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Drawings(6 Pics):
Live Pics[Pics From the Game/Movie](15 Pics):
Pictures(5 Pics):
Sketches(8 Pics):
Collections/Mixes(3 Pics):
Fan Art(1 pic):
Cartoon Cloud by:TurRoze@aol.com
All Final Fantasy Characters and Final Fantasy Items/Stuff are trademark of SquAreSoft.
Relm's Art Fantasies. The main purpose of this site is to see art that
Relm has never done in the game, but there could be a few that have been Final Fantasy III. But the main purpose is to see stuff like a sketch of Aerith or a real live picture of what Exodeath looks like on the game. This area will be divided into sections such as Sketches, Live art, Mixed stuff, etc. Just look down the list below. Now, after months of arguing with her, I finally talked her into letting me make a section for my visitors, so send in your pics now! I don't want to waste those months for nothing.
Aeris in a Wedding Gown(FF7)
Aeris & Tifa at the Beach(FF7)
Moogles, March!(FF6)
RedXIII's Face(FF7)
Sephiroth's Face(FF7)
Ultimate End
Aerith Looking at the Highwind(FF7)
Armor Man (FF:Movie 2001)
Blood Sepiroth(FF7)
Cait Sith at the Gold Saucer(FF7)
Cloud Looking at A Mako Reactor(FF7)
Cid Smoking on the Little Bronco(FF7)
Cloud's Bike(FF7)
(The)Death of Ruby Weapon(FF7)
Ifrit Rising(FF7)
Kefka & General Leo(FF3US/FF6J){animated}
Midgar City(FF7)
RedXIII and Seto(FF7)
Sephiroth Walking in the Flames(FF7)
Vincent Watching Over Kalm City(FF7)
Aeris In the Wind(FF7)
Barret In Church(FF7)
Tifa Standing(FF7)
Tifa Watching The Starry Night(FF7)
Cloud In the Palm of Sephiroth's Hands
Cloud Summoning
Sephiroth and His Girlfirend?
Sephiroth Posing
Vincent Loading His Gun
Final Fantasy 1 Collage (Discovered at www.RPGamer.com)
Collection of FF7 Pics
Collection of FF7 Pics
FuSoYa & Golbez vs. Locke
, Edgar,
& Mog
by: FFVII10497@aol.com
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