

It is now October 30,1999, Saturday night about 11:00pm. I finished work, and while leaving the place where I work, I went to the bar of the establishment when I got to the bar to ask the bartender If there was anything she might have needed before I leave. There was an older man in front of me standing he was about 45 to 50 years of age. I waited until the man was done doing whatever he was doing possibly getting a drink or something. When this man turned around, he looked at me, pointed his finger at me like a gun and very casually stated in a matter of fact kind of way without even an expression on his face "your dead". Then just walked away and sat down at a group of tables in front of the stage where the bands play on the weekends.

This is an account of circumstances in the past forty (40) years which have helped to shape my life as it is at the moment. Without testimony, or the witnesses needed to collaborate the events in this writing, this report could be based on lies, delusions, hallucinations and/or paranoia. This writing is not meant to injure anybody mentioned, at first it was only written down to assist me in understanding what was going on around me, But as time moved away from the beginning the events seemed to become more serious and detrimental toward my life and my livelihood. I kept trying to persuade myself that it is all in my imagination, but on the other hand if there is somebody doing something, or there is something going on, how did I get myself into this predicament where somebody unknowing to me is trying to have me hospitalized, or murdered. I've tried to ignore it and pretend nothing is going on, or it will go away on its own. I don't think it is working. The incidents all started out very subtlety 10 years ago, or even beforethen gradually picked up momentum as time went on. On the other hand it could be a lesson on learning how to protect myself, for some unknown reason, instead of leaving myself open, which is something I have done in my life in order to find out what people are like and their behavior. Within these chapters are some keys to classical conditioning for the destruction of an individual; basic childhood psychology, and sadistic mental terrorism. I presume that the Individuals involved will stop at nothing in order for the truth to remain hidden. So I kept a diary. I personally don't feel that this page should be open for minors, for the language is blunt. To willfully and purposly cause sombody mental anguish, stress, personal, social, and financial hardship is not a little game of power and control, it is a deep rooted sickness.

This is a Story about stalking one, that may be happening right in your own back yard. You are possibly a party to it, The reason that this page is here , has to do with the fact that over a 9 year period a female teacher, two homosexual predators, and there manipulated associates have, and are using humiliation, slander, and degradation in order to imprint, negative social and psychological damage. I feel it is important in understanding how a serial offender operates, and the personality type of the individual involved, Little to my surprise, The whole society conspire, to ruin a womans life, to bring her to her death, in an effort to punish me. This is the story about "The Gift."

This page is dedicated to Murry P. McGuire, (My Father) who was not able to met this woman before his death.
