Last Updated: October 14, 2001... Best viewed in IE @ 600x800
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Download our homemade Jiri Wallpaper! 255Kb, made for 800x600 screen. Welcome to an, ahem, stranger fan site :) Our mission: to educate you to the subject that is Jiri's NHL career... happy surfing, and don't worry- we don't bite :)
  • What you've all been waiting for- an update!!! yay!!! (and I call myself a fan...) well, early this season Jiri got a goal! yay! and he's been getting assists too- more smiles... Hope you all like the new layout- let me know if it's cool or it reeks, m'kay?
  • THANK YOU JENNIFER!!! I've added your picture of the cake you made in the photo archive- everyone, go see it! I command thee! hee hee
  • Added about 6 pictures to the photo archive and.... dun dun dun... a WALLPAPER!!! heck yeah! I made it over the summer and uploaded it to my page, just didn't upload an access link. I did it in the style of the wallpapers of other players you can get at the Wings home on the web. Now, I didn't put our website address on the web page because frankly, that ruins any wallpaper. But to let it be known, if you make this available on your website, please give due credit- it took me 2 hours to do- and I risked getting pancake butt for sitting that long :)

At Least Served ;)