Welcome to the U.S.S. Exaveor home of Adm.Pierre L'eon

Welcome to the U.S.S.Exaveor home of Adm.Pierre Leon

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The U.S.S.Exaveor NCC-75666 T'harah Class Max. speed: Warp 9.995 Max Tri Warp: 15.995 19 Decks
4 Quantom Torpedo Launchers
15 Linior Phaser Cluster's + Photon Ray
10 Photon Torpedo Launchers
10 Standrd. Trans. 15 Emergcy. Trans. 8 Cargo Trans. 3 Shuttlebays
Welcome to the U.S.S. Exaveor
Hello my name is Brian and I'm a Senior at Central High School. I'm a Cellest of Concert Orchestra. I attend the East Duluth Church of Christ and am involved in the Youth Group activitys there. I like to do a wide range of things. I am A Sci-fi fan and I enjoy Star Wars and Star Trek. I like many other movies like: Ransom, Back to the Future, Terminator I and II... Ect. 

Pierre's Crew
Seth Nuthak
Joe Proveaux
Joseph Mann
Brent Gould
Aaron Kruse
Dan Atkins
Shane Thorp

New links!
STARFLEET International's Home Page
 JoBee's Jammin'House of Blues Jazz and Rock-n-Roll

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