Star Wars Movieshots

Movieshots are little slides from the Star Wars Special Edition. They were free inserts in chips bags in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Indonesia during the Star Wars Special Edition release.

In The Netherlands the promotion consisted of 50 different chronologically numbered Movieshots. A collectors album was also available with Dutch text. The movieshots themselve were inserted in various types of chipsbags(Holland has a varied chips-culture!) each chipsbag featuring a different Star Wars Character. Along with the promotion came a Star Viewer: a little foldable paper slide viewer that was inserted in a 8pack small chips baggies. The holder bag had a large C3PO on it. For a limited time a Star Projector was available at Shell gas stations. With this enhanced flashlight you can project the Movieshots on a wall!

Click here to see a Holland promo leaflet with 2 free Movieshots(front and back side) and an ad for the Star Projector.

In Belgium the Movieshots were released in the same Chipsbags, however due to the Bilingual part the chipsbags have both Dutch and French text. The Movieshots were almost identical to the ones in Holland with the exception that some of the Movieshots numerical order was mixed up(1,2,3,8,21,5,6,47 etc) instead of the ones in Holland. The collectors album is in both French and Dutch.

In Spain the Movieshots are called:Mini Films. They are exactly the same as the Dutch Movieshots except that the SW:SE logo is in Spanish.

More info and pics coming soon!

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