Present population:
1 African Grey Parrot...Maxwell
15 Cockatiels...Pointy Head and Family
2 White Ducks....Unnamed

Maxwell, my parrot...

About 5 years ago a woman I worked with gave Maxwell to me. He is about 10 or 11 years old. He likes chicken, turkey, potroast, apples, cherries, nuts, and potato chips, to name a few things. Very talkative when out of view, or alone with me. Many people think he is our phone ringing! If not respected, he can bite!! I trust him (or he trusts me) to let me kiss him on his beak.

My Cockatiels

Quite nasty when I first bought him....made me bleed a few times. He is a good father, and has mellowed alot!

Mom with two of latest batch. (13 and 14) She isn't too happy being disturbed! A friend gave her to me, and she was continually laying eggs. I bought Daddy to start breeding them and it was quite sucessful!

Me and my friend!
I don't hand feed them when they are in the nest...I leave that to the parents. When full grown, some are naturally friendly and like attention.

I like to let them out of their cages a few times a week. It's good that they have flying time to exercise and learn to navigate without flying into anything! I don't clip their wings, but that's a good way to start with a new bird. Otherwise you may never be able to handle it to make it friendly. Rounding them up is a task!

My Pigeons

I no longer have pigeons. The two I owned were both female, and both lived nearly 10 years. The one pictured is Hooter. Cujo was somewhat mean and reclusive until Hooter died. Then she was suddenly the friendliest bird I ever owned. I let her out often, and one day, I don't know what happened, I never saw her again!

Quail eggs

Like with chickens, if you remove eggs, they just keep laying them!

Bobwhite Quail

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