fish cake n.: a round fried cake made of shredded fish and mashed potato


(if you have any questions read this first!)

like what i've done with the place? no? yes? don't care?
mail me anyway and tell me what you do or don't think!

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(everything looks better in MIE 4.0)
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special thanks to Karen, Entropy, Rob, PhiBetaGamma, Longevity, and Nate.

NEW! ftp service to your front door! - access part of my system when i'm online! this will give you guys the edge cuz i now have 730 more megs to share with the world rather than 2! so if i'm on come on in and check it out!

NEW! Chat Room in full swing! - you got icq? no? then follow this anyway and chat in java, or grab icq and chat throught them, i gotz 2 chat rooms for anyone to chat bout anything.

Lyrics - this part of the page was the biggest pain in the ass.  i had to type all of the lyrics out by hand and i still didn't get all of them done.  WAIT! it is way too much to ask of me to do in such a short amount of time.

Lynks - my links to the internet. if you deem your web a worthy opponent then feel free to mail me w/ your URL (if you don't know what that is then don't even ask) but if i put your link here you must have one to mine as well or i will remove you, and your link.

DoWnLoAd - okay it's not '//aReZ but it's some good font's and other deamable files. mostly fonts to make this site look and feel it's best

MSR web creations - this site and many others were creatied by MSR web creations and we wish that you could join the group. there are about 40 members nation wide and the numbers are growing steadly. please if you have a homepage or wish to see other MSR web creations pages follow the link.

SuRVeY - fill it out and tell me what you think. all of the information recived will be used to tune and perfect this site (bullsh*t) and well all of that other junk. i promise that i won't give any of this information away or what ever. if you gotz anything to add then mail me here with your request - if you just want to see the responses then click here

Follow this link just to see what it does. i don't feel like telling you what it is.

Anti-Apple Foundation - this is my little contrubutition to ending the worthless life of the hated macintrash. i really hate macintosh so if you are a diehard mac-lover then. if you hate mac's too then please follow the link and see what you can do to help the foundation.

Jokes - well this is my poor representation of a joke page. if you have any good jokes then please email them to me. i would greatly appreachisatlajh;tr dfa  , uhh like having them.

Post Office - this is my local internet post office. i dought that you know any of these people but i like to use it for personal use. besides, my boss at work uses it for any internet training he might do so i have to leave it here.


What ever you do not, do not follow this link! I promise you you will regret it!
(actually i think it's pretty funny)


are we having fun yet?

this is me, where are you? are you really here with me or are you gone?

okay here's the deal here, i view this page in 1024 x 768 x 24 million colors and i think it looks great, if your computer doesn't go that high then don't worry, this site is very friendly to IBM computers, you can also view it in 800 x 600 x 16 million colors, but i wouldn't recommend anything less than that. okay that's the end of that.




***that means look here and read the following***

This site contains "foul" language and some obscene notions, if you feel offended at anytime join the crowd. Don't worry i don't poke fun at anything i wasn't stupid enough to do already. This site is for entertainment and that purpose only. This is not a hate group, racial group, Anti-christ group, pro-christ group, ProChoice, or ProLife. This site is for the common surfer to have some laughs that HUMANS have done (that includes you, me, myself, i, and of course you!) so don't send me any hate mail from some joke that was posted here, send hate mail only because you hate me, not because of what i think is "funny" or "humorus" or "down right stupid!"

Thank you for understanding, Crazyspock

this concludes the warning message - continue viewing the internet as you were.

egap ym ekil elpoep ynam sihT This many people like my page

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This is what i'm gettin, but just in case you wanted to know everthing that anyone
could possibly want to know about my computer, well here it is. Intel Pentium 90 Mhz,
2 WesternDigital HardDrives, 730Mb + 3.1 Gb, 32 Mb RAM,
Graphics Blaster 3D Video Card w/ 4 Mb video RAM, SoundBlaster 32
with 2 Mb RAM, 2x Sony CD-Rom, 1.44 Mb Drive (Duh!), 15" Super VGA Monitor (Generic) 100 Mb Zip Drive (which kicks major butt!), and a handy dandy 3 button logitec mouse.

there that's everything that anyone could and would want to know about my computer

if i was twice the man i could be . i'd still be half of what you need . still you lead me and i follow . anything you ask you know i'll do .


This page, and may others to follow, were created for entertainment and leisure by the members of MSR Web Creations. If you would like to become a member just follow the link and read the instructions and requirements, anyone can become a member. If you would like to see any of the pages which are already members of MSR Web Creations then follow the link above.

Do you like to read text? if you do then here is a bunch for you to read. If not then. it is possible to skip the next few sentences. This page was constructed by Crazyspock in association with matthew rost and other members of MSR Web Creations. Matthew is the founder of MSR Web Creations and the proud president of this elite group of Web Publishers. This page was created with windows notepad. I recommend only microsoft internet explorer because it supports all of the java and activex controlers that i have installed. If you have any questions or comments reguarding this page mail them to Remember, Things are not as they seem. Try everything to the full extent before commenting or creating an opinion.


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