Welcome to the new face of MSR web creations. founded by matthew rost in february of 1997, MSR web creations has made many advancement through out it's life. Now with more than 20 members nation wide. when you join the MSR web creations team (no cost) you will receive any technical support needed, graphics, and fonts to aid you in creating a web site a good as this one. if you would like to become a member then please read on.
If you are interested in becoming a member Please Read Below
Type out an Email to this address and include the following -
1. Name, Email Address, URL Address
2. Reason for application to MSR Web Creations
3. Speciality on the internet
4. If you would like to be included in the tech support list
5. How long have you been on the internet
6. How many programing languages do you know
7. How did you create your page
8. How many pages do you maintain
9. Do you maintain any commercial sites
10. Handel desired to be used in MSR Web Creations
Thank you for considering joining the family
Current members of MSR Web Creations
Grim Reaper
Nate G.
TriPhlaxCrazySpock will recive all Email for the current Technical Support members
and will then foward out the messages to the recipants. Please do not touch the Subject Box
Due to size of html files i have divided the sign up and the members links into two seperate pages. Click here to view the MEMBER PAGES
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