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-- Journal
Warning! : journal contains strong language at times!

-- Update History

Final Update:

Feb 6, 2007
This is the official final update to end the state of perpetual non-updatedness. I will no longer update this site with anything new. I will however keep this page to host my old works. For newer artworks, I have three other sites (which I also neglect to update, mostly due to laziness and feeling generally unable to draw). These sites are:

Sebyth on DeviantArt - general newer works, though none newer than about one and a half to two years ago.

Sebyth on Y! Gallery - newer works, many of which couldn't be loaded to DevArt due to content. This site is dedicated to the male form, and many images require a membership proving the viewer is over the age of 19 to view them.

Sebyth on Photobucket - a general catch-all of images, including various pictures, sketches and assorted crap I've drawn, other people's linework which I've coloured for them, screen-captures from games I've played etc etc.

Enjoy, and take care. -- Seb (Sebyth)

Past Updates:

Sept 16, 2004

Only a year between updates this time. No actual new content so far, as the scanner is not speaking to the computer right now. Instead, I'm bringing the page to version 4. New in version 4 will be the removal of a few sections, possible renaming of other sections, and removing all direct links to email addresses.

Sept 27, 2003

Four new images have been added to the Fanart gallery, and the gallery itself has been organized into categories.

Sept 26, 2003

The 2003 gallery is now linked from the main Visuals gallery.

Sept 15, 2003

The 2003 gallery is now opening, with five images. You can see the gallery here. Since most of my work this year has been fan art, I included links to the fan art section and the Outenkun Shrine on the 2003 gallery page. No write-ups for the five images yet, those will come later. Also in the works are the addition of my Gaia Online, and Puzzle Pirates fan arts, to the fan art section, with writeups. I may categorize the fan art as well, when that happens. I would add the versions of people's lineart from Gaia Online which I coloured, but That would require permissions and another gallery section, so don't expect them soon.

Disclaimer: All views expressed on my Pages are my own, and are not necessarily those of any Server my Page happens to reside on, or those of any other Person or Company I may be associated with. Some or all of the topics and/or views expressed herein may be offensive to some, or go against other beliefs that may or do exist. If you think you may be offended by something, please leave quietly, and no one will be hurt. Please feel free to express your opinion to me via email, and I may respond, depending on the intellectual content of the comment(s), and the amount of time I have to formulate a reply. Enjoy.

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