Tia Darrow - 03/22/00 23:54:59
My Email:rog_n_brat@astrochick.com
How You Found This Page: I don't remember...
::::waving madly at Jo:::: It was great meeting you at G5!
Lin Y. Cawthra - 11/03/99 16:58:42
My URL:http://www.spacevoyagers.net
My Email:lcawthra@earthlink.net
How You Found This Page: E-Mail from Jo!
I love your Web Site, especially the Up Yer Kilt! You have done a great job! I'm very impressed! Take care!
Lin Y. Cawthra
Joanne Madge - 06/20/99 17:31:27
My URL:/Area51/Dungeon/9847/hl.html
My Email:highlander@fan.com
Sorry I haven't updated this page in awhile! I've got several stories in progress that I hope to have up soon. One is a parody, and the rest are "serious" fic.
Quink MacFru - 04/23/99 13:24:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/3185/links.html
My Email:quink101@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: I find all the sites :-) (from the clan denial webring)
Great site! I can't wait to read your parodies... they look really good!
Squeeky - 08/25/98 21:22:57
How You Found This Page: 7th dimension
Oh wow! I love your stories and I'm so glad you came out with this page. Check out my shrine to Richfic from the links page on Ann's site. Fabulous!
Dolores aka EleanorR - 08/20/98 03:08:27
My Email:doeadear@earthlink.net
How You Found This Page: jojo sent me!
Hey baby! Quite a page! What are you doing answering phones? You should be out there designing webpages and making the big bucks! Keep up the good work!!
Jazzy - 08/12/98 21:09:06
My Email:hadd0010@algonquinc.on.ca
How You Found This Page: From geocites
Excellent web page!!!!!!!
Anyone who would like to make a new friend and pen pal can write to me at the following address!!!!!
I'll be looking forward in receiving your letter!!!
Roxanne Longstreet Conrad - 08/03/98 12:22:44
My URL:http://www.patricia-anthony.com/rlc.htm
My Email:rcat@fastlane.net
How You Found This Page: Invited!
Hey, Jo! Looks great! Surfing by, but I've bookmarked the spot and will come back soon!
blakbird - 07/31/98 02:46:16
My URL:http://users.twave.net/blakbird
My Email:blakbird@twave.net
How You Found This Page: you told me :=))
great page bud!!!!!html rules!!power through communication
kathy rupert - 07/26/98 04:41:41
My URL:http://www.bentonrea.com/~kathyr/home.htm
My Email:kathyr@bentonrea.com
How You Found This Page: Thru you in irc LOL
good start!!! if you want beatle pics...pull of any pages you find! keep up the good work...I know how hard it is!
Leah Rosenthal - 07/24/98 10:50:05
My Email:Bizarro7@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Prophecy
Whoops! I see you've already done the 2BNTB parody! Gotta print this out and read it today!
Leah Rosenthal - 07/24/98 10:47:26
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ashton7/ashton.htm
My Email:Bizarro7@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Recommendation
One can never get too much parody! Great site. Keep those whacko stories rolling in, especially for Season Sux...it deserves it! Are you going to do ones for "To Be/Not To Be?" (I'd call it "Do-Be-Do-Be-Dooo" but that's just my Bizarro self.
Leah Rosenthal
Adri - 07/23/98 17:08:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/5626
My Email:Lover.girl@gurlmail.com
How You Found This Page: Clan Denial Forum
Hi! Love the stories! They are excellent
Shadowcat - 07/10/98 22:00:57
My Email:photonscat@aol.com
I laughed my head off. Very good
Joanne Madge - 07/09/98 04:43:40
My Email:j0lander@juno.com
How You Found This Page: I run it! ;)
Apologies to anyone who signed here earlier. I had to restart the guestbook! :P My boo-boo!!
Anita C. - 07/09/98 04:40:11
My Email:abcornell@juno.com
How You Found This Page: just like the others :-)
Great page! I expect to come often and laugh loudly... unless, of course, I'm not reading the parodies. Keep up the good work