If you've made it here, then I imagine you're no stranger to The X-Files. On the off chance that you don't know anything about it, let me clue you in. The X-Files is a television show - nothing more - and yet over the past four years it's been able to tap into not only the general distrust of authority inherent in everyone, but, more particularly, the specific distrust that Americans have had of their own government - suspicions that have grown and taken on lives of their own since the days of Joseph McCarthy and had sudden leaps in their evolution with such events as the numerous assassinations of the 1960's and the Watergate break-in. Given the show's tremendous popularity not just in the United States but all over the world as well is an indication that distrust of authority has become a concept that's universally understood - and to hear people talk, one with which many people sympathize, regardless of where they live. Combine these elements - governmental conspiracy theories and the corruption assumed to run rampant through the corridors of power by the common person - with the alleged Roswell "flying saucer crash" of 1947, and you have The X-Files in a nutshell. Of course, there's much more to the show than that, which you already know if you watch it. If you don't, do yourself a favor and tune in. You won't regret it.
Under the guidance of surfer dude turned series creator and executive producer extraordinaire Chris Carter, The X-Files survived its close encounters with the chopping block of the network bean counters during its lean first year, and viewership steadily increased as a result. Now in its sixth season, the combination of word of mouth and a wise counter-programming move to Sunday nights has attracted even more viewers to the show, which now regularly places in the top ten of the television ratings.
So, here you have it - yet another X-Files page. If you have the same sympathetic feelings as do I concerning the esteemed assistant to the SRSG, Marita Covarrubias, consider joining the Blonde Goddess Defense League (and if you're interested, check out this interview with Laurie Holden, in which she mentions this very site). Also, feel free to compare your own episode rankings to mine, and check out the weekly survey. If your favorite episodes include any of what are called "popularity-challenged" episodes, don't forget to drop on by the FBI's Most Unwanted's BBS and consider joining. I'm usually hanging around there and posting on some ridiculous matter or another under the name of "embee".
Big news! Geocities has upped allocated space here to 11 megabytes! Plenty of room! (Um... at least for now, that is...)
Curious about the girl I just married? Here she is.
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Most importantly, a huge thanks to pixie, who got me started with all this and continually brightens my life and fills it with joy.
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The X-Files, its characters and representations thereof, and all other aspects of the show used on this purely and entirely unofficial site are for entertainment purposes only. Copyright belongs to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and 20th Century Fox.