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If you have any Madonna news you would like to submit , please e-mail here.

02 April, 2000 13:55

SATURDAY 24-03-2000 Added new Madonna Link "The Gold Web Of Madonna"

See the Madonna Links section for the address, "The Gold Web of Madonna" is a very cool Spanish Madonna fan site , check it out : )

SUNDAY 19-03-2000 Guy wont get Ritchie marrying Madonna + New MP3's

NEW MP3's - "Time Stood Still" & "Holiday '99"

MADONNA will marry British lover GUY RITCHIE this summer-if he signs a contract which keeps his hands off her £100 million fortune.

The superstar went through the financial implications of the marriage with her lawyers this week in a telephone conference.
Madonna, 41, was in london, her legal team in Los Angeles. An accountant also sat in n the conference call. An insider says "Madonna is head over heels in love with Guy and wants to marry him, But when superstars marry there are a whole lot of money issues involved"

"Madonna is not being cynical in having a pre-nuptial agreement drawn up, She's being sensible."

She also wants to be sure that the agreement is legal in Britian, New York, California and Florida all the places where she either has or wants homes. Her legal team will spend the next four weeks drawing up the agreement, in consultation with solicitors in London, at a cost of more than £50,000.

Once the agreement is signed, Madonna and 31-year old Guy, Director of smash film Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, could marry within a month. One source said "Expect wedding bells before mid-July at the latest." Another rumor-officially denied, already has Madonna pregnant (but I dont think that is quite true : )

The "Pre-Nup", suggested by Madonna's lawyers, should not be a barrier to the marriage. When she asked Guy what he felt about it, he replied "You draw it up, I'll sign it, don't even need to read it."

She told friends "Guy is just so laid back about money. Thats typical of him." Madonna is now thinking about settling in Britian. She has looked into schools for daughter Lourdes, 3, and asked her legal team to investigate the tax implications of living here, She's also considering setting up offshore corporations to legitimately protect her income.

Remember you read it here first, folks : )

MP3's coming later today "Time Stood Still, Holiday '99 & Like A Prayer '99"


WEDNESDAY 15-03-2000 Sorry for lack of updates...

Well I have started my new job now so thats why there havn't been any updates , as much as I'd like to, but this weekend there will be a nice MP3 update including the new song "Time Stood Still" which is going all the way to number 1 when released : )

Well a bit of Madonna things that happened over the last month, Most of you know American Pie was released and it went straight to No 1 in the UK : ) which is fantastic, also the new Madonna film "The Next Best Thing" has been released in america , it has had mixed reviews but I'll leave my judgement untill it is released in the UK or on DVD which ever comes first.

See you all at the weekend: )))

SATURDAY 12-02-2000 Is Geri Halliwell Turning Into Madonna ?

Read the full story here.

New Mp3's added.

Added the following mp3 songs

Madonna - Dear Jessie
William Orbit & Madonna - Fantasy

FRIDAY 11-02-2000 Madonna Stalker not a threat (OK Then) !!!

Apbnews.com have posted a story about Robert Dewey Hoskins the nutcase sentenced to 10 years in 1996 for stalking Madonna, you can read it here.

New pics + American Pie Midi Added.

Finally sorted the Galleries pages including new pics and a 1999 Madonna Collection also added American Pie Midi Song


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