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Stanley's COMPLETE Star Wars tradelist

Starwarsholland is offering a world of different items!

This page will grow as my collection does, bear with me as it takes time to build it bigger! It may not be 100% accurate as I continue to add items to my collection and I may have some items on hold for fellow traders. Note that many items I may have more then one of but others I have only one extra to trade... Contact me as soon as you see something you like. They don't hang around for long! In the course of time many more items will be linked to a pic!

update on April 23rd, 2005.

Do not "take" the images from links below for own use, please contact me if you want to use them!

For your information:
TPM = Episode I
AOTC = Episode II
ROTS = Episode III
SWSE = Star Wars Special Edition (1997 and up)
SAGA = All 6 movies comprised
Any items issued before 1997 will have a note saying when it was released.

I can get larger items to you for cheap rates as i get huge disount on Fedex and airline cargo rates. For the latter it means ONLY airports that KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flies to!

Promotional booklets/leaflets
ROTS Darth Vader Wal*Mart photoshoot invite leaflet,2005, USA
ROTS Star Wars Wal*Mart photoshoot frame leaflet,2005, USA
AOTC Titan Books leaflet,2004, UK
Hasbro promo booklet 2002 (Chech Republic)
Hasbro 1999 POTF2 leaflet folder, pages 2/9, 4/7, 5/6 (Germany)
Hasbro 1999 Episode I leaflet folder/poster, front poster 1, 2, back 1, 2 (Germany)
Hasbro 1999 Episode I leaflet folder 24 pages (Holland)
Kenner Mace Windu offer leaflet and back (Australia)
Epic Force 3pack reservation card -FAO Schwarz (USA)
Kenner 1997 POTF2 Leaflet (Holland)
Kenner 1997 POTF2 leaflet (Italy)

TPM Original Soundtrack/ Pepsi leaflet pages 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7 (Germany)
TPM Kelloggs Lego contest leaflet (Germany)

TPM Pepsi/ Smiths chips promotion booklet (Holland)
TPM Pepsi/ Smiths chips promotion contest leaflet (Holland)
TPM Pepsi/ Smiths chips Fox Kids promotion leaflet (Holland)

ROTS Toys R Us Star Wars Midnight Madness sale April 2nd 2005 flyer (USA)
TPM Toys R Us Star Wars Midnight madness sale May 3rd 1999 certificate (USA)
TPM Toys R Us Star Wars store leaflet (UK)

Lego Darth Maul booklet with promo Lego Darth Vader figure *rare* (Norway)
Lego 2000 Star Wars catalog pages 2, 3, 4 (Japan)
Lego 2000 Star wars catalog (Japan)
Lego 2000 Star Wars catalog pages 2&3 (Germany)
Lego Mind developper Star wars catalog (Japan)
Lego 2005 catalog (germany)
Lego 2000 catalog (Singapore)
Lego 1999 catalog (Netherlands)
Lego 1999 catalog (Germany)
Lego 1999 catalog (Norway)
Lego 1999 catalog (Hong Kong)

TPM Yves Saint Laurent Amidala make-up line brochure pages 6&7 (France)

TPM Video leaflet (Chech Republic)

Magic of Myth San Diego folder inside pages (USA)

TPM Ola Ice cream summer leaflet with Star Wars ice (Holland)

DK retailer info and order brochure (Norway)

Chips bags

Twisties Chips bag-10-pack has small pack with 4 cards. Total of 12 cards make up 2 puzzles. Complete card set A, A back, B, B back. Available for trade!

ROTS Twisties 10pack -Star Wars card offer (Singapore)
ROTS Twisties Hot Curry -Star Wars strip (Singapore)
ROTS Twisties Original -Star Wars strip (Singapore)
ROTS Twisties BBQ -Star Wars strip (Singapore)
ROTS Twisties Thai Flavor -Star Wars strip (Singapore)

Chio Chips bags have charachter-photo-strip on front of bag and 1 of 20 cards inside

AOTC Chio 125g blue -Star Wars strip (Hungary)
AOTC Chio 75g blue -Star Wars strip (Hungary)
AOTC Chio 75g PopCorn -Star Wars strip (Hungary)
AOTC Chio Crok Pizza -Star Wars strip (Hungary)

Smiths Chips bags have charachter photo on front of bag and promotion text on back. Large bags from Holland included a collector card (26 to collect) I have many, but only one complete cardset.

TPM Smiths chips 50g Anakin paprika-blue (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips 50g Anakin naturel �red (Holland)
TPM Smiths Hamkas 30g Anakin (Holland)
TPM Smith Superchips 50g Amidala paprika-blue (Holland)
TPM Smiths Superchips 50g Amidala naturel- red (Holland)
TPM Doritos US Original 50g Darth Maul �blue (Holland)
TPM Smiths Bugles Mace Windu + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Chipito's Jar Jar Binks + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Hamkas Obi Wan + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Hamkas Pizza Obi Wan + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Mini Hamkas Obi Wan + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips paprika-blue Anakin + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips naturel- red Anakin + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips Bolognese- green Anakin + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips Cheese Onion- yellow Anakin + Collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips Cream&Chives �lightgreen Anakin + Collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips Wokkels naturel Obi Wan + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths chips Wokkels paprika Obi Wan + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Lites paprika-blue Qui Gon + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Lites naturel-red Qui Gon + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths superchips paprika �blue Amidala + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths superchips naturel �red Amidala + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths superchips bolognese �green Amidala + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths superchips pickles �lightgreen Amidala + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths superchips mexicano �orange Amidala + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths Popcorn natural salted �red Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)
TPM Doritos US Original �darkblue Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)
TPM Doritos Texas paprika �blue Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)
TPM Doritos Naturel �yellow Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)
TPM Doritos Nacho Cheese �orange Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths 15pack Jar Jar + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths 15multipack Jar Jar + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths 15pack Anakin naturel �red + collector card (Holland)
TPM Smiths 15pack Anakin paprika- blue + collector card (Holland)
TPM Doritos 6pack Darth Maul + collector card (Holland)

UK chipsbags could include a game card. I have none to trade.

 Walkers chips salt&vinegar-green Obi Wan (UK)
 Walkers chips salted-red Obi Wan (UK)
 Walkers chips cheese onion �blue Obi Wan (UK)
 Walkers chips barbecue-black Obi Wan (UK)
Walkers chips Bacon-brown Obi Wan (UK)
Walkers chips prawn cocktail-pink Obi Wan (UK)
 Walkers chips Chicken- yellow Obi Wan (UK)
Walkers lites salted-red Amidala (UK)
 Walkers lites salt&vinegar-green Amidala (UK)
 Walkers lites Cheese onion �blue Amidala (UK)
 Walker Max salt&vinegar �green Qui Gon (UK)
 Walkers Max Barbecue �black Qui Gon (UK)
Walker Max cheese onion � green Qui Gon (UK)
Walkers Monster Munch crazy pickles Jar Jar (UK)
 Doritos blue Darth Maul (UK)
 Doritos red Darth Maul (UK)
 Doritos green Darth Maul (UK)

 Meiji chipsbag with charachters on front -sticker inside (Japan)

 Matutano Jar Jar (Spain)
 Doritos Darth Maul blue (Spain)
 Doritos Darth Maul orange (Spain)
 Ruffles Obi Wan (Spain)

Sabritas Jar Jar -green (Mexico)
Sabritas Darth Maul -red (Mexico)
Sabritas Anakin -yellow (Mexico)
Ruffles Amidala -blue (Mexico)

Some Holland chipsbags are still available unopened Also Star Wars Special Edition chips bags available from Holland, Belgium, UK, Spain and Mexico

Cereal boxes and premiums
Boxes are Kellogg's brand unless otherwise noted

ROTS Smacks 375g with Quiz -Obi Wan pic (Germany)
TPM Frosties with crystal offer on box(Germany)
TPM Froot Loops with Statue offer on box(Germany)
TPM Chocos with crystal offer on box(Germany)
TPM Smacks with Statue offer on box(Germany)

ROTS Frosties 500g signed saber offer/Anakin & Obi Wan pic, backside (UK)
TPM Variety pack with characters on wrapper and free Merlin Stickers (UK)

ROTS CocoPops Saber/pic of Vader, backside (Italy)
TPM Chocos with scene (Italy)

TPM Rice Krispies -C3PO front/R2 scene on back (Spain)
TPM Chocos -Obi Wan front/statue offer on back (Spain)
TPM Chocos -Obi Wan front/Podrace game on back (Spain)
TPM Choco Krispies -Anakin front/Spoon offer on back (Spain)
TPM Miel Pops -Jar Jar front/game on back (Spain)
TPM Miel Pops -Jar Jar front/on Kaadu scene on back (Spain)
TPM Honey Loops -Amidala front/Amidala scene on back (Spain)
TPM Smacks -Darth Maul front/Spoon offer on back (Spain)

TPM Frosties Space battle (Sweden)
TPM Rice Krispies statue offer (Sweden)

TPM Chocos with scene (Belgium)

ROTS Smacks Tresor 375g with Saber offer- Anakin pic , backside (France)
ROTS Frosties 500g with 6 cards on backside (France)
TPM Miel Pops with Amidala on box(France)
TPM Crackles with Obi Wan on box(France)
TPM Chocos with Darth Maul on box(France)

AOTC Nestle Koko Krunch with Clone Trooper (Asia)

TPM Anakin Skywalker statue bagged(Germany)
TPM Jar Jar Binks statue bagged (Germany)
TPM Obi Wan Kenobi statue bagged (Germany)
TPM Qui Gon Jinn statue bagged (Germany)
TPM Obi Wan Kenobi statue bagged (UK)
TPM Darth Sidious statue bagged (Spain)
TPM Qui Gon Jinn statue bagged (UK)
TPM Yellow crystal bagged (Germany)

Pepsi cans and bottles
Cans are 330-375 cl (depending on country) unless otherwise noted and empty: full is possible in some cases: ask! Most are top-opened. Bottles are 1.5l unless otherwise noted.

 Pepsi Qui Gon can(Holland)
 Pepsi Anakin can (Holland)
 PepsiMax Jar Jar can (Holland)
 PepsiMax R2D2 can (Holland)
 7UP Yoda can (Holland)
 SiSi Watto can (Holland)

 Pepsi Qui Gon bottle (Holland)
 Pepsi Anakin bottle (Holland)
 Pepsilight Obi Wan bottle (Holland)
 Pepsilight Amidala bottle (Holland)
 PepsiMax Jar Jar bottle (Holland)
 PepsiMax R2D2 bottle (Holland)
 7UP Yoda bottle (Holand)
 7UP-light C3PO bottle (Holland)
 SiSi Watto Bottle (Holland)
 SiSi Light Watto bottle (Holland)
 SiSi zonder prik Watto bottle (Holland)

 Pepsi Anakin can (UK)
 Pepsi Qui Gon can (UK)
 Pepsilight Amidala can (UK)
 Pepsilight Obi Wan can (UK)
 PepsiMax Jar Jar can (UK)
 PepsiMax R2D2 125 ml minican (UK)
 7UP Yoda can (UK)
 7UPlight Yoda can (UK)
 7UPlight C3PO can (UK)
 7UPlight 6pack carton (UK)

 Pepsilight Amidala 2.0l bottle (UK)

 Pepsi Qui Gon can (Germany)
 Pepsi 0.5l Darth Maul can (Germany)
 PepsiMax 0.5l R2D2 can (Germany)
 Pepsilight Amidala can (Germany)
 Pepsi Boom Jar Jar can (Germany)
 Mirinda Watto can (Germany)
 7UP Yoda can (Germany)

 Pepsi Qui Gon bottle (Germany)
 Pepsi Anakin bottle (Germany)
 Pepsi Anakin 2.0l bottle (Germany)
 Pepsi Darth Maul 1.0l bottle (Germany)

Pepsi Anakin can (Austria)
Pepsi Qui Gon can (Austria)
Pepsi Max Jar Jar can (Austria)
Pepsi Light Amidala can (Austria)
7-UP Yoda can (Austria)

 Pepsi Anakin can (Italy)
 Pepsi Darth Maul can (Italy)
 Pepsimax R2D2 can (Italy)

 Pepsi Darth Maul bottle (Italy)

 Pepsi Darth Maul full color can (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi Wan full color can (Japan)
 Pepsi R2D2 full color can (Japan)
 Pepsi 6pack carton (Japan)
 Pepsi Darth maul can 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Anakin can 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Amidala can 0.5l (Japan)

Pepsi Get R2D2! can (Japan)
Pepsi Get C3PO! 2000 can (Japan)
Pepsi Get C3PO! 2000 variation can (Japan)

Pepsi Amidala can 'top' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi Amidala can 'bottom'-video release (Japan)
Pepsi Darth Maul can 'top' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi Darth Maul can 'bottom' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi R2D2 can 'top' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi R2D2 can 'bottom' -video release (Japan)
 Pepsi Nute Gunray can 'top' -video release (Japan)
 Pepsi Nute Gunray can 'bottom' -video release (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi Wan Kenobi can 'top' -video release (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi Wan Kenobi can 'bottom' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi Watto can 'top' -video release (Japan)
Pepsi Watto can 'bottom' -video release (Japan)

 Pepsi Darth Maul bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Anakin bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Amidala bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Jar Jar bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi Wan bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi R2D2 bottle 0.5l (Japan)

 Pepsi Amidala video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Anakin 1 video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Anakin 2 video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Amidala video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Yoda video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi Wan Kenobi video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Jabba The Hutt video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Obi/Maul duel scene video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Jar Jar Binks video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)
 Pepsi Sidious hologram video release bottle 0.5l (Japan)

Pepsi Darth Maul can (Singapore)
 Pepsi Qui Gon Jin can (Singapore)
Pepsi Anakin full-color can (Singapore)

Pepsi Qui Gon Jin 0.25l can (Korea)
 Pepsi Amidala 0.25l can (Korea)
 Pepsi Jar Jar 0.25l can (Korea)
 Pepsi Darth Maul 0.25l can (Korea)

 Pepsi Anakin bottle (Norway)
 Pepsi Qui Gon 0.5l bottle (Norway)
 PepsiMax Jar Jar bottle (Norway)
 PepsiMax R2D2 0.5l bottle (Norway)
 7UP Yoda bottle (Norway)
 7UP C3PO 0.5l bottle (Norway)

 Pepsi cans #1 to 8 (USA)
 Mountain Dew cans #9 to 16 (USA)
 Diet Pepsi cans #17 to 20 (USA)
 Pepsi One cans #21 to 24 (USA)
 Storm Qui Gon can (USA)

 Lipton Ice Tea glass bottle Obi Wan (USA)
 Lipton Ice Tea glass bottle Watto (USA)

 7UP C3PO can (Canada)

 7UP C3PO can (Australia)

 Pepsi Anakin can (Spain)
 Pepsi Qui Gon can (Spain)
 Kas Darth Maul can (Spain)
 Pepsi Boom Jar Jar can (Spain)
 Pepsi Light Rein Amidala can (Spain)

 Pepsi Anakin can (France)
 Pepsi Darth Maul can (France)
 Pepsi Amidala can (France)
 Pepsi 8pack carton (France)

 Pepsi plastic 4-bottle-shrink-wrapper with 4 charachters (France)

Pepsi Jar Jar can (Malaysia)
Pepsi Amidala can (Malaysia)
Pepsi Darth Maul can (Malaysia)
Pepsi Anakin can (Malaysia)

Pepsi Anakin can(New Zealand)
Pepsi Light Amidala can(New Zealand)
Mirinda Sebulba can(New Zealand)
Mountain Dew Watto can(New Zealand)
7-Up Yoda can(New Zealand)

Pizza Hut /KFC/Taco Bell
Pizza Hut paper placemat �toys (Holland)
Pizza Hut Game card (Holland)
Pizza Hut Pitcher hanging cardboard display (Holland)
Pizza Hut Queen Amidala cup topper (Holland)

Amidala paper placemat �pitcher (Germany)
Pizza Hut table display card with Amidala and Pitchers (Germany)
Pizza Hut table display card with Darth Maul and events (Germany)
Pizza Hut table display card with Jar Jar and kid's toys (Germany)
Pizza Hut Garland/banner with 6 different Charachters (Germany)
Pizza Hut Jar Jar binks pitcher (Germany)
Pizza Hut Amidala pitcher (Germany)
Pizza Hut Anakin pitcher (Germany)
Pizza Hut Jar Jar paper 0.5l cup (Germany)

Pizza Hut toys/promos CD & menuflyer (Austria)
Pizza Hut plastified menuplacemat (Austria)

Pizza Hut table display card with cup and characters (Norway)
Pizza Hut table plastic holder for display card (Norway)
Pizza Hut game card (Norway)
Pizza Hut plastic 0.7l cup with Anakin/Podrace scene (Norway)

Pizza Hut placemat with Jar Jar and toys and game on back (UK)
Pizza Hut CD Rom (UK)
Pizza Hut Amidala box (UK)

Pizza Hut Darth Maul menu leaflet (Turkey)

Pizza Hut gamepiece-board leaflet andinside with gamepiece -unopened (USA)
Pizza Hut gamepiece-board leaflet with gamepiece �opened (USA)
Pizza Hut gamepiece leaflet (USA)
Pizza Hut pizza box sticker (USA)
Pizza Hut table display card -cup toppers (USA)
Pizza Hut gamepieces see Taco Bell gamepieces-(USA)
Pizza Hut R2D2 pizza box small (USA)

Pizza Hut R2D2/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut Yoda/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut Qui Gon/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut Anakin/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut Amidala/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut Jar Jar/Pepsi glass (Belgium)
Pizza Hut table display card Amidala/choco mouse (Belgium)
Pizza Hut table display card Obi Wan/ chicken wings (Belgium)
Pizza Hut paper placemat with character game part 2 (Belgium)

Pizza Hut table flyer Amidala, back 3 menus (France)

Pizza Hut Jar Jar menu flyer and back (Mexico)

KFC Obi Wan Zinger box (UK)
KFC Darth Maul Zinger Tower Burger box (UK)
KFC Amidala Chicken Filet Burger box (UK)
KFC Darth Maul fries package (UK)
KFC Obi Wan/Qui Gon plastic cup (UK)
KFC Amidala plastic cup (UK)

KFC paper placemat-charachters (Spain)

KFC paper placemat-toys (Holland)
KFC kids meal box (Holland)

KFC/ Taco Bell/ Pizza Hut gamepiece board (USA)
KFC gamepieces �see Taco Bell game pieces (USA)
KFC large paper Boss Nass cup(USA)
KFC plastic Amidala bag (USA)

Taco Bell gamepiece # 1 Ric Olie (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 3 R2D2 (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 5 Mace Windu (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 6 Sebulba (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 7 Anakin (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 8 Watto(USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 9 C3PO (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 11 Darth Maul (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 12 Qui Gon Jinn (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 14 Jar Jar Binks (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 15 Boss Nass (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 16 Amidala (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 17 Paplpatine (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 18 Obi Wan Kenobi (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 19 Darth Sidious (USA)
Taco Bell gamepiece # 21 food prize (USA)
Taco Bell Grande meal box (USA)
Taco Bell paper Jar Jar cup (USA)
Taco Bell /KFC/ Pizza Hut gamepiece board (USA)
Taco Bell R2D2 plastic bag (USA)
Taco Bell C3PO plastic bag (USA)
Taco Bell Watto plastic bag (USA)


Obi Wan 30� lightsaber (UK)
Qui Gon 30� lightsaber (UK)
Fingers chocolate biscuits box (UK)
Fingers promo-item Jar Jar clippo (UK)
Biscuits box with SW shaped cookies (UK)
Biscuits large bag with SW shaped cookies (UK)
Biscuits small bag with SW shaped cookies (UK)
Chocolate bar wrapper (UK)
Chocolate bar box (UK)
Chocolate box with Pod Race scene and cut-out masks (UK)

Chupa Chups
Darth Maul scene tin contains 8 lollipops with metal sticker (Holland)
Amidala scene tin contains 8 lollipops with metal sticker (Holland)
Anakin scene tin contains 8 lollipops with metal sticker (Holland)
Obi Wan scene tin contains 8 lollipops with metal sticker (Holland)
Lollipop 8 different packages with collectible sticker (Holland)

SW Pasta shapes in tin with Darth Maul Holosticker (UK)

Crazy Planet
Chewing gum with SW sticker (Holland)
Collectors leaflet for SW stickers (Holland)
4 Collector sticker bag with 2 gums (Holland)

Candy Max
Darth Maul chewing gum wrapper(Mexico)
Jar Jar chewing gum wrapper (Mexico)
Anakin chewing gum wrapper (Mexico)
Chewing gum metallic sticker (Mexico)
Complete chewing gum colorful box -unopened (Mexico)

Ola/Good Humor/Langnese/Walls (Unilever icecream)
Battle Droid paper ice cream wrapper (Europe)
Battle Droid plastic ice cream wrapper (Thailand)
Battle Droid ice cream box (UK)

Jelly shaped candy bag with SW photocard-spinner (UK)
Jelly shaped candy small bags (Holland)
Tin with Darth Maul and candy (UK)
Tin with Anakin and candy (UK)
Tin with Jar Jar and candy (UK)
Darth Maul carton box with candy (Holland)
Jar Jar carton box with candy (Holland)
Darth Maul octagonal tin box (Germany)
Anakin octagonal tin box (Germany)

Pandorino cake in Obi Wan Kenobi tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in Amidala tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in Battle droid tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in Qui Gon Jinn tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in Darth Maul tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in Anakin tin (Italy)
Pandorino cake in large tin Movie poster (Italy)

Chocolate rice balls box with collectible sticker inside (Japan)
Curry rice sauce dark side (Japan)
Curry rice sauce light side (Japan)
Rice spices back version 1 (Japan)
Rice spices back version 2 (Japan)
Rice spices back version 3(Japan)

La Vache Qui Ruit
8 piece cheese box Darth Maul with card (France)
8 piece cheese box Anakin with card (France)
12 piece cheese box Darth Maul with card (France)
12 piece cheese box Sebulba with card (France)
24 piece cheese box Darth Maul -Qui gon on side- with card (France)

Darth Maul choco cookies pack (France)
Amidala choco cookies pack (France)
Anakin choco cookies pack (France)
Qui Gon choco cookies pack (France)

Nesquik cannister with Star Wars Lego offer (Spain)

Promotional items

Hasbro holographic Obi Wan chain -contest winner (Germany)

Hasbro/Star Wars insider Wuher pass (USA)
Hasbro/Star Wars insider Mace Windu pass (USA)

Pepsi Bottle cap Anakin Skywalker (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap Obi Wan Kenobi (TPM) (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap Padme Naberrie (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap Mace Windu (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap Mace Windu head (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap wrapper Amidala (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap wrapper Darth Maul (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap wrapper Yoda (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap wrapper R2D2 (Japan)
Pepsi bottle cap wrapper Anakin (Japan)

Pepsi magnet wrapper (Japan)
Pepsi holographic magnet (Japan)

Complete set of Holland chips cards inserts (Holland)

Pepsi/Smiths chips large sticker leaflet part A and part B (Holland)
Pepsi keychain light Darth Maul (Holland)
Pepsi keychain light Jar Jar (Holland)
Pepsi keychain light Amidala (Holland)
Pepsi keychain light Anakin (Holland)
Pepsi keychain light display box (Holland)

Pepsi Darth Maul tattoo sticker (Germany)
Pepsi Queen Amidala tattoo sticker (Germany)

Pepsi Anakin pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Amidala pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Darth Maul pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Obi Wan pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Jar Jar pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Qui Gon pop-up card (UK)
Pepsi Yoda pop-up card (UK)

Pepsi CD Rom -prize in phone contest (Germany)

Pepsi bottle contest label and back (Norway)
Pepsi CD Rom �prize in Internet contest (Norway)

Promotional videocover-insert -for display purposes only (Holland)

Lego promocard X-Wing Fighter (Holland)
Lego promocard Darth Vader (Holland)
Lego promocard Darth Maul (Germany)
Lego promocard Pod race scene (Norway)

Wal*Mart Star Wars circle stickers (USA)

Licensed items

Merlin Sticker Album (Holland)
Merlin Sticker Album (Italy)

Episode I Display material

Kenner/Hasbro Preview Mace Windu shelf display with forms(USA)
Kenner/Hasbro huge Wal*Mart sneak preview Mace Windu figure offer poster (USA)
Kenner/Hasbro huge Wal*Mart 1995-1999 figuresposter offer (USA)

Sainsbury�s Supermarket window sticker duel scene (UK)
Sainsbury�s Supermarket window sticker Kellogg�s (UK)

Pepsi 'Get Battle Droid can holder'& cans display sticker , full pic (Japan)
Pepsi large 'Get Battle Droid can holder'& cans display sticker (Japan)
Pepsi 'Get Battle droid can holder' window sticker (Japan)
Pepsi 'Get C3PO sound bottle Cap' window sticker (Japan)

Pepsi Jar Jar crate display (Holland)
Pepsi Anakin crate display (Holland)
Pepsi/ Smiths chips Anakin/Amidala/Obi Wan/Jar Jar display (Holland)
Pepsi/Smiths chips 2-sided cardboard banner (Holland)
Pepsi/Smiths chips 2-sided hanging banner (Holland)
Pepsi/Smiths/Shell 'free CDRom' Jar Jar poster (Holland)
Pepsi/Smiths booklet display box (Holland)
Pepsi/Smiths 7' Qui Gon Jinn standee (Holland)

Pepsi Darth Maul standee -with unused price indication(Germany)

Pepsi Yoda win cash window sticker (USA)
Pepsi Yoda win cash triangular sticker (USA)
Pepsi Darth maul collect cans triangular sticker (USA)
Pepsi 'Find Gold Yoda can' pole poster (USA)
Pepsi Jar Jar pricing pole poster (USA)
Pepsi/Lays Kmart Amidala promoposter (USA)

Anakin Borders Books display (USA)
Amidala Borders Books display (USA)
Darth Maul Borders Books display (USA)
Jar Jar Border Books display (USA)

2000 Video release charachters/podrace stand-up (Holland)
2000 Video release cardboard poster (Holland)
2000 Video release cardboard triangular table display (Holland)
2000 Video release charachters/podrace poster (Holland)

2000 Video release charachters/podrace poster (Germany)

2001 VCD Trigolgy Saga release R2D2/C3PO poster (Malaysia)

Pepsi Anakin banner poster (Norway)
Pepsi Jar Jar banner poster (Norway)
Pepsi Obi Wan banner poster (Norway)
Pepsi Darth Maul banner poster (Norway)
Pepsi triangular Anakin/Amidala hanging display (Norway)
Pepsi 2-sided Anakin/all character cardboard display (Norway)

Huge circular soundtrack display -still in carton, easy to ship! (Holland)
Pizza Hut Pitcher menu doublesided cardboard display (Holland)

Pizza Hut 2-sided Amidala/Darth Maul plastic window display (Germany)
Pizza Hut charachter garland/banner (Germany)

Lego 2 piece small mobile "NYHET" (Norway)

Lego doublesided plastic hanger Naboofighter display (Singapore)

Kelloggs promo poster (Spain)

Kelloggs Star Wars Myth tour poster (Germany)

Paris Match huge news-stand poster Amidala (France)


Film �8 pages about Episode I �cover Amidala (Norway)
Time �European edition- Episode I (Holland)
VARA TV Guide Darth Maul cover (Holland)
Veronica TV Guide Qui Gon & Obi Wan cover (Holland)
TV Krant TV Guide Episode I cover (Holland)
Televizier TV guide Obi Wan cover (Holland)

AD Magazine Amidala cover (Holland)
KIJK magazine Yoda cover (Holland)

Advertisement folders
These folders have one or more Star Wars toys (or other item) advertised. Some are entirely devoted to Star Wars merchandise

Toys R Us (USA)
Wal*Mart (USA)
Target (USA)

Toys R Us (Germany)

Toys R Us (Holland)
Bart Smit (Holland)
Intertoys (Holland)
Blokker (Holland)
Supermarket folder with SW page ad (Holland)

Christiaensen (Belgium)

And there is so much more which will be added in time� when I find the time.

july 14th, 2000

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Email me soon

� 2000 stanterje@hotmail.com

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