Welcome To Adopted pets 2




I finally had to make another page, to keep my friends on. I will start off this page, with my Adopted Dragons! I hope you like them, and maybe you will end up adopting one for your home. Just follow the links, to go to adopt them!



Supporter of The

Adopt a Dragon Foundation

Well, here he is finally, My Dragon! His name is Alan, I named him, after my youngest son. I adopted him from Malathar's Dragon's, He is so sweet, & gentle. He is begining to feel at home here! I will have to get me a couple more, to put along with him. If you would like to be a supporter of the "Adopt a Dragon Foundation", All you have to do, is click on the banner, that is under the birth certificate, & it will take you there. There are lot's of different Dragon's to adopt there!! *Note, to Webtvers*, if you get a blank page, after clicking on the banner, hold dowm Cmd key, & hit the R key quickly about 5 times, to reload the page!!



This dragon was sent to me as a gift! Thank you very much Kurama!! I promise I'll take good care of him for you!! I have stocked up on carrots for him, so I don't run out. I have my unicorn watching over him!!!!


Here are my aopted dragons, from "Downloadable Dragon's"! If you would like to adopt one, please click on the Dragon, to go there. Also, after my 2nd set of Dragons, there will also be another link there, on the one that says Adopt A Dragon! Thanks Dixie, for my Dragons!!! Please visit "Downloadable Dragon's", to get your own Dragon. Please Don't Take Mine!!!! Thank You!



Well, what do you think? I love my new Dragons, I will give them a good home! I hope they will be happy here!



Here are three more, I'm sure they will all get along just fine!! I do hope you are still enjoying your visit to my home!!! Don't go away to far, there's still more to be seen!!!


Here's the link again, to "Downloadable Dragon's"



Here are two of my baby dragons, they have just hatched! Aren't they wonderfull!! I got these nice baby dragons, from Dracos! I will have a link below them, where you can go to adopt some for your home!!




I have joined the "Save the Dragons Campaign"!! If you want to help save the Dragons, please go here, & let it be known!! Thank You!!

Save the Dragons Campaign



My Unicorn egg, that I found in the unicorn contest, has finally grown into an adult Unicorn!!! I will have to take good care of him, so he will grow up to be strong!!I searched the pages, at "The Silver Unicorn" & I was lucky to find the unicorn eggs, that were hidden on one of the pages!! I have named my Unicorn,"Firestorm" I also got the plaque below, from the same page the unicorn eggs were on. Please go to see, if you can find the unicorn eggs too.



If you like my background set. Please go here to see whats new. This set is from "Fantasy Graphics", Which is linked, to "the Unicorn Friendship Center", And to "Cottage Graphics Group"




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