On March 10, 1998, Terje (my partner) and I flew on a great Northwest flight (Thanks Hal!!) from Amsterdam to Washington DC. Among other things, we went to see the great Magic of Myth exhibition in the Washington Smithonian Museum of Air and Space. | ![]() |
I just arrived on the Death Star to oversee the construction of the Death Star. And I am not as forgiving as Darth Vader! | |
Terje is walking the quiet forestmoon of Endor when he suddenly trespassed in Imperial Territory! He was taken to Imperial headquarters and was later questioned aboard the Death Star. | ![]() |
I always like to go on vacation to Hoth! I cant resist shooting my belt-rope on to the AT-AT's belly and jump off after having thrown a grenade in it! This time I failed and was taken by a Snowtrooper, who apparantly did not recognise Darth's own son! | ![]() |
| Terje oversees Boba Fett as they are both eager to catch in on the bounty that Jabba the Hutt has put on Han Solo's head. Boba Fett was suddenly not heard of for quite some time, but he reappeared in Jabba's Palace to collect the bounty. With a voice that sounded like Terjes... |