Have you got any thoughts on Rogue and Gambit? Any suggestions for story ideas?
Can you think of any way for me to make this site better for you? Well, this is the place to be heard.
liz - 12/14/00 23:43:38
for being a cartoon, Gambit is so hot! GREAT artwork, can you hook up with any pictures of Gambit that are say, a little more revealing?
- 11/11/00 18:27:45
Ponti Indra - 09/27/00 16:28:58
My Email:cajun@lovemail.com
You know what? This is the best Rogue & Gambit site ever. And of course, Gambit is the best X-Man ever.
Vickie - 09/13/00 17:10:04
My URL:http://Remys other
My Email:skycrysal@webtv.net
Wow what a great site! they are my favorites! I hope they cast Chris Potter to play Gambit in the next movie!
cathy - 09/05/00 00:45:52
My Email:kittycat232@hotmail.com
X-men is the best comic ever!!!!!
je suis martiniquaise et je ne peux pas en lire souvent mais je suis folle de Gambit et Rogue. and they are made fore each other, and can't be with anybody else. so keep them together!!!!!!!
mayra - 08/16/00 16:23:23
My Email:mayramo@yupimail.com
me encanta los x-men pero sobre todo rogue and gambit y wolverine son lo mejor me gustaria intercambiar fotos de esta parejita por favor gracias ok
Kate the Short - 08/08/00 22:40:42
My URL:http://www.enteract.com/~katew/faqs/
My Email:racmx@yahoo.com
Heya. Your front page is broken somehow-- it listed a problem with a Geocities JavaScript. I was able to keep hitting Stop to finally keep it from redirecting... Check to make sure that any Geocities Branding code isn't broken, or changed.
Chad Halverson - 08/06/00 03:07:16
My Email:Barnabus59@aol.com
All right I give up I've searched everywhere on the internet for a picture of Rogue and Gambit Fighting together. It must show all of there body in a easy to draw but fighting pose of them
Denise - 07/25/00 00:09:42
My Email:cadere64@hotmail.com
i was really mad that gambit wasnt in the xmen movie but rogue was......but she doesn even look like rogue......crazy
Kopy Cat aka Casey ? - 07/24/00 05:52:33
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/battlespire/757/kitty1.JPG
My Email:MaidenVoyager@email.msn.com
*sighs* personally I love rogue and remy. they're great together.... I like the I hate you I love you kinda aspect of it. plus hes hot with that accent.... and shes cute and could bust his ass in half. ^_~
recently Ive been drawing alot of gambit and rogue together. hopefully Ill submit some fan art ^^ cant do that til its puurrfect
but then Ive gotta thing for Wolvy. mmm.. he really got pissed when I kicked his ass with my copied wolvy claws ^_~ ok so maybe I didnt kick his ass but I did get a few good shots in there.. lucky I also copied his healing ability or I dun think I woulda
ived to see .. uhm. hehe.. I didnt see nothin ^_~ I didnt eva see wolvy in the shower o course not. ^^()() heh. or did I? ^_~
oh well...... Rogue could kick everyones ass n super glue em together....... cept for me. I kick ass.... I do.
GO TO THE URL TO SEE MY PICCY ^^ I'm the cutest mutant of all. right? OF COURSE I AM! *just loves her copied wolvy claws....* *shhhnk!* Im cute RIGHT?! *smirks* course I am. *retracts the claws* ^_~
maybe I should do somemore pics of myself... n actually ink n color them instead of being the lazy kitten I am. ^_~ Ciao Nyao! *salutes n vanishes*
Ish Marie - 07/11/00 08:57:33
My URL:http://www.freako.com
My Email:ishbak@iamwasted.com
can't say much about how fascinated i was.
so cool... he he ...i wish.. i could... wheem!!
X-Man - 04/19/00 04:05:43
My URL:http://xmen.dreamers.com
My Email:x.man@angelfire.com
Calico Highwater - 04/04/00 11:04:56
My Email:calico@xtian.swinternet.co.uk
I think I'm turning into a complete cartoon saddo. A few weeks ago I though that Garrett from The Quest For Camelot was georgeous, now I find myself wishing I was Rogue. Do you think I need therapy?
Heather - 03/24/00 06:51:26
My Email:rogue4mygambit@aol.com
just curious, when r u gonna get some more images of rogue and gambit together as drawn in the comic books themselves, i would appreciate it if u could possibly send me some of them together when u get them...thank you...Rouge =)i am looking for them to p
t in my home page for my sweetie, gambit2973. thanx so much guys
Ashley - 12/23/99 20:36:23
My Email:sashabr@yahoo.com
Hey Lauri, Keep up the good work- what do you think of the xmen movie casting? Let us know!
Nicole - 10/12/99 19:02:33
My Email:darlene@eznet.net
The art work isn't very good, no offense you need more color pics.
Aggie - 05/09/99 23:20:40
My Email:Steeldaughter@hotmail.com
Since you've got lots of resources girl!
The art gallery page was absolutely incredible. I'm gonna print a few ones. I can't believ you've got all this drawings from famous artists like Randy Green!! (that's the name, right?)
I think you should check out the fan fiction page, seems geocities' having probs at finding it-I'd really like to see that part!!! I guess that the stories are totally devoted to Rogue and/or Gambit issues.
I have to go now. Hope to get back here soon, though
Strider - 04/15/99 06:23:53
hey lauri, i like the site you and the web designers have put up...
it shows promise of a great web site....
i especially like the navagation pic on the main page... nice touch....hard to find good inovative design now a days...
i'm glad i didn't skip over "Lauri's Ultimate Rogue & Gambit Webpage!"
keep up the good work! & know that i will be back for another visit! till then....
Signed: Strider
![Add Your Link To [dz] Today!](http://www.angelfire.com/ct/strider/images/lilbann.gif)
Anna Evans - 04/07/99 10:55:22
My URL:/Hollywood/Guild/7579/CONTENTS.html
My Email:gpevans@ihug.co.nz
Yay! another cool Rogue and Gambit site.
Visit mine and drop me a line, I love your page, Do you mind if I link it to mine?
Tete a tete
an ode to an unfinished love story...
Keri - 04/06/99 17:41:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/4804
My Email:lynxa101@aol.com
Hey! Finally found your site! Cool! Can't wait till your fanfic links are up. :)
Sal - 04/06/99 00:16:16
My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/york-pa/~sal144000/latest.htm
My Email:Sal@MailAndNews.Com
I like the way your pages are linked together at the bottom- its all quick loading and its easy to understand the various sections to your website. Anyways, just wanted you to know that I'd really be honored if you would like my website enough for you to
ink to it. And also, I'd like to know what you think of my website too. Well, thats all for now. SAL
Bobbi Gorden - 03/27/99 14:00:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/9051/
My Email:southerncom@geocities.com
Just wanted to let you know that your site's great! I also wanted to thank you for linking SC! I'll be adding a link to your site ASAP. :)
Kathleen from It's a Rogue World - 03/07/99 14:39:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/8327
My Email:rogue_world@hotmail.com
Great site. Love the artwork. Thanks for exchanging links with me!
Jason E Bacani - 03/03/99 16:15:21
My URL:http://members.spree.com/SIP1/jasonbacani/default.htm
My Email:jasonbacani@yahoo.com
Hey Lauri! You should be able to update your site through Geocities. I checked the password you gave me and it DOES work. I don't know who the other person was not able to get in, but through WS_FTP, I was able to access the site. Let me know if you n
ed anything more from me or Cynthia. Thanks for your help on moving day!!! we'll do lunch or dinner again. Thanks, and Take Care! Jason E Bacani
Aurora - 02/28/99 18:48:33
My Email:bhcdt@pavilion.co.uk
Great page. Wish I could'v looked at the fanfic though, shugah.
The Gambler - 11/02/98 04:05:03
My Email:BATACAZO@santandersupernet.com
well...i will say that this is the most original page about Gambit and Rogue that i never has seen.
The pics are wonderfuls, and extremely rares, and the entire design is cool. Good work, petite! im anxious for see the fanfics!
humm..thats enough, dont? good luck ;-)
Jeff from the Rogue Shrine - 10/24/98 10:18:06
My URL:http://members.home.net/rogueshrine
My Email:rogueshrine@home.com
Great page! I really liked your art gallery with the scans of Original art. Keep up the good work, and good luck with it!
10/15/98 09:20:25
Just surfing. Thanks.
Nate1234 - 09/28/98 00:05:20
My URL:http://www.xyz.net/~raymond/genx.htm
My Email:raymond@xyz.net
Wow! This has gotta be one of the best and most original Rogue and Gambit pages ever! Keep up the good work!
Christine 'Belladonna' Demerath - 09/27/98 18:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/3544/index.html
My Email:mystiquecd@hotmail.com
EEK! Why didn't I know about this sooner!? *Wink* It's really great Lauri, ya got me beat. =) Keep it up and I'll be waiting for the and fic. =)
Joshua - 09/26/98 22:37:46
My Email:NikitaB26@aol.com
This is a beautiful site Lauri. I can't wait till we can see some fanfiction. And for the first time out you have doen a fantastic job.
R&G Fan - 09/26/98 21:52:18
Nice start! Hope your Fan Fic section is up soon :)
Jason and Cynthia Bacani - 09/26/98 06:39:56
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~jasonbacani/index.html
My Email:jbacani@mediaone.net
Hey Lauri!!! The site looks great! We can't wait to SEE and READ some of your up coming FAN FICTION! Good luck and take care now! Jason and Cynthia B.
Valerie - 08/18/98 17:56:19
My Email:prozax@net-magic.net
Looks Great!!! At least you didn't let David put any of those stupid looking pencils in here. ROFL! One day he will show ME how to do a page....but i'm not going to hold my breath! hahaha :)
Take Care {{hugs}}
Jennifer - 07/27/98 01:02:52
My Email:msgone@yahoo.com
Wow.... this really looks nice..
I am impressed. I have to say that I like the moving Gambit, and the mirrored Rogue..
WldCard - 07/11/98 21:07:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/5011
My Email:wldcard@net-magic.net
Nice job on the site ... especialy for your first go at it. Lookin' good ... and I hope everything turns out like you want on the X-Men.
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