Joanne Madge's Highlander Fiction
Page updated March 31, 2000

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- Studies in Black & Blue: Ever noticed just how MUCH poor Richie gets pummled in season one? Here's why!
- Hunted: Parody of the season five episode HAUNTED.
- The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword: Just a typical day in the life of Slam Dunkin' MacLeod, Itchie, Meefus, etc.
- Larkangel: Parody of the season sux.... er, six eposode ARCHANGEL. Part one of the AAArg arch.
- Avatart: Parody of the season six episode AVATAR. Part two of the AAArg arch.
- Armachedder: Parody of the season six episode ARMAGEDDON. Part three of the AAArg arch.
- To Be... Original?: Parody of season six episode TO BE. Part one of the finale fiasco.
- Not! Parody of season six episode NOT TO BE. Part two of the finale fiasco.
Non-Parodies (Well, hopefully):
- Consultation: Methos talks about MacLeod's behavior right after ARCHANGEL.
- New!
How Many Times?: A strange, violent Immortal is hanging around the dojo and MacLeod has gone missing. Joe wants Richie to leave town, but Richie is determined to save his mentor... if he's still alive.

Coming Soon:
- Who'd I Tell?: Season one story. My take on how Richie ended up living with Mac and Tessa.
- Full Arc: One take on what happened to Richie after ARCHANGEL.

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