


I dedicate this page to my daughter "EVELYN", who loves Unicorns as much as I do!






This is my lovely fairy, her name is Marie She will be watching over my pixies and ponys and my unicorns


Here you will find the first two pixies that I have adopted! click on the picture of the pixie or the birth certificate to go there to adopt one for yourself!!!

These two pixies are named after two of my daughters that I love very much! I don't get to see them very often. But I will be thinking of them everytime I look at my pixies!



Here I will be adding my unicorns & my ponys.I will give them a good home! I love my unicorns a lot! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!


Here are Angel & Aaron. Wouldn't you just love to have one for yourself? There will be a link at the bottom to go to so you can adopt one! They really don't take up a lot of room & are real easy to care for. Aren't they pretty!!



Now here is where I keep Capricorn & Enchantress. One would think they were like a brother & sister. Every time I try to seperate them, Enchantress will not eat or play! Well I hope you are still enjoying yourself here! As you probally can tell by now I really do love unicorns!



Here are two of my babies! Of course you can guess the black one is Li'l Devil. Starlet is the white one, with the blue star. Li'l Devil likes to tease Starlet. So I have him facing left, so Starlet can have a rest from his teasing! They really do get along & they like each other!



Here are two more of my beauties! Chloe and Arica.These two just happened to show up here one day! I guess they found out what a good home I had here for all my wonderfull companions! They are welcome here just like the rest of my friends! I do hope they will stay here with me too!



Now here are two mothers with their babies. On the top are my ponys The mother is Silk & the baby is Sassy. On the bottom are my unicorns the mother is Tessa & the baby is Quinn.Just look at the way they watch over their babies.They needn't worry though no harm will come to them here in my home!



Here you will find Carrie & Arbee. They are young orphans, I have them here together so they can give comfort to each other. Also this will give time for all my other ones to get to know them better & then they will happy like all the rest of my little friends are!



Well now here I have a couple new additions to my family. Prentice & Swift! Prentice is laying there watching Swift, who is in training to see if he can be the fastest runner in my family!




More new unicorns! Here is my proud Firestorm, & my princess, Diana! Aren't they something to look at! Before long, I will have to make another home. My friend's keep coming to visit me & then they decide to stay here with me. I can't turn any away, because I love them all!



Here are two, that have been hidden away for awhile. I decided it was time to add these here. There names are Victory & Venus. I get so busy around here, I sometimes forget where they all are!




Well now some more that I had hidden away. This ia a mother & her baby, Pastel & Pansy. Also here is my little frisky Fuscia too! Well, I guess I'd better check to see if I have any more hidden away!


Greta, Galen and Gencertificate

Sharice, Mason & Maxcertificate

Here are two more of my familys! Here I have Greta, & her babies, Galen & Gen. Then I have Sharice & Mason with their baby Max. My home, is really starting to become to small, to add many more here. I guess I am going to have to start a new one real soon, if my familys keeps on having babies!



Now here are two more of my winged beautys! I have Aurora & Jesse Aren't they just beautifull! My Unicorns & Ponies, just keep on comming here, so I am going to start a new home soon, so I will have room for more!


DiamondcertificatecertificateBlue Sapphire

More new ones, These are birthday ones! Diamond is for the month of April, and Blue Sapphire, is September, which just happens to be my birth month! I just could'nt resist putting these here! Blue also is my favorite color, so those two fit in very nicely!!

Below is the link to the adoption center. Please go & check out all the nice Unicorns & Ponys they have there! Please don't take mine, There are plenty others at the Unicorn Friendship Center! They have new ones every week!!

Get your Unicorn here
You can get a unicorn or pony there, too!


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If you are enjoying your time here with my friends, please, click on the starting point graphic, to vote for my site! Thank You!




This link below is where I got my Background, Bars & my Buttons to put on this page! Also I have some of her buttons on some of my other pages! Please do go & visit her at Cottage Row! Thank You Shirley!!


I hope you will take the time to sign my guestbook.I'd really like to know what you thought of my pages!

