Warp drive systems employ the controlled annihilation of matter and anti-matter,
regulated by dilithium cyrstals, to generate tremendous power, required to warp space,
and travel faster than light. To travel at warp speed, the warp drive engines
create a warp field around the ship.
A device that uses technology similar to the transporter, to dematerialize a quantity
of matter, then to rematerialize it, in another form.
Generally used for nutritional purposes, the selection is limited only by software,
and is usually found to be indistinguishable from 'original' food.

Self-propelled missiles, containing a small quantity of matter and anti-matter,
bound together in a magnetic bottle, launched at warp speed, at a target.
This ship is capable of simultaneously launching, up to, 6 photon torpedos,
from a single launch tube, and each torpedo can be independantly targeted.
This ship is normally equipped with 150 photon torpedos.
Acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification, this is a directed energy weapon.
The effective tactical range is about 300,000 kilometers; about one light second.
This ship is equipped with two phaser banks, mounted on the dorsal and ventral sections.