
News for The Page of the Unexplained.
Now new and improved--Containing most of your daily paranormal requirement(I don't claim to be the best as some do, because frankly I know there are many sites better than mine).
This site is the third version of The Page of the Unexplained.
Enjoy your visit, and be sure to check out all of the sections.

Friday, July 7(2000)--Small update, I added two new links to the Crytozoology Page, but they're both really good, so check them out. Have a good weekend and keep coming back!

Wednesday, July 5(2000)--I uploaded the new section today, called Religious Mysteries! Right now it only has info about the Ark and the Grail in it, but I should be able to add some more stuff in the next couple of weeks. Check back and enjoy!

Sunday, July 2(2000)--Small update, I changed one of the sidebar buttons, before it said "Paranormal" and now it says "Unexplained". I did this because even though it's a small change, to me it's an important one: most paranormal things are unexplained, but not all unexplained things are paranormal. The new section I'm thinking about adding is going to be about things like the Lost Ark(not the boat, the box!), the Holy Grail, and other mysteries. So, check back in the coming weeks, because I'm going to be trying to get that section up and running!

Monday, June 26(2000)--Well, nearly half a year has gone by, and I really haven't done anything to the site! But I've rediscovered the website, and hopefully I'll be doing some work in the coming weeks. I'm thinking of adding a whole new section and if that happens(brace yourself) I'll probably be doing some other things too. Any way, I hope everyone has a good summer and remember: watch the sky!

Monday, December 20--Two months without any major changes(a new record?)! Really, I haven't been in total hibernation, but I also haven't done anything worthy of an update. I may do some stuff this week and the next, but speaking in an artistic manner, I'm pretty uninspired right now! Hopefully, I'll get around to adding some links and such soon. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a Good Night!

Wednesday, October 27--I did finish putting up the links last weekend. There are maybe 10 to 15 new ones, mostly Atlantis links, but also some new General section links. Hopefully I'll be able to update some more this weekend. Check back then!

Thursday, October 21--Small update, I added 5 or 6 links today, most of them in the Atlantis section. I'll try to put up a similar number tommorrow, maybe more. Check back next Monday to see the full update!

Wednesday, October 20--Almost been a full month without an update! Sigh, lack of free time bugs us all. Actually, I have a school break this week, so hopefully I can do some updating this weekend. I've got a ton of new Atlantis links, so those will go up first and I may have a few other links too. Check back next Monday to see the changes to the site!

Friday, October 01--Once again, not a lot of free time to make any major changes. I did add some "quick links" to the paranormal main page, and add a few links a while back. Hopefully, in the next few weeks, I'll be able to add some more links and some new pics. Thanks for visiting the site! Check back soon!

Thursday, September 15--Sorry about the lack of recent updates, but school has started, and my amount of free time has dramitically decreased. I've got a few small ideas for changes, and hopefully I'll get that stuff up this weekend. Check back Sunday or Monday, and you can see the changes!

Friday, August 27--I made some minor changes to the site throughout this week, a fact that amazes me considering school has started! I've changed a few of the pics, added several more hints to sign my guestbook, and put my email in a few more places. I'm considering adding a new section, but more about that later. Also, be sure to check out the webrings I've joined, right now the links are on the main page, but they may be moving shortly. Until we meet again, have fun! Check back soon!

Saturday, August 21--I added an important link in the UFO/Alien section of the site. Be sure to check out the FUFOR link on the bottom of the page. I've put this link up instead of adding my UFO articles(for the time being) because there is a really good Classic Cases section here. I'm also in the process of joining several new webrings, so keep checking in as things continue to change.

Wednesday, August 18--I made a tough decision today regarding the site: I decided to drop the Sports/Outdoor end of it. This part of the site didn't have much to show, and I wasn't putting any time into it at all. I think it also detracted from the overall paranormal theme, and now this site is totally 100% paranormal. School starts soon for me, so updates may be a little less frequent, but as always, I will try my best. Check back in a few days, as I'm redesigning some of the site's graphics.

Wednesday, August 11--Well, I'm finally able to be back online a little more, and change is coming! My UFO articles are pretty much finished, they just need a little more editing. I won't be here this weekend, but they should be posted my mid-day Monday. As always, check back soon and often!

Thursday, August 5--Sorry about not updating the site for a while, but there have been some unusual circumstances that have prevented me from being online much. Any way, I've started writing the new articles, and hopefully I'll get them up in a few days. Check back soon!

Thursday, July 29--I added about 10 new links throughout the site today, mainly in the Lost Civs, Crypto, and Ghosts sections. As always, I'm searching for more links to continue to improve the site. I've also got some of the background information that I'm going to use in my next series of short articles. These should start to be posted within the next few days. Keep checking in, as the site will continue to improve!

Monday, July 26--Sorry about the slow down on updates. I've had a pretty busy last week or so, and I haven't had much time online. In these last few weeks before school starts up again, I'm going to try to get as much as possible done to the site. I've got some ideas for more articles, and these will probably be my next major project. Also I'm going to change one of the Hall of Fame links, so be sure to check that page. Keep on coming back to the page!

Saturday, July 17--Due to undesired spamming, the Sign my guestbook page has been temporarily taken down. It will return when I feel the time is appropriate. Thanks for your understanding.

Friday, July 16--There may be a few more minor changes this weekend. Most of these will probably involve graphics and layout. I'll have to think about how I want to change things, but I'm pretty sure there will be a few changes soon. Also I may drop the Sports section in the near future. The paranormal section takes a lot of time to keep up and running, and I just haven't put much into the Sports section. Any way, as always, keep checking back!

Wednesday, July 14--Small update, I'm going to make a few more changes to the new Cryptozoology page, and then I'm going to write some more short stuff. Right now, I'm not sure what these shorts are going to be about(I've got several ideas), so be sure to check back in a few days.

Saturday, July 10--Just a brief update. I uploaded the new Cryptozoology section, be sure to check it out. I also did a few graphics changes, and hopefully tommorrow I'll get some more out. Keep checking back often!

Friday, July 9--Small update for a minor change of plans. The other Paranormal shorts have been put on hold for a little bigger project. Actually two projects: First, I finally got another paint program, so a general but gradual graphical overhaul of the site will follow shortly. Secondly, and bigger to me, I'm adding another section: Cryptozoology. Right now I've got a little stuff together, and that page should go up tommorrow or Sunday. Come back and see it!

Monday, July 5--I just finished posting the first five of the Ghost short articles. These are short writings on specific ghosts or hauntings. I'm working on two main projects now. A similar series of short articles on other paranormal topics, and another graphical improvement of the site. The first mentioned topic will probably get done sooner as I'm still searching for a good free or cheap paint program that does what I want. Check back in a few days to see the other short articles.

Sunday, July 4--Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend. I've posted the first of my ghost short articles today, and the others will follow tommorrow. After that, I'm writing some shorts on various paranormal places throughout the US. On a personal note, one of my friends is going to Roswell, NM! Have fun Don Juan de Gargola! Bring me some Roswell soil/UFO scrap metal! Check the page soon to see the other shorts!

Friday, July 2--Sorry about the lack of recent updates. Despite the common belief, I am still alive and working on this site! I've got a three day weekend, so I can get some work done this weekend. I'm going to add some written material on famous hauntings/ghost cases, so be sure to check that section after this weekend. This goes out to one of my buddys, get well soon(You know who you are and what I mean!)!

Saturday, June 19--I just got back from a week on a nearby college campus, and luckily I was able to get some updates done today. The Hall of Fame is up and running, and some new links have been posted in the Ghosts section. Keep checking back.

Wednesday, June 09--School is finally out, so hopefully I'll have more time to work now. Pretty soon my real job will start too, but I should have more evenings free without the homework. The Hall of Fame is going up soon, so be sure to check back.

Sunday, May 30--Well, I've accomplished a lot this weekend, and I've still got one more day. Be sure to check back tommorrow, as I've still got some more stuff to post. All the sections have links right now, so look at them all and come back soon.

Saturday, May 22--Sorry about the lack of updates recently, but it's been another one of those months. I'm going to be working this weekend, and hopefully some over Memorial Day weekend in a few days. Once school gets out for good, I ought to have more time to work too. Keep checking in.

Friday, May 7--Things have started to calm down here, so hopefully I can get some work done this weekend. This is the first weekend in the last five that I'll have been at my house Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Any way, I hope to have some more work done by Sunday. Check back soon!

Sunday, April 11--Still working on the new sections. I'm really busy this month, over the next 5 weekends, I'll only be home one. I'm hoping to work on stuff gradually as I have time, but we all know how that goes. Any way, be sure to check back every once in a while; but I caution you, any updates that ocur in the next few weeks are probably acts of the Almighty and not my doing. Have fun!

Saturday, April 3--The pages for the new Unexplained sections have been posted, but there's not much on them yet. Hopefully in the next week, I can get some links added to them. Right now, Everything is on the first three links. More stuff coming soon.

Sunday, March 28--Today, The Page of the Unexplained, was posted in its newest version. I hope you enjoy the new sections, and the updated look. My goal is to update the page at least once every other week, so be sure to keep coming back for more info. Also be sure to check out the Hall of Fame, an entirely new section.

Email me your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc at ufoguy8@hotmail.com.
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