Heroes of Redmarch

Redmarch - created out of war, lies in the midst of numerous other countries: the Empire of Vordar, Fennoden - Vordar's long standing enemy, the forested elven lands of Silvaneth, the mountainous dwarven holding of Irongard and the Dead Lands - home to orcs, trolls, giants and more. Out in the Sunbirth Sea lies Sithak ruled by a race of powerful but mysterious lizardmen and further still are the Far Isles - under independent rule and the hiding place of numerous pirates.
Conflict and war occur between these realms and the threat from the Dead Lands and Sithak is ever present. Mighty dragons inhabit many parts of the world and foul undead lurk in the darkened places waiting to rise up and slay the living.
In a world ruled by magic and the sword, only the strong and brave will survive...
The Heroes' Current Situation...
And so it was that the adventurers found themselves in the trading town of Arvenmere, situated on the south-eastern edge of the Mordahern Forest. They have come to investigate the death of Brother Mouren, a priest of Quantaros, whose body was found just outside town caught among reeds in the River Breel. The cleric had been stabbed to death, and suffered many wounds. Now the adventurers are on the trail of the killer, amidst talk of trading troubles, smuggling, grave-robbing, and the undead...