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Yogi's Thoughts

Yogi's Thoughts

11 June 2001 Monday Part 2
I just found this quote on the Boston for Changeling page

"So, if a city has a personality, maybe it also has a soul.
Maybe it dreams."

--Neil Gaiman, from World's End

Wow. I hope that the content on my page can show that for Waterloo soon.

11 June 2001 Monday
Long time for all updates. I guess I was kinda depressed most of this last semester, no real creativity flowing. Some of the larger problems are cleared up, there are more, but even why I'm at my worst, I don't really worry. I'm learning bagpipes, I had forgotten how get intellectual stimulation can be when it's done for fun. I'm reading for pleasure again too. My comic is also growing. So far, I believe I've got an entire issue's story complete. I also have story ideas for more issues, so I guess I should really be 'Ideas for more stories' that seems more accurate. I don't intend to create a 'commercially viable' comic, I wouldn't say no to cash, but unlike years previous, profit is not my goal. I'm doing something that in and of itself wants to be done. I think that will make me happier with the result, than to try to create a 'pop' comic.

23 March 2001 Friday
Alright, it's been a while,
So I have a few things to talk about, first fun stuff, I'm learning to play the bagpipes. I received my practice chanter three weeks ago, and I found a fifty week Bagpipe Tutor manual in PDF format. Very Cool, I'm just beginning the third lesson now. Hey, just a reminder to check out the record company I work for
Maybe that's all I feel like writing for right now.

06 February 2001 Tuesday
Tonite I had to do a run.
When you get skunked in any game, ie you score zero, when someone else wins, at this house, you have do run a lap around the house. You also have to choose whether to wear shoes or underwear. That's it. I chose underwear. It's February. It's very snowy. Generally, you also get hit by a pail of water by those who skunked you. I did. Thankfully it was warm. I haven't ever been skunked before. I have skunked others. But usually I am a fair opponent, winning or losing by not much. Tonite was different. Playing Foosball (or Jitts) with three other people. After each game we rotated clockwise on space. The first game was quite close. The second was the skunk. My partner cheated a little on his run. Pete jumped out his window, and ran from there, so that he could jump back in through his window, and no-one would be able to soak him. He used me as a diversion. What a cokk.

15 January 2001 Monday
I still can't even speak!
We ran this frikkin' amazing party on Friday night, I stayed sober to ensure that things ran well, and had a great time. The party morethan sold out, we had more than 400 people in a three story house, it was just nuts! Enevn thoug I was completely sober I had an amazing time, but by the end of the night I had lost my voice, and still don't have it back.Stay Cool

10 January 2001 Wednesday
Check this out, she's depressed. smart, cute, and utterly sarcastic. Amazon Bitch's Sex Cauldron
Something about the darkness of her page draws me every day. Not really the whole whorecast thing, but her opening up her soul for anyone to see the pain inside. It's intriging. I find it serves, maybe as a muse for me. Which is kind of cool. I don't know, maybe when the comic is done, I'll scan and post it. After all I had no expectations of making any kind of profit from it.

06 January 2001 Saturday
Happy New Year! Amazing, the Last eclipse of the the milennium, on the last Christmas of the milennium. Scholars think it was the first ever on Christmas. Still not sure of a viable way to import xanga weblog here, maybe I'll just create a separate one in geocities.

04 December 2000 Monday
Today was not too bad, as Mondays go. I worked, full staff was there. <yay> And it looks like I complained to the right people on Saturday night. Even though I didn't do it intentionally. While I was complaining about my seemingly never-ending bad day to any and all who would listen, I happened to complain the Kroeker, and Beingessner. The President, and VP Human Resources, respectively of the Students Union. they took things to another level for me. Now there will be a staff meeting in my honour (I believe) to discuss why people haven't been showing up for there assigned shifts and such. I'm impressed. Y'know, I should probably attempt to go, as I missed the last staff meeting, and this one's about people not showing up when they should. That way I will be ready for Dr. Gough tomorrow too. I really am not sure what we're going to talk about, but I hope he can help me out and direct me. On an unrelated rant. I wanted to join the geocities banner exchange, because that way I get to put my banner out there, and not have their dumb pop-up box, but my cool little banner is all of 34k as a gif, and they don't want any bigger than 8k. I can see how this would save download time, but seriously, only 8K WTF! What the Fuck! This purdy li'l banner at the botton is not that huge. I am soo mad. And you all shall suffer the dumb-ass pop-up because of it. Seriously, write me and let me know what you think, either e-amil it, or put it in my guest-book.For now, I guess I should try to cull 8K worth of a decent add from it. What a krock! Hasta La Maņana!

02 December 2000 Saturday
Do _you_ want to hear about my bad day that won't end! Damnit! Alright, I went to work last night, and found out that I was scheduled, to work this morning, it was written in my own hand. I had completely forgotten. I was supposed to go to the hospital for the terminally ill today, to help set up Christmas trees. Obviously it slipped my mind. So, I get into work today, and few minutes late, but no-one else is in yet. Well, THEY DIDN'T EVER SHOW UP!! I ended up working the entire shift by myself! I feel like yelling! Now tonite I have another initiation to run, because one person couldn't get last weekend off for it. I will be up all night coordinating all that goes on. Then, tomorrow, I said I'd come in to work for a coworker whose father had a heart attack, no one else who's not working will be in town tomorrow. In total, after the meager amount of sleep I received last night, I work two understaffed shifts, run one initiation, get no sleep, and then have a meeting tomorrow after work that should run for a few hours, plus I missed the tree decorating. There had better not be any drunken alumni showing up tonite. Or there will be more holes than just the one Pete punched in the wall last week. We are not prepared for tonite. I tried to bring this up with person other than myself in charge earlier this week, but no one cared. I have been too busy this week to do it all myself, now we will suffer.

26 November 2000 Sunday
Wow. I don't know what else I can say. Friday/Saturday, went really great. I don't mean that it was pulled off amazingly. (Though not too shabby) I mean, I was able to do it without getting upset enough to try to kill anyone. Even the drunken Alumni posed no particular problem to my mood. I think it was a great release. I think I needed to get it over with. The climax to my.... stress. next weekend I get to do it again, albeit for a group of one. It fits perfectly into the heroes saga as I learned in high school, after the climax, there is still the resolution, the slower pace where all the heroes relax, kick back, and have a brew. Saturday night's formal was a step in that direction. Dinner, dancing, cigars, puking, napping, dancing, napping, dancing. It went pretty well, and neither of my dates seemed to mind too much that I slept between slow songs, or that I danced with other brothers dates. I danced with Jen, whom I held close so that she could cry in my arms. She's a really wonderful person. Someone with whom I'd like to remain friends for quite a while. After I got back I slept for 12 hours. That was just what I needed after not sleeping at all the night before. So, back to today. I was in such a good mood because of the release, I had only good things to say at the meeting tonite. I feel much more apart of the brotherhood now, then I have lately. I like the feeling. Next Sunday I get to pass the keys off. That means that I'm not the one responsible to make everything go right. I still have some duty of care, but not quite as much, I won't be the scapegoat for every noticeable mistake. Now I get to point the fingers!!! Hahahaha!! Yeah... anyway, I'm going on and on, which is probably good, but it is getting late.
Cheer up Jen, it can't rain all the time.

24 November 2000 Friday
It's around 1pm Friday, I won't be able to update, well... probably not until Sunday. I plan to be quite busy all nite tonite, and all day, and nite Saturday. I have to make revisions to the spreadsheets before to late today. Gaaargh. Shower, maybe get a haircut. I think I'll have a stiff drink too. Just to get relaxed for this evening. It's either; open, and then drink the entire mini-bottle of rum, or break into the fine tequila. I think it'll be the rum, and some Coke from downstairs. That should placate me a bit. It's sort of amusing, how other online journals I've read, tend to be mellow, or depressing, and that makes for a wonderful read. Whereas this one is turning out to be an expression of rage. I guess though I have much in common with those other Websmiths, I am also quite unique. Think on this reader.

23 November 2000 Thursday
Tonite went a bit better than last. Once, again Doc, wanted to make a chart and spreadsheet, and then vote on every aspect of it. Luckily Aaron helped me out in repressing him. Later I was outside, waiting, just kinda wrestling with the guys, it felt good. But the only one there I was mad at was Doc, and he didn't seem to like being thrown around. I know Kroeker wouldn't have been interested if he was there. I probably would have 'accidentally' hurt him anyway. So much rage. I don't know how I'll handle Friday, this time I do have spreadsheets, and charts. It's probably the best way to do these things. Doc is going to have to take a backseat tomorrow, or I may have to smack him. 

22 November 2000 Wednesday
What a pain in the ass this week has been. I don't know why I don't remember it feeling this bad last year. Maybe it didn't, maybe I got more respect last year. I don't know and I don't like it. Monday night Shivani took me and Doc, to the Wide Mouth Mason concert, she liked it as much as I did. The Cord gave it an adequate review. I hate being ordered around by pledges, and students union execs, who think they're top sit over here. They try to run the show like it's open to debate. Still, I try to make light of my diminishing importance, "Doc, we don't have time to discuss this in a committee." reply, "I am NOT a committee!". Oh Doc, if only you didn't play into that quote. And then Kroeker setting off the fire alarum, again, for the third semester in a row. It really didn't get any better from there. Between my paranoia, with them whispering huddled in the next room, and Kroeker's "Contrary to popular opinion, you've done an alright job this evening." I don't know when I've ever wanted to punch someone in the mouth more in my life! Tonite was almost as bad. Between the "Yeah, well everyone since Sigma has been done wrong then", and "Russell, you did it wrong last year too" and Faizel showing up almost an hour late, I was not in a great mood. I finished what organization needed to be done, handed Faizel the logistics, and hid away in my room. I am quite disenfranchised as of late. Maybe some other night I'll post what started the downward spiral


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