what's in The Archive? Welcome to my collection of the finest old ghost stories available on-line. Just click on a title to read or print that story in its entirety. Telling tales of the macabre and the supernatural has been a central part of Halloween gatherings for countless centuries. These tales flourish around the light of a fading fire or in the lonely shadows of a half-lit room. Give them the right setting and these old timers still have an uncanny power to unsettle the mind and terrify the heart. At the same time, these stories work their magic without the graphic and detailed imagery of contemporary horror fiction and films. Coming soon... Classic films for Halloween!
what's in The Archive?
Welcome to my collection of the finest old ghost stories available on-line. Just click on a title to read or print that story in its entirety. Telling tales of the macabre and the supernatural has been a central part of Halloween gatherings for countless centuries. These tales flourish around the light of a fading fire or in the lonely shadows of a half-lit room. Give them the right setting and these old timers still have an uncanny power to unsettle the mind and terrify the heart. At the same time, these stories work their magic without the graphic and detailed imagery of contemporary horror fiction and films.
Coming soon... Classic films for Halloween!
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