Let me tell you a little about pixie and me. We're both X-Files fans (which hopefully will satisfy this neighborhood's requirements for this page), but we have opposing feelings about Bill Clinton - I like him, she... well, she doesn't. I'm regimented in my thinking and actions, and she has the enviable ability to throw caution to the wind. I go for text, and she goes for graphics. As far as the big question concerning Mulder and Scully, she's a marginal shipper whereas I'm an adamant non-shipper. However, one thing we both share is each other.
This is her. Look at that face! Listen to that voice! She's taught me more than anyone else about this here internet thingy-deal, as well as so many particulars concerning such varied subjects as HTML (to see some of her wonderful handiwork, have a look at her own X-Files page), the recent history of homo sapiens as a species, and about being a human being myself. She makes me happy, and I love her. So much for my macho facade, because when I'm in her presence, or even when I think about her, little else in this world matters. She says I'm often surprising her, and I hope so, because she's always pleasantly surprising me with the things she says and does for me.
She's made me such a better person just by her being in my life. She's made me look forward to each day because it holds the promise that I'll soon be with her once again. She makes me laugh, she makes me happy, and she makes me adventurous - She even fed me shrimp for the first time, and I liked it. She laughs at my attachment to Marita Covarrubias because she knows it's a joke - my heart belongs to her.
Furthermore, I asked her a very important question recently (my knee still hurts, but it was worth it), and guess how she answered!
And now for the big news... we just up and got married! We were going to wait a few months, but while she was visiting, it occurred to both of us that it didn't make any sense for us to wait any longer in starting our lives together, so we ran out to the county courthouse and just did it! Now I'm the happiest and luckiest guy in the world!
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