8/23/98=Redah started moving in
8/24/98=Redah mostly finished his Home Page and added
8/25/98=Redah added My History Book and Redah's Special Thanks Section
8/26/98=Redah added
8/27/98=Redah added Tifa's Letter of the Week and continued to work on
8/28/98=Redah added the Heroes of Light section. The first winner to Tellah and Terra's Trivia won today! Congrats to
8/29/98-9/10/98=Redah has spent ALL this time adding midis to Celes's Opera House. The total of midis in the is 88 midis + 1 Wav.
9/11/98-9/14/98=Redah downloaded almost 300 midis and has spent most of the time sorting them out and is not near done sorting them. But big thanks go to DemaarX2@aol.com for informing Redah of his big mistake with all of Celes's Operas in Celes's Opera House. The problem has also been fixed too. Terra's and Tellah's Trivia has also started its second round today!
9/15/98-9/21/98=Redah has finally added Relm's Art Section. Even though it isn't finished yet, he decided to open due to popular demand. Celes's Opera House also reached and gone over 100th midi!
9/22/98-11/28/98=Redah finally beat FF5! Hooray:-) Man it's been a long time, and he promised he'd start working again. I also heard him talking to some Pokémasters about Pokémon being snuk in. Gulp! We better watch out! Oh well, at least he is back.
6/15/99=Yes, it has been a long time since Redah has come, but it isn't his fault(this time). It is AOL's fault that Redah wasn't allowed in. AOL would not even let him into the file manager, which I think is going a little too far too. He has already updated the Questionaire.
12/17/99=It has taken Redah a long time to resume working on the site again. He wasn't too happy of so few challenges to either the quiz or answers to the questionaire. Redah did manage to retouch a lot of areas and added more music to
Y2K=I spent this time with Alma. Redah updated the site as a treat for everyone. Just check everything out, including the new poll. Remember this time well for it is permanently important for all of us, right Alma?
01/15/00=Redah has worked mainly on
03/22/00=Redah found out how to make background music for his page. He also added a few more midis for the Opera House. I think I like my background music. I heard that Redah chose this for a special someone.
04/01/00=This must be an April Fool's Joke on me, because Redah has changed so much of the site. Everything is different. A few more midis, new section- Final Fantasy Decisions, I have a new font, and the background music should all be fixed. So much done, just check it all out. He also has done a new poll.
04/02/00-04/28/00=Redah has finally finished the character information pages for each of the Heroes of Light in Final Fantasy IVJ(IIUS) and Final Fantasy VIJ(IIIUS). There were also 3 winners for the last trivia! I wonder what the compitition will be like for this round.
04/29/00-05/12/00=Redah accomplished many things on the basis of each Final Fantasy game and is almost done. He should be done soon. A lot of progress is going to be done and there is a lot left to do.
Gogo's Weekly Questionaire
Terra's and Tellah's Trivia and started on
Celes's Opera House
Celes's Opera House
some more.
DemaarX2. You can find DemaarX2 and other winners in the Heroes of Light Section . ChrisMog2 also has appraised this site. Redah also made a few removals of some pics.
Congragulations go out to sbates@wizzards.net, this site's 100th visitor!
PS, Redah has also finally got FF5J, so he will be able to make pics and guides for it when he finishes it. He comment was "If anyone wants to play it, just e-mail me at
" A few winners of the Questionaire are: Cronokyle, gryffon, and several others.
Celes's Opera House
Redah also decided to finaly take down Tifa's letter of the week since there were never any responses to it.
Celes's Opera House
, but has also noticed that the page seems to have an error. Some of the midis don't seem to make any appearance, no matter what Redah tried. He will look further into this mystery and hopefully fix it. Don't forget to send in those pics, because Relm is feeling upset about nobody wanting to submit their pics to be compared against hers.
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