Books I've Read
and Recommend
Pagan Ways (Finding Your Spirituality In Nature) by Gwydion O'Hara
This is a good beginner book for those interested in Paganism and what it's all about. The author explains Paganism in simple easy to read language. He teaches you how to follow the Pagan calandar, moon lore, how to build an altar, what tools are used in magic, and much more. He also provides the reader with enough info to make a decision about whether the Pagan Way is the path for them. If you have a friend who would like to know more about what you do in your Pagan life this is a good introductory book I highly recommend.
Tarot For Your Self by Mary K. Greer
May I suggest that if you have any other Tarot books throw them out.(You may keep the one that goes with your cards,if you like)
This is the definitive in Tarot books. Tarot For Your Self is a Workbook. It takes you from what Tarot is, to teaching you how to become familiar with the cards and do readings for yourself and others. Ms Greer is a wonderful writer and relates to the reader on a personal level; making you feel comfortable. This book contains full discriptions of All the cards.
Wicca:A Guide For The Solitary Practioner by Scott Cunningham
This is the first Wiccan book I purchased and it has been a 'companion' book ever since. Mr. Cunningham leads you through the world of Wicca in a easy to understand way. Inside you will find an Intro to Wicca, magical tools, how to set up an altar, seasonal festivals and rituals for each, and a Book Of Shadows.
The Book Of Shadows alone is well worth the purchase of this book. After reading a few others with a simular genre I find that I like Mr.Cunninghams vision better than others. He lets you decide for yourself what you would like to do and believe.
Living Wicca:A Further Guide for the Solitary Practioner by Scott Cunningham This is the companion book to Wicca:A Guide For The Solitary Practioner. It takes you further into making your own Wiccan tradition. It teaches you how to write your own rituals, create a book of Shadows, teach others about the craft and much more. This book is invaluable if you want to make up your own rituals. I recall reading once that it is best to make up your own. That way the ritual is your 'own' and not someone elses. It has your personal mark on it. This is a preferance, not a rule, I believe.
Celtic Magic by D.J.Conway 
With a definate interest in anything Celtic I purchased this little book and I use it as a referance just as much as the afore mentioned book. This book is on Celtic Wicca. The author covers the basics: tools, altars, sabbats, rituals, and elements. There is also a very good 'self-initiation' ritual. The author has included a extensive listing of Herbs and their magickal uses. For history buffs there is a chapter on the history of the Celts and a chapter on Myths & Deities.
Out On A Limb by Shirley MacLaine
What can I say here but..... If you have seen the movie,read the book. If you've read the book try to find the movie and see it, again and again. A friend of mine turned me on to this book and film and it became one of many jump-starts on my road to the Path I've chosen. This is a autobiographical book about Ms MacLaines road to Spiritualism. She recounts how during a love affair certian events lead her to discover truths about reincarnation, Channeling, UFO's,Out Of Body Experiences and herself.
Many Lives Many Masters by Brian L.Weiss,M.D.
I bought this book because I am interested in reincarnation and it didn't disappoint me. Mr. Weiss is a Psychiatrist and a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School. He relates in his book how one of his clients he was treating for over a year finally decides to let him hypnotize her and during a session she goes back to a previous lifetime. During the following months he and she both discover truths about themselves and that Past Life Regression is a healing art. This one really opened my eyes to reincarnation. It is written by a person who never thought about reincarnation and New Age thinking until the events he shares with us in this book. Mr.Weiss' other books:: "Only Love Is Real(A Story Of Soulmates Reunited)" and "Through Time Into Healing" are well worth picking up also.
The Little Giant Encyclopedia Of The Zodiac From the Diagram Group
For years I wanted a quick reference Astrology book. I made an effort to look for one everytime I went to a book store; never finding one that pleased me. I thought I would find one that looked "bland and serious" or something like that and what did I find, but a little fat book. This little fat book contains all the info on each sign that you could want and more. Such as: Sagittarius as a Employee, Business Partner, Parent, Child, and Partner in Life. There are also descriptions on basic Personalities, Health, and Love(with Compatibility Charts)and lots more. A section is also devoted to Chinese Astrology; with full decriptions listed here also.

Links to FREE Books On-Line
(Read on the web or download onto a disk for later viewing)
**Esoteric Archives
**Sacred Texts: Lots of books(even the Key Of Solomon) and a BOS with loads of info.
**Spelwerx Secret Writings:A large collection of secret writings pertaining to the practice of "High Magic". Most of these writings are from the 14th and 15 centurys.
**Out Of Body Experiences by Robert Peterson: This is an entire book on OBEs and how to have them and what other books didn't tell you. I throughly enjoyed this book and the read was light and informative.
** Isle Of Avalon On-Line Books: The books contained in this selection are more of a New Age sort of nature with a little of this and that thrown in.

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