A Nothingness Review....Tunguska
by C.Schmidt ®
DISCLAIMER: Again not mine its theirs, just shamelessly re-writing for my
own personal and sick reasons. No infringement is intended and there is no
way any one would come close to possibly thinking about paying me for this
mess, so don't sue! I have to buy Christmas stuff for the kids and they
would be pretty upset if Fox took all my money.
Opening Scene -
Scully is testifying before Congress, and looks mighty darn spiffy and
proper looking, as the newly re-elected members of the Republican Congress
and Senate grill her, in there futile attempts to start another Watergate,
or possibly a new Gennifer Flowers or even Antia Hill thing. Of course
everyone already knows who was behind it all.......
SENATOR STAND IN GUY:Ms. Scully, do you swear to tell the truth the whole
truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
SCULLY: Before I answer that question I'd like to speak to my lawyer, Mr.
David Oakes, and then I'll probably claim the 5th, besides after I'm done,
swearing before God might not be an option any more. And I also have a
prepared statement I'd like to read.
SSIG: Excuse me Ms. Scully, what was that comment about God? Are you saying
that there is no God?
SCULLY: Sir, if I may please read my prepared statement, that should clear
matters up, sir.
SSIG: Will it gives all the answers we are looking for? The last thing we
would want to do is needlessly waste taxpayers money on this issue. We have
other hearings pending and they are costing the US tax payer a pretty penny
and all the Senate hearing moneys are being directly funneled into those on
going investigations that have been on going for almost four years now.
Like Whitewater, Clinton and is hem... extra-material affairs.
SCULLY: Yes sir I understand your need for the truth and my statement should
be able to provide answers to several questions that are near and dear to
the tax paying citizens and you and your esteemed colleges involved with
this hearing.
SSIG: Then by all means continue with your prepared statement Ms. Scully.
SCULLY: Thank you. Before I get to main the statements and answers
concerning this investigation, let me release the results of some other
questions you were wanting answers to....
After our 2 year investigation we believe Mr. Simpson to be
guilty as sin! All evidence, real and planted found at the crime scene
supports our findings, that Mr. Simpson did indeed kill is former wife.
Michael Jackson did not naturally father his unborn child, we have proof on
video when he visited the artificial insemination clinic, outside McClean VA
yes the same clinic run by the Dr. that used his own sperm to impregnate women.
Timothy McVeigh did not bomb the Federal building in
Oklahoma City it was an ex-partner to my currently missing partner, Mr. Alex
Krycek, who was behind the bombings at least so far as our investigation has
We recently got new evidence to support the second gunman
theory for the assignation of JFK. Also on the assignations we believe,
after watching last weeks episode that James Earl Ray was also a "patsy" and
not the true killer of the Rev. Martin Luther King.
The 1980 Winter Olympics were also rigged. We now know why
the Buffalo Bills were not able to win the Super Bowl.
We found the Ark of the Covenant, it was stuck behind some
boxes and neck implants in the Department of Defense's warehouse.
We have proof that Jesus is currently living in Manhattan,
but most people would not recognize him since he got a sex change and a tan
and looks more like Whoppi then the son of God. We even questioned him
about why Manhattan, he mumbled something about beagles and water, that was
the reason they were better in New York.
All the evidence we found supports my partners belief that
Elvis is indeed alive and currently residing in a trailer park outside Green
Bay, where he shares his mobile home with BigFoot.
Oh and we stole this rock, from a diplomatic pouch that we
believe contains alien life from Mars.
SSIG: That is all fine and dandy Ms. Scully but where is your partner Mr.
SCULLY: I can not disclose that information at this time. It might in
danger is life, and if I tell you I will have to kill you, and killing might
put a damper on any new roles that might be offered to me after the X-Files
goes off the air.
SSIG: I can fully understand your hesitance on disclosing that information
Ms. Scully, but as a Federal employee you are bound by law to answer all of
our questions or be held in contempt of Congress.
SCULLY: Are you threatening my job security sir?
SSIG: Well, yes! If you don't explain where Agent Mulder is and keep your
big mouth shut about equal pay in Hollywood, not only will you be held in
contempt but we will be forced pressure Fox Network and CC to write you off
the Show!
SCULLY: Well when you put it that way I guess I have no other choice then
to tell my story. This is a long story so make your selves comfy and I
shall start at the beginning......
One day along along time ago in a galaxy far far away there was the struggle
between good and evil. The rebel alliance was on the brink of
destruction.......and then the Borg came something about first contact....
Oh BTW, blond hair really just doesn't look good on Beverly Crusher......
Then Darth says "I am your father Luke." And Luke screams
Cue opening theme -
Whoo whoo!!! The X-files!!! Oooooh, Mulder!
Ahh, yes! Scully!!! SCULLY!!!!!!!!! Commercial break! Beer run!! Food
stop! Hurry hurry before the show starts! It's an arc story people so for
the first million viewings you will be totally lost. Then the next million
are for nipicking..........
Run the credits and keep them going till the show is done so when we can
run then again. Hey it worked with the season opener and no one was
distracted by the names scrolling at the bottom, and we have to acknowledge
all that have ever even thought about helping with the show, that and we
have lots of producers now so CC can concentrate on Millennium.
Lets start this ep in an airport. We see a very nervous guy being told that
his diplomatic amnesty is useless to him on this latest drug smuggling go
around... only the one time he isn't smuggling coke into the country he has
to go through customs....
CUSTOM AGENT: Sir I need you to open this brief case.
NERVOUS GUY: I can't, don't have the key or the combination.
CUSTOM AGENT: OK then we'll just perform a full body cavity search. Bubba
got a life one for ya! You'll like Bubba he will be gentle, he is good with
these sort of things being that he just got released from the state
penitentiary for armed robbery and was severing a 20 year term.
We see the dumb Customs Agent snooping where he shouldn't be and he
releases a whole can of worms, um... oily slimy aliens actually and they
move! Gross!
Cut away to a totally un-related scene, where the dynamic duo are
helping out on an ATF raid....
SCULLY: Ok, Mulder, where did you get this tip from? And those X-Files
mailing list you subscribe to is the wrong answer. All they do is start
rumors and rumors will not hold up in a court of law. And next week we are
supposed to present a load of stuff in a Senate hearing and I really don't
fell like saying, "Oh, my partner got a tip from a mailing list." They'll
laugh us out of the building.
MULDER: Don't worry this was giving to me by the standard anonymous phone
call and they always allow that to be entered as evidence so no worries.
Wow! Scully you look hot all decked out in that Army gear. And look those
combat boots add a whole 3 inches to your height!
SCULLY: Good I hate standing on that damn box! And hey look they gave me
this really cool gun too! God I hope I get to use it!
MULDER: Well Scully I got a tip for you. Don't turn that gun back into the
props guy. Instead take it with you when you and your agent go to
re-negotiate your contract. How do you think I got my big huge raise, and
the guarantee to always have top billing on any thing x-files even if I
ain't in it.
SCULLY: Hey thanks for the tip! And I was always wondering how come your
name always came before mine. I always thought they were using my married
MULDER: Hey speaking of that how come you don't use that name? Ya know it
would save a lot of people a lot of time on these mailing lists I
subscribing to, from debating the Ms Manners thing.... is it Ms. or Mrs.
SCULLY: Well it's Ms. besides Mrs. Anderson is my mother! And would you go
by the name Klotz when Anderson not only looks better and sounds better?
MULDER: Yeah I see your point. Come on lets go get this bust out of the
way. ET is supposed to air that feature on me tonight and I want to get
home in time to watch it. God I hope all my sex starved fans make sure to
take note that I love things with Elvis on it, and will send me some new
Elvis stuff to keep me happy and not feel so home sick by being stuck up
here in Vancouver year round.
The raid goes well and there is an unexpected bonus.....
SCULLY: Hands in the air you scum bag! I've got a really cool gun and ma
just dying to use it!
MULDER: RATBOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
SCULLY: Now how the hell did you get out of that silo Ratboy!
KRYCEK: Nice to see you too Mulder, Scully. And Scully you look hot in the
full combat gear! CC should have you wear that stuff more often. And you
look taller.
SCULLY: Thanks Alex! You don't look half bad your self considering we
thought you for dead in that silo.....
Ratboy explains stuff. Another chase scene through an airport. Mulder
and Scully get the rock. Mulder takes Ratboy to see Skinner. Lets make
sure we turn on all the ladies here guys, and lets have a shirtless Skinner
scene. Ah, hell while we are add it lets tell everyone where Skinner lives
We see Mulder and Skinner get some cheap shots in on Krycek then Skinner
cuffs him to the balcony. Later a person breaks into Skinners apartment and
Ratboy does good and tosses him over the edge where he falls 17 stories to
is death splat! Mulder later pays a visit to the new snitch, and she books
him a flight to Russia. Mulder has an intimate chat with Scully and tells
her he is taking a cab. Scully and Penterall put on some space suits and
get a good look at the slimy oily alien thingies and because they have no
clue as to what it is they do like everyone else..... They claim it came
from Mars. CSM and Skinner chat.....
SKINNER: Hey I saw the artcile in People last week.
CSM: Yeah what did you think about it?
SKINNER: Not bad and I even heard that some people find you sexy!
CSM: Really? Well I was trying to shed some the evil image I have been
getting as of late. I think last weeks ep help a bit too. Hey ya got a
light my new "trust no one" zippo isn't working no more... cheap merchendise!
Next we see The well manicured man and CSM also chat and find out that
Mulder is in Russia. Skinner and Scully are called in to answer some
questions on what is going on. Mulder and Ratboy get caught and find
themselves in a Russian Gulag.....
MULDER: This bites! It is not in my contract that I have to stay in a shit
hole like this! Scully never has to do these stuff! I'm gonna get my agent
to include this in my next contract no being shoved in prisons! And that
means I'm also going to miss getting my copy of the up coming FHM mag!!!!!!
KRYCEK: Yeah how come she never has to do this stuff! You are right it is
not fair! FHM?? Really cool, I'll have to reserve myself a copy of that
too. Oh did you see her on the cover of Esquire, she was hot!!! I like
Scully, she is the only one that hasn't kick the crap out of me since I got
MULDER: Its a false sense of security, Ratboy. She was watching that show
that comes on before ours now.... Ned and Stacy. And well Ned whacked this
guy really good in a very tender male spot with a racket ball. Then Scully
started mumbling something about taking racket ball lessons and your name
was mentioned in that sentence too. But she also mumbled in passing all the
names of the x-files, and fox producers as well. Then she garbed that cool
gun she didn't turn back in props, and went to have lunch with her agent,
something about re-re-negotiating her contract or something.
KRYCEK: That doesn't sound to good. I guess she is still a bit sore that I
shot her sister.
MULDER: Well that is putting it lightly....Oh, look dinner, can you hand me
my cup of the thing that is being passed of as soup. Thanks. Oh look
protein, and I thought it would just contain rotten spuds. But they had the
heart to include a roach. Hmmm I wonder if this is one of the roaches from
outer space? Man this roach brings back memories... Bambi..
KRYCEK: Yeah Bambi was hot! Hey I didn't get a roach in mine that is not
fair! I know Russian and I'm going to start complaining!
Ratboy complains and is taken off and some men hold Mulder down after he
eats his protein enriched roach and inject him with what could be:
A: A second Smallpox vaccination
B: Alien DNA
C: Those oily slimy crawling things.
D: Heroin
E: The anti serum for the fake small pox shot or the oily slimy stuff that
means now Mulder can be stung by those bees we saw before and not die... coool
Later we see Mulder and lots of other prisoners in a room meshed down with
fencing while they are the guinea pigs in some mass experiment before the
words.... "To be continued" appear..... All hell breaks loose as x-philes
all over the north American hemisphere let out a huge window shattering
scream for being left in yet another lurch again... So stay tuned for next
week ep to find out ...
1: Does Mulder , wait how will Mulder get his butt out of this jam
2: Will Scully ever finish her testimony before the Senate.
3: Well Mulder and Ratboy get their copies of FHM
4: What will Pentrell and Scully find in the rock from Mars
5: How did Scullya nd Pendrell know this rock was from Mars
6: Will the blond snitch be Mulder's squeeze and what will Scully's
reaction be.
7: Will Scully get a raise
8: Oh yeah how does all this tie in to the grand scheme of x-files arc stories.
9: Will the writers follow time lines this time or make it up as they go.
10: Who will be the next Space and Beyond cross over guest star.
11: Will we get some clones in the second part
12: Where is that intimate scene we were promised!

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