Hello, and welcome to the orbit of...
Sailor Charon
I am Sailor Charon, the Sailor Scout of the moon of Pluto, sworn to protect Princess Setsuna and the Moon Kingdom. Please look around.
This is my pet, Thunder Dragon. Don't worry, he's friendly...unless you're from the Negaverse!
Character Poll
Vote for your favorite character! Put the word "votes" in the comments section of my guestbook and I'll e-mail you. Thanks!
Note: Your favorite character does not have to be a Sailor Scout.
Sailor Saturn: 1
Sailor Jupiter: 1
Sailor Mars: 1
Links to other anime sites:
The Sailor Moon Nexus: I'm sure if you're a Sailor Moon fan and you've been surfing the net for any length of time you know what this is. But, if not, it's a culmination of links for practically every Sailor Moon page out there. Have fun!
Rayearth's Best Page: This is a great page devoted to the Magic Knights--another wicked cool Japanese creation!
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