Home Page
Space Page
Space Quiz
My Birds
My Dog
Past Pets
Web Tools
E-mail Bill


Click on any of the links in the sidebar to go to one of my pages, or to e-mail me.

Bill's home page is the cover page with links to his pets and interests.

Bill's Space Page contains some interesting observations and links to NASA.

Bill's Birds: Cockatiels, Ducks, Parrot.

My Dog, Raffy: some of our friends and favorite places.

Bill's Other Stuff contains ...well...other stuff!

Bill's Webtv Tools are links to great web page building sites and graphics machines with Webtv.

E-mail Bill with any comments, suggestions or questions.

To my friends and family....I have started a photo album at http://ww w.photopoint.com. If you go to this page, scroll down and enter my complete e-mail addy in the "visit a member" section. Or just click here!