LINKS Hippie Hillbilly:: My friends website. Here you will find a site from some one who has a great love for Halloween and Def Leppard. If you are a Def Leppard fan please take a moment to visit her Def Leppard Slang Interpretation pages. Enter the world of my friend; see the sites and enjoy the view. The Wiccan Pagan Times:: A very interesting and informative on line e-zine and more. Check it out! The Witches Voice:: The definitive Pagan website. This site has everything. Articles (you can submit your own), Links, listings of Pagans in your area(broken down into Country and States), lists of Pagan events, Pagan News and so much more you should go there and see for yourself. Access New Age:: A site with several things to offer, yet the main one for me is the Esoteric Web Link Index. This is a excellent Link index that has "816 Good Places To Go, Filed Under 42 Categories". You can also find lots of interesting things to purchase by visiting the Now&Zen Products page and the New Age Catalog. This site also has a online magazine, Looking Deeper.Check out the Moon Void Tables. Sacred Texts:: There are some days when the www. bores me and then there are those shining lights that amaze you and you return to surf them again. This site has an extensive library of books. The entire Key Of Solomon is here along with illustrations(a totally amazing read for any Pagan). You'll also find a very extensive BOS with over 50 articles to read(and save?:O) I devored the Mysteries Of The Druids which is a book written in 1860's about the Druids and their lives; A MUST READ! Widdershins Magazine A great Pagan magazine based out of California. Their Archive section has complete articles from issues as far back as 1996 or so. Very informative.
What Is Enlightenment magazine From their website: Well, it’s not just a spiritual magazine. It is a spiritual, cultural, philosophical, and otherwise category-busting magazine committed to bringing a new perspective to politics, business, science, the arts, and the environment. WIE is the engaged, evolutionary movement that has emerged from our passionate pursuit of the question of what enlightenment really is, and what it means in the world today. At its core, WIE is about finding new ways to think: new answers to the difficult questions that are the challenge of our moment in history. Those answers, we strongly believe, can only be found by looking freshly at the emerging reality around us, without relying on older solutions that were sufficient for simpler problems.
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