has gotten away with it; My gift will be the second. The Medium put her left hand to her upper chest then stated to me, "I can't breath, I can't get my breath." This had to do with a death looking like accidental suicide, strangulation, or asphyxiation he is just waiting for the right opportunity. This man will be using what I'm doing on a computer, to convince my gift that I'm crazy, in order to draw her away from me. This man is a "con artist" and a "manipulator" she has to much information on what they are doing to me (or saying about me, she is a loose end, and they have to get rid of her). She is either a witness, or knows to much. I can't remember if she told me if he gets away with it, or not this time. but she (the Medium) mentioned, he would be seeing her in court, because she has a few more things for him that he thinks nobody knows. {There was something mentioned about killing one man, and then burning down his wifes house, who is a friend of the first person killed, but I can't be sure.)

She stated that things happen to these people because they are not supposed to be with her. like the guy upstairs who did something horrendous to her, She told me "there is a good one coming to him", She called him a "sneaky bastard". She then asked me if I had any brothers or sisters, so I informed her that I only had two sisters, she stated to me, "That's right." She then stated that she couldn't tell who the person is, and I will have to be very alert." "This person is amazing, Mowen, he has an answer for everything, your going to be hard pressed to keep him away from her." Each time she opens the door to this person, it doesn't just get closer,it speeds up. The Medium mentioned to me, "You have quite a few problems in this place, Mowen." "It is not good for her to be here."

Once she gets pregnant, (This has to do with remembering the name) the Medium informed me that once this happens the situation can no longer be sanctioned by god, She has been with too many men, then the women corrected herself and stated, "She has been influenced by too many experiences, It will not be in your best interest to have anything to do with her after this. {She was quite surprised, he has done 1000 people, and a lot of them don't even know it. You will find out, Mowen. He is not going to go away. She will become pregnant by this guy. She warned me that this cannot happen} This is the worst thing that can happen to her; he is going to use this to control her, and a few other things. "This guy is really paranoid" She has just been through to much, you'll have to understand, Something about, her pregnancy that she is no longer my gift to do with God.



The lady made a statement to the effect that this women will have a bad experience before hand, of what the rest of her life is set to become. It's going to give her something to think about. "It is not going to happen because, I can see you both together" "I know it happens" You are going to have to do this. There is someone else Mowen, I don't know what the ____ she thinks she is doing, but I wish she would buzz off. Which, I think had to do with an other person claiming to be Psychic, "She has no idea of the powers she is fucking with." She really doesn't know what she is doing." At one point in time the lady raises her voice and states "she is right there Mowen, you have to stop her (or you have to stop), too late, they got her just in time, this time.

There are a few people that are against this happening. Once she does what she has to do, and she does it, all the bad things that happen to her will stop. Once she is with me no evil can enter. We would be safe. she becomes a very powerful person, anything in the world she asks for she will get. The biggest problem she has, is her thoughts, her own thoughts are what she gets, During this time she cannot do, say or, think anything negative. There will come a time, where it will be too late, to change the path she is on. This woman must remain in control, she is not allowed to drink, she is also not suppose to have Sex. She will be a curse to any man who is with her. If I have sex, I become a curse to myself, After the third time, I will pass something on that may kill my Gift." If she can maintain these precepts until the end, even if it does not work out between us, she could still have a great and powerful life. There is some forgivness here, her third time dictates how this story ends. These are for me also, The Medium, warned me about playing in a field that was very dangerous. I will destroy this thing before it even starts. The medium also informed me, my trials started when I left her at the party but "K's" trial begin when she leaves the kitchen, what ever was going through her mind was not supposed to be there. Either, her or whoever she was with brought this on to her. the issue was fixed, but she purposly, did something to bring the trials on to her. whatever she did was her fault. [I believe the person she was with tricked her into using the words, should/shouldn't] "Oh, so I should(n't) come back then? and I said yes. I was positive, she was negative. "She Made a very tragic error in judgement." If she did not leave when she did, she would have not been tested. Anyway, can't turn the clock back.

There was something, I think, about a group of people that she is hanging around, about some trick about moving her around, so I really don't see her, to her it's supposed to happen, but they really don't want it to. "They are having fun with her at her expense. They are just using her to get her money. I'm supposed to get her away from them. You will have to do this on your own, You are not getting any help here. You will have to find another way. The lady then told me "Oh, Mowen that is a good idea, but she saw her walk away from me. I don't think either one of yous, know what you want. (I got the feeling the Medium thought we are both idiots). Well eventually, you'll make contact. She was getting annoyed, because it goes too far along, which I'm supposed to try to prevent, And her efforts to try to find a place in time that we would eventually cross paths at the same time have been thwarted. she had to look back, to find a problem, with someone, and stated she is going to get a taste of something she is not going to like very well, and something about several others. She didn't have to go through what she went through, The large lady couldn't understand why the women went through what she went through, and why she left in the first place, She is playing games, Then the large lady seemed a little angry then she told me why she was playing games, The large lady listened very carefully and heard somebody say the word, "slut," "Then she mumbled "She is fucking around." The large lady (She told me, "she wished I would call her something else.) then she told me," She (The Gift) could have stopped this at anytime, and this is all her own doing. She doesn't understand, she is running out of time. I know you don't play games, but this is one you should play; for her. That she has problems, but assured me that it would all change once we do this}.

You don't know her; That is sad. You two will have to meet again. You are both going to miss this opportunity. Mowen, Oh, gee, There is another one here, it's a big one too, And it's for you. Boom, boom; two in a row, that is too much at once. You are wrong Mowen, she is still your gift. "Change it Mowen, change it Mowen, change it." The large lady made a slight face, and stated, "Oh, that's horrible." "It's bad Mowen." You will hear her scream for help, she is calling for you. You will carry this the rest of your life. She told me that a third one depended on this one or it goes back to the first one. Her survival depends on a lot of variables, and what she has gone through. She won't be the same, or it won't, be the same, after this.

The large lady warned me, to be very careful, with her, That I'm doing something with a computer, That the women is following it. The Medium told me that there was another event happening "with that guy they like" She stated "your not going", "She will be there" Then she stated, " let me warn you Mowen, things will not get better for her, there are a lot of people and things depending on this happening." A third and final one was dependent on the second one, and the third problem would be a long ways off. The Medium said to me, "That's interesting. I see how you made that. Oh, she is going to like that."

The Medium stated, "You think these people are your friends, believe me Mowen they are NOT your friends, Each one of them will have something happen to them, and they will still refuse to believe this" This way, You will know who they are. They do not have your best interests at heart. There is a big difference how they live and you live. They live quite well off you. She stated they are in for some big fucking surprises; The first one will happen right after you leave. A big one, and final one, will happen within my life time so that I will see it, before I die, it is something that the whole world will see, and they will be talking about this thing for a long, long time to come. They had a chance to prevent this, but they think it's a joke. The Medium stated "You are not doing anything, she (The Gift) is saying you are not doing anything." If she can get through all of this, there is only one more trap.

The Medium mentioned, "The same thing has happened before." Then she stated, "No, the only thing that is the same here, are the same people involved." There is only one person reading this that can help, and there is only one person who will come through in the end. The Medium told me not to worry about her, because she comes through in the end. Who is that Mowen? Your helping her. You really are a nice guy."That's interesting," things happen to you too. the opposite of what happens to the gift. Yours are more immediate, you will find out when you meet this one. The Medium told me that if she could not get back in time she would send a helper. If I meet the Gift the Medium would speak to both of us before we leave.


The endings.

*** Ending one.***

The Medium {Apr. 18 2003} also had a serious warning about remembering a certain name, she told me the name has a hook on it, there is only a very very short time left. If I was to remember the gift's name, then these events would have gone to far, passed all of our chances for meeting, and it has gone really bad. Even if she did come back after this time, what is set for me is irreversible; I'm going to die a lot sooner, like 15-20 years sooner. This Gift would end up watching me die. {At this point the Medium, stated as if she was speaking to somebody, “yes, it is a big slice”} If I would meet the gift before I remembered the name, then the thing that happens to me would not happen. We wold die together, peacefully, we would be old enought to see our great grandchildren. She stated to me, "You should get that checked." "You have been given that time for her."

"God, does not work within your time-frame", she mentioned that at this stage it's been a couple of years. It goes back to what is already set for her life. You have no idea what she has been through. It is not her fault, Mowen. She stated to me "Yes, you did warn her Mowen," But that is all you did," Either way it ends, you are going to have to move away after this, or your in for a real hard life.' {It has to do with what the gift is saying about you, even though she doesn't know you} She told me, she understood how difficult this has been.

I remember her telling me that the next one won't be so hard. There is a second part to this gift I have to move away to experience it, This part I will receive anyway. But I only get half of what I would have gotten. I'm going away to work. It is going to take her a while to realize that you are not coming back. Something about once I see her on the computer, (or some other way), is a sign. "You will be seeing her Mowen." That it is begun, what is set for her. After you leave, those people have no more use for her. The gift leaves and, goes to the second place where we were supposed to go together.

The gift meets a man that she met at the place where I was working previously, during some party, at the second place where she goes, he is also at this new location he takes her in. The Medium told me that I also know this man, well, he knows me, you are going to go to this place to find her but you will never see her, she is a kept woman. “The Medium then spoke of an other warning “She could die before you get there, it all depends on how she keeps herself, when they find her, Mowen, she will be covered with bruises from head to toe. You don't want her to die this way. This man is going to treat her terribly Mowen, until she dies. She will never experience the gift of having sex in a loving relationship. She will end up dieing alone, Mowen. She will be thinking of you when she does, You don't want this to happen to her, for you will die alone Mowen, also. You have so much to give. You will regret this the rest of your life.

*** The Medium chose this way, of the information she was passing to me ends. ***

There was quite a bit of confusion over whether getting together, was going to actually happen in the end. It flip-flopped, back and forth. Yes, no. Yes, no. It seemed a little ways off, and also dependent on the second problem. You will both meet. When you meet, this will be the final time, you will ever see each other. She told me there seemed to be a lot of time between the first time I'm with her and the second time I'm with her. It will be up to you, you will manage. " I don't know how it happens, "It's not what you expect" something is blocking me from seeing it. You will be with her. I know it. Let me go through it. I do see her Mowen. She is right there, but as I go through it, I can't see, but as I get to the other side, I see her again and you are both together. Oh yes, you are getting married. Your going to wish this happened sooner then later. You have to do this because it's for her, " well it's for the both of yas." and something about I would only actually be with her twice, once before she goes away) All it would take is 1 (one) time for you both to be together. To add another twist everybody must be in agreement for her happiness, If there is anybody against this happening, then it will not happen, and they will shoulder, what happens to her, They could have done more to save her life. I as well.


Medium Wraps up

This period of time will be a sad time for me, and that I will experience a few heavy losses. The Medium told me that due to one of the losses I'm not getting what I think I'm going to get." She then said, “Actually, Mowen you are not getting anything.” She then mentioned to me “you don't have to worry, you will never dirty their doorstep again, You don't need them anyway, you will have more then enough for yourself. The Medium stated, that a lot of incidents, would never have happened if one of the loses was still alive, because this person would have made sure that nothing would have interfered. I had someone watching over me and didn't know it. She stated that he was a good asset to my life, in the beginning.

You will lose her a couple (few) times also. And something I think about toying with me" This large women also stated, " She is; pause; well, a NICE girl and that I must take care of her. " She told me, I will know it when it happens, That I have a good ability to pick things out of the air. Whether you believe it or not Mowen, these things will happen. I made a promise to the lady, that I would be ready, and I will try and intercede. The Medium also told me that for some strange reason I would never know in advance when I would have the opportunities to meet the Gift.

If anything happens to her (The Gift) Then nobody is forgiven, not even me, because there are a couple of times that I think I have passed her but do not go back to make sure. "You will both do all-right." The Medium told me that this time in her life will affect her tremendously, but will not have an effect on me because I have been conditioned in my life to live with loss, and to live with out Love.

She then asked me if I had a personal item that she could hold. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a set of keys, after holding the keys for a minute she told me that the keys were too personal, then asked me if I was into something, I denied it, " That's right, nobody is." she then stated to me "You better be." Before she left my table she stated that I would do fine. and also stated that she may have told me too much. When I receive a phone call, go, you both have a good life waiting for you, Something about you do have friends. I took her words with a grain of salt, maybe she was looking for somebody to experiment on. She even gave me her phone number, Which, she warned me, that I will have wished I never threw her number away. and she also told me to try to remember not to leave the next woman I meet at a party, at the party. The story just seemed to fantastic, after all, I loved my girlfriend, and that was who I believed was going to marry. If I was going to get married. Two years later my girlfriend and I went our separate ways.


****** 1:11 AM 24/09/2006. ******

Eighteen years after I met the medium. About the 1st of Sept., 2006, I noticed on the WWW, a performer, who played at the local bar in Halifax where I worked previously, He was now playing in the town of Penticton, BC. On a whorl wind tour across the country. I booked off some vacation time, to late to be processed, but it was processed, and I did get the time off, to see this guys show. That feeling, the one that tells me something weird is going to happen, I equate the feeling with something bad is going to happen, I don't understand it. So I use cards. I hate to admit it, but I dabble a little, during shuffling the lovers card fell out of the deck, so I did a three card spread and the cards indicated a woman, Queen of wands reversed. strong, dark hair, So, I inquired of the cards more info, using the queen as a significant, and this is what was drawn:

Past = K of S -> helper Judgement (Rev).
Present = Death (Rev) -> helper Fool (Rev). Me
Future = Tower (Rev) -> helper K of W (Rev). Performer?

1-Page of swords, A message.
2-5 of Pentacles (rev),
3-king of wands,
4-10 of wands,
5-3 of swords, "K". Conscience level, Past Heartbreak.
6-Wheel of Fortune (rev),
7-Death, who I really am.
8-Fool, How others see me.
9-7 of swords,
10-Ace of wands reversed. The power is still there but not as strong as before.

Some how maybe only to myself these cards are "K's", A women who I left behind at a staff Christmas party 4 years previous. She came back and dumped me for somebody else. I believed she was just some psycotic trying to teach me a lesson. I'm thinking to myself "f@#$ no, not again". I thought it was over a long time ago. I refuse to believe it. now I worry a lot. What if it is her? I can't go near her after writing this weird story. It does not seem right to me to be chasing a woman half your age. They are only cards they don't mean anything. Maybe some thing bad is going to happen, and maybe I should not go? I have to go if it is "K" Then I have to go, be a nice guy, shut my mouth and nothing bad will happen. I told a couple of people of what I believe was to conspire on my vacation, they wished me the best of luck, I either come back with a woman or I come back with a death sentence, hers and mine.

I was walking by the Second Cup, at Main St. and Front St. when I looked in the window, and I saw a woman, dressed in yellow, she was tall, and had dark hair, I was going in to take a closer look but 2 greaser fags came out the door, so I changed my mind and went to another coffee shop up the road. Women like her, in my mind stand out more then any other type of woman. I have seen ten women like her a week. Mind gets a little fuzzy, when you only were given 5 minutes of her time, at a party so many years ago. I was walking by the coffee shop again when the same woman was sitting outside, The woman at the coffee shop seemed to be heaver, and her face was more full, this woman looks better than the woman I remember. I thought I everheard one of them say something, so I just kept on going. I don't know if it is her. How much faith do you put into cards?

When I went in the cafe for the show, I was a little late, I should have gotten there while the lights are on. I was hoping the medium was here, So she would point her out to me, I'm sure the Medium told me if she could be here she would, I also remember something about her stating she could not interfere. I kept scanning the small cafe. On the far end of the stage, I saw what seemed to be the same women I saw at the coffee shop. Can I remember what that girl looked like at the coffee shop if I have to? Possibly, but by the time I see her again she would have changed her make-up, her hair style, or gained a few kilos. I've never seen her sitting down, so I would never recognize her sitting.

Ever since I worked in the bar where he played, this performer told me he would give me one of his cds at no charge. Just for memories. I sent him a email but he didn't know anything about it, letting him know I'll be at his show, when I went to get my cd, "Oh, so you got no money eh? After speaking with the performer, I'm trying to inquire things to find out how he fits into the puzzle, he was too busy, and, he did not remember me. Something is wrong here. Maybe the cards are mistaken?

The female server was really nice. After I asked her for my bill, she seemed a little disturbed about my leaving. She came back again tried to push be to have another drink, I already had 3, and it was last call, Its just her job to sell. On my way out to pay my bill, she stated again that I should stay another day. you never know who you might meet and you could have a real good time, she then asked, when would I be back? I told her "maybe next summer". I was thinking she was trying to pick me up, I cannot allow myself in that situation, because I'm supposed to wait for 'K". I have no friends here so what is the point. I"m looking for something deeper, or a little bit more direct.

There is no point in staying late if the guy doesn't remember you. Because of the tarot reading, I was looking for help from him in some way.

It seemed my cards may have lied. If cards lie they are evil and have to be distroyed. On my way back to the place where I was staying, I kept thinking about the waitress that was trying to pick me up. I know I cannot do that. Once I reached the building where I was staying, the thought crossed my mind that maybe she was just trying to get me to stay, then I remembered "K" OH, F#$%^@ GOD NO! I was planning to get the 6:30am bus back home, but I walked around all morning from 7:00 to 11:30, hoping that I would see the woman at the coffee shop even if I did stay another day, she still would not show herself to me, the chances of meeting her are very slim.

On the bus home:

When The performer asked if there was anybody from NS., mine was the only hand up. but then that guy in front of me stode up. I thought I overherd the guy state he didn't like me because I was outside smoking with the performer. The lady in the bar was not trying to pick me up, she was trying to help. She even told me, you never know who you might meet. I did not go there to meet anybody but "K". If I knew it was for "K" I would have stayed, I would have stayed forever. Come to think of it, after the performer ask for a raise of hands, he rolled his eyes from me, to the other side of the stage. This is going to be devistatingly hard to get over. Not only did I leave her behind once, but now I believe, I may have left her behind The second time.

So the time when medium was telling me, "she doesn't know how it happens" was it in the past, before I left for BC? Then I begin thinking of all the times I received feelings of dread and I hurried out of the bar, those feelings I associated with somebody doing something sneaky behind my back. I don't do suprises.

The Medium told me more, Mowen there is one last opportunity here, This is really good, it is something that you asked for. She tried so hard to save two lives. So this is the part where she was telling me, about the second place, yes I was headed for Vancouver, after I visited my sister, but I got a job. If I do not take her with me she is going to Vancouver this is when, being at this place, is her arrival in BC. The medium did tell me that she was sitting right in front of me (or across from me).This is one of those natural phenomena, which is supposed to happen, where you get to redeem yourself. If you make this happen. You will not even be able to use the bathroom without her there. If I can do this, there is a sizable sum of money coming your way, enough that both of you will not have to work.

If I don't do something, now, not only illness takes over, but I spend many years in a hospital, Mangled by persons unknown. I will spend my time alone and unknown. (I had to save this for last, because I am sure that some persons in Halifax would try a lot harder to do what ever they could to keep her away from me). This issue could go 3 ways, death, messed up for a very long time or, prison to die. what I'm afraid of, is there is no excape, I'm at the wrong place at the wrong time, there is only two (2) ways to go, Both are the same. I think the medium told me, I should have gone straight home. If I was with "K". then I would not be at the place this happens.

Once I leave the hospital, a short time later I die. Not before I see the devastation in Halifax. (something from the air, and the whole world would see it) I will die before I see the worst of it begin. In regard to this story the people of Halifax had a choice to make. This power that you call God will just have to find somebody else. The medium also stated “too bad “K” will not read the ending, she may be able to do something about it. She made a pact with somebody that once she left Halifax, she would never read this webpage again, someone has her convinced this story is untrue, it's some kind of self fulfilling prophecy, because they want to lead her away from me. If this was self fulfilling prophecy she would be sitting with me at this moment. Or wouldn't every single advertising firm be at my door because I have the secret to control minds? Whoever has access to her emotions has access to imprinting. Social hypnosis takes a very long time, and the perputraters don't know what kind of product will be created. That's a fact, Jack.

Did this cafe place have a kitchen? The first time I met her, was in a commercial kitchen. The second time we meet was supposed to be a kitchen, but it was a different kitchen for some reason, and we would both be leaving the kitchen together.

The next day after the show she is going to be groomed for her new life. It is not what she is expecting. Her trip to "the plaace" is now, not quite what she was expecting. This woman is still with the same people you were supposed to get her away from in the first place. There is a woman, who is also associated with the same people, you will meet her. Once Once these people find out where you are, This woman will be getting other people, to continue the slander, stalking and harrassment, that you were experiencing back east. The medium couldn't tell me, if what happens to me is because of the woman, somebody brings charges against me back east. The medium told me I should go back and clear it up. The medium also stated that What happens to me has all been planned by these people a long time ago. They just want you to suffer.

Right after the gift gets to "The place", Vancouver? Some person or persons begin to exercise control over her. This is her own doing Mowen, "she is one stupid girl" (yea, and so am I) after a time they'll turn her psychotic. You will never see her again. The medium mentioned to me, that I would be going to a place {Not Vancouver; Penticton} a couple of times, but she may be dead before I get there {must be the second time}. This is where the Medium states "The longer she stays in the place, or the people she is with the worse it gets. [Now. if I'm correct this is where she gets taken in, by some one she meets, from back east, I'm not sure if it's a man or woman, but she does get traded, somehow].

One of the two men who did not get a chance at her, because I was writing this story, Now one of those happenings come foreward. I forget how she explained it, It did not go away, it just waited.] As far as I can remember, the first people she is with cannot do any thing with her, she is trouble, So the guy from back east, somehow gets her passed into slavery, (he is in the shadows) but he is not the guy who is going to kill her. He is just going to set it up. This person also seems to have influence on how she is to be treated. It may not be such a good idea to have anything to do with her after this, She is going to be really messed up. Even if you met her, you don't have to do this. but for her sake you should, after this she would be a handful.

I walked home from the bus depot, got home and went to bed early, I woke up to hear two female voices, one of the persons said something about Penticton next summer, One of them said "Your still alive, let him think your dead, then another voice stated, "Yea, let him think I'm dead. Then the other one said "Let's go to Vancouver and, something inaudible". Overheard some car doors closing, car drove away. I have a hard time believing that this woman is that sick in the head, and then K going along with her. Must have been a nightmare.

If that was her and her friend from the coffee shop, there won't be a next summer, Number 1 and foremost in those 3 months of summer, and my 15 days of vacation. She has no idea if she will be able to go next summer. You have to work a year, before you get vacation time. It is highly unlikely that we will ever cross paths again. The medium stated to me that we would just, miss each other, We will cross paths again but, we are not going to cross paths at the same time, ever. 2nd, After people actually helping me, and @#$%! up, I'm not going to show my face around that place again. 3rd, That was the second place and that was supposed to be the second meeting. seems to be helping to make me look like a jackass. I must be just living a long nightmare.

My first card drawn once I got back home, was the Hermit

August 21 2007

Did another reading, just a general reading. the cards told me of a woman of the past who was in distress, which is crossed by a recent injury. The trip is cancelled, or delayed, crossed by the nightmare is over. Future for me because of this, is going to take a dive (destruction). I then inquired who the woman was, and the lovers card came up. Which is interesting because I was going to go to Penticton, but because of my bike accident and my broken arm. Thing is, everybody lives the life which they choose. This woman which I'm thinking about, she choose who she wanted to hang around with, no matter how bad it turns out for her, it is all her own doing, and all those person who influenced her in any negitive way, or by not doing anything. In all reality, you only know the life you are living. It is mainly what I overheard her say about me, when she was sitting at the Second Cup, with the woman in Penticton last year. which seemed to confirmed her association with the same people I don't want anything to do with. (as I was walking by, I thought I over heard her say to her friend that I was Gay, and did not know it, that pissed me off, May have helped change my mind about staying at the bar, or going back, maybe I was hearing things). If I was guarenteed she would reach out, I would go, since it never happened in so many years except abuse, I have nothing positve to go on. I don't like people lieing about me, or abuse, (I find it too difulcult to get through) and I really didn't want to have to constantly fight about horrible things these people would have put in her head, negative preconcived ideas.

Everybody gets what they deserve. This woman belongs to whatever the Power is which holds everything in equilibrium, she does not deserve what she lost, or what she gets. How do I put it; after this time she becomes ill. I couldn't have anything to do with her, for I will die alot sooner with her, then I would without her. By the time I do get there she is already gone. Hopefully I will be able to live with this floating around me.

THERE IS A POSSIBILITY, that two situations will arise the first one will fail, but the second one, she might be rescued. If she is ever rescued/released she will need psychological counseling for the rest of her life; she will be a basket case. She would be too far gone, for me to take care of. Even if this is some kind of wacked out story, I still have to go. This may be the place where I go to meet the women a couple of times, but I do not meet her. I told the waitress at the bar that I would be back in 1 year, I was there last year in Sept, my leave from work is over on the 15th of Sept. I cannot leave, until I get my x-ray results, and confirm my work start time.

Lets try another reading of this woman.

August 31 2007

card 1: Possible new life, loss of love, rejection, broken heart.

crossed: by alcoholism, partying. Hiding her true emotions by over indulgence of substances.

Subconciencly: She is decieving herself, confusion. What was secret will come to the surface.

consciencely; End of relationship, broken trust, rejection.

Past; lack of effort, shoddy workmanship, con games, she will recieve the fruits of her lack of labour, not using potential, cheating.

Future; Sex without love, mourning, loss of love, regret and dissapointment.

She is: Talented, hard worker, and a perfectionist.

Others see her: Bad luck, loser, hopes and wishes unfulfilled, dissapointment.

hopes and fears; Loss of hope and faith.

Best She can ask for; A new life.

I'm sure the medium stated to me, she stayed in this place as long as she could, she left a month before. There is a message left for me, but I don't get it, because they want her to begin a new life. With my luck, seems to me I may be just going to confirm the worst, But what gives me hope, is my card for September: A of swords, and the Helper card of The Lovers.

On the other hand I believe I could be setting myself up for real trouble this time. This is what the medium stated, [but I'm not sure if this was before I broke my arm or after I broke my arm] if she is still there, this woman now does not even like me, and I'm sure the medium mentioned a violent confrontation. {Which I believe is her boyfriend} My luck to run into an inadequate loser. Up to this point this woman may have had so many terrible experiences, she is not the same person I met years ago, she may be emotionly dead, also this woman could be a problem for me the rest of my life. Non virtueous, non faithful relationship, sex has no meaning. But if she doen't show up, I know she is not passed on yet because, no COPs came to my place. which means she may be a young woman alone, on selfdestruct, who needs counciling. who ends up in a relationship to be tortured for what remains of her life. A certain personal ad I saw on a web site of a person in a certain city, which peaked my interest, is now gone. Which may be a bad sign.

On the bright side, there is one smaller gift left, in the future, for the both of us which can be used for a new start, hopefully. This little bike accident put in place a chain of events, which now force me to go back to face the music, even though I thought it was over, and was not going back, once again. Gut feeling, it's to late. I cannot afford this trip, and I really don't want to do this. Because I'm not sure if I still have the same respect I had for her previously.

IShe is not held accountable for anything that happens to her. The people she choose to associate with is the cause of her problems. It's not her fault. If this episode was really happening wouldn't somebody somewhere, at least say to me "Hey, so and so is here, why don't you talk to her?" Or, So and so, is overthere, why don't you buy her a drink? All anybody had to do was mention her name, that may have helped. Headgames like hide and seek, are played to fail. looking back at what I wrote, the Bar kitchen where I worked previous was the first event, the place in BC. was the second event, my trip this year will be the third and final event. and the third one is a very, very bad one, anyway it goes. I don't know how to explain it, but there are way too many variables for this to fail but it has nothing to do with her; this is a thing in my life which I wish I had not ever reached. Last chance to save a broken angel who does not know she is/was an angel. Less than 1% chance of this working out for her. If she is not deceased and she is not there, then she just slips under the radar. Once the last contact from back east loses contact with K, She then disappears. I also believe because of the information in this webpage, she is not allowed to have the use of a computer.

Wed Sepemtember 5th 2007

Poof, I have 3 times more money in the bank then I thought I had. getting there does not look good so far. checked transit schedule, transit bus leaves my part of town at 11:40pm. Of course no bus. so now I'm screwed. cannot get the overnight greyhound bus. On my way home met a couple people asked them to drive me to the bus stop, kewl. Bought ticket and missed my Greyhound. now I have to go back home and wait so I can get the second bus into Penticton in the late morning. so now I'm staying overnight, not just a few hours. could be a bad sign.

Went to Penticton again to see if this woman would meet me, and she must have left, or was hiding again. came back empty handed. So, Penticton was the place, where I go to see if I run into her a few times. The Guy she is with is sneaky, he knows I'm back home, but intices "K" to go back to the place, so he can use her emotions to intice her to go to the last place. I'm only assumming she goes to Vancouver. She will never know how much I loved her. She really had no choice but to come and get me. I did find her, but keeping her was an other issue. [Final Outcome]

September 07, 2007

Now one of those incidents which "K" was able to avoid, jumps to the front, But I have a good feeling who it is. I can almost as plain as day see him in his little act which everybody falls for. He puts on a big sad look, kind of tilts his head and looks down, oh, so sad and so remorseful, then he will state so innocently "I don't know why he is picking on me" boo hoo. When he puts that act on, there is a sucker born every minute, except me. She don't want to be with this guy, cause he is one sick, sadistic piece of work. He ends up in the shadows. "This guy" has spent 14 years spreading, slander, rumours and, made up stories about me, in order to ruin my life, Oh sorry; he is helping me to see the errors of my ways, and is trying to help me find my way out of the closet, because all straight guys are gay, they are just in denial. I even suspect this guy of murdering another woman, which was classed as accidental suicide, from information I overheard, downstairs, at the bar where I worked previously. This woman was found dead bound wth a pair of pantyhose tied around her neck, and also tied to the headboard. Suposibly in an episode of autoerotism. [I find that hard to believe, someone into that kind of thing and experiece, I would say, she would not be that stupid]. Do the tarot cards confirm my fears, yes and, He has help from the short, bowlegged, black haired woman, who is in the other project at the place where I work. Never, ever, ever, let anybody put you or put anybody in a situation where there is no self defence. I hope this guy ends up in a Nanaimo prison so he can swap stories with his other buddy, on how to kill women and get away with it.

Whoever this last man is, he is a very cruel man, her relationship will start out very well, even a little power sharing, once he gets her away, it's not what she is expecting. he wll be putting her away for longer and longer periods of time; days on end, once it is discovered, she is infected in the end he will be only takeing her out to beat her. she is going to learn to love being beaten. I can imagine this guy telling her and everybody how I threw her away. Her infection is somewhere at the end of the test. This guy really hates me alot for some reason. [I think the guy in the shadows is the infecter]. She does not get to see who she is with and, she does not get to know where she is at.

"I can see it Mowen, she is there, you are there and, you are both together." [Extra]

It is now April 15, 2008

Even though I'm positive that "K" is/was here in Kamloops. I think I may have seen her a couple of times, I was thinking for several months, If she is here and It does not happen for her. why can't she go back home? For some reason I believe the Medium told me, She tells people she is going home, but she does not make it. I'm not sure but I believe she nothing to go back to.

I Also remember the Medium telling me "you didn't give her much choice". I'm not sure about this story, because she is/was not supposed to see this or, because I do not understand what is going on . I remember This because I feel danger. I wonder why nobody helps her, and why can she not help herself. Asking every woman who might look like her if she really is her, over a delusion, I just can't do it: Rude. And if she does see this page, Hmmm, could be a reason, why she is doing whatever "K" is doing. To believe that this woman is just living the life she chose for herself might be a bad decision. Then she could have been out there somewhere alone and bad-off. So I cannot leave this place I'm at until I get the closure.

There was a time that she would be nothing but a problem for me, even If I was to met her there will always be another guy. It would not be a good relationship, she will end up being a user. she would also be way beyound of what I could handle. Until I know otherwise, I will still believe she just went off and lived her own life, while I sit here and wait for something to happen. I don't know anyting about her to prevent her from leaving.

Somehow I get this feeling she believes I don't care, everyday of this has taken another day off my life, I think it is dangerous to believe that. It's a pretty disturbing story, Either one of us was not to see the ending, I guess I was the only one who cared, and not a damn thing I could do about it.

September 08, 2007

Whats in the future? There is another woman which I have already met, this woman moves away. Either I move away because apparently the so called gift is/has caused problems in my life, or she moves back except this woman now has a child. I do not have to wait anymore. The womans voice I've been hearing while at home was K's. she is on her way to her destination. The Medium told me I am a very loyal and faithful man. I'm now free to do what I please, but use a condom. The medium told me "you do not have to worry about this one, this woman will not let you get away. "Oh Yes, you are getting married. In this other relationship to come, this woman is not my gift, but I'm am her gift. I will not live long enough to see my grand child. Well I'll just have to wait and see. Because people are once again causing me problems, I have to move away. again. This time I will take the mediums advice and not let anybody know where I'm at. I have to move away before I get mangled. I know who it is already, so I know where I'm moving to.

The End
