Sliders Fanfic
Right now, the only story I have in here is mine--but you can change all that! Tell me what you have in my guestbook and I'll e-mail you. Thanks!
'Double Catastrophe Ch. 1' by me.
'Double Catastrophe Ch. 2' by me.
Character Poll
Vote for your favorite Sliders character! Just put the word "votes" in the comments section of my guestbook and I'll e-mail you. I will continue to receive and post results for an indefinite amount of time.
Quinn: 4
Maggie: 1
Wade: 2
The Professor: 2
You are the
th person to slide here!
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Links to other wormholes--er, sites--on the web:
The Slightly Warped Sliders Page: A thoroughly refreshing page with Sliders parodies and jokes!
The Kromagg Dynasty: A page full of links to Sliders pages.
Dedra's Sliders Page: A cool page for Sliders fans.
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