A few months ago I faced up to the fact that I am a Vampire.
All my life I've denied an concealed it, but now I'm finally facing up to it.
The Point of this campaign is to to help other Close-Vampires out there to come forward, and avoid all the pain and suffering I went through.
Join today!
I'm sure you are asking yourself a lot of questions.
Now, I'm going to answer them.
What exactly is a "Closet-Vampire"?
Am I a Closet-Vampire?
Why should I join?
What can I do?
What exactly is a "Closet-Vampire"?
That's a good question. And it's not too easy to give a straight answer.
A Closet-Vampire is anybody who's ever wanted to be a vampire, vampires who are hiding their true self's, people who are fascinated by vampires, kids that love scary movies and web-surfers who just stopped by this page and thought the little vampires were cute... Everybody's a Closet-Vampire really!
Am I a Closet-Vampire?
Only you can answer that question. Search your soul, you'll find the answer.
Why should I join?
We vampires must stand together. We shouldn't have to hide our true selves.
What can I do?
There's three thing you can do, and they're all very simple:
If you have a homepage you can join the Closet-Vampire WebRing!
And/or you can join the campaign. You don't need a homepage for the campaign.
And you can join the mailing-list by typing your email below and pressing the button.

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