
"Tempus Fugit" A Nothingness Thang...
by C.Schmidt ®

DISCLAIMER: Why bother suing I ain’t got nothing so go away.

Opening whatever -

We see a plane....

TATTOO: Look Master, Za Plane, Za Plane.

THE FANTASY ISLAND GUY: Yes Tattoo, I see that plane. But we should stay far away from that one.


TFIG: Because that one belongs to that show! The weird one and...

TATTOO: Oh that show. I see, and gottcha! Oh look Master, there is a... a... well something doing weird stuff to that plane.

TFIG: Shield your eyes Tattoo! And run for cover. It’s... it’s...

TATTOO: A good TV show for a change sir?

TFIG: Well if you consider good plots, great acting, wonderful special effects and a show that you have to pay attention to good then I guess so. I prefer the good old days when shows like ours ruled the air ways but...

TATTOO: I wonder what is going on up there on that plane?

Cut to the inside of the plane, and we see a guy getting trashed another going to the little men’s room to make a gun and.... Max??? Is that Max??? Oh no, a flash of white light and....

Cue Music......

We are in a yuppie type bar/restaurant. It’s someone’s birthday, but who’s? Two waiters carry a whimping looking cake with one of those candles that don’t go out to a table. Whoa! It’s the dynamic duo’s table....

SCULLY: Gee Mulder I’m touched, you never remember my birthday.

MULDER: Well I didn’t. I just told the waiters it was your birthday for the free food. But I did get you something and if you don’t like it... well I take it.

Mulder hands Scully a little box....

SCULLY: Why am I afraid to open this?

MULDER: You know you are not the easiest person to shop for... I was stumped so I got you something...

SCULLY: Awe... Just what I always wanted. A key chain commemorating the Apollo 11 flight? Gee now my life is complete.

MULDER: Well if you don’t want it...

SHARON: Excuse me are you Mulder and Scully?


MULDER: Maybe, why?

SHARON: Oh please say you are.

SCULLY: Why? Is there any money in it for us?

MULDER: If so then yes, if not um... Who the hell are Mulder and Scully?

SHARON: No, no money but...

SCULLY: Then we aren’t them, so if you will excuse us we are celebrating my birthday and Mul... Mr. Luder was getting ready to give me my *real* present.

SHARON: You don’t understand my brother Max...

MULDER: Max??? Max Fenig?

SHARON: Yeah, so you are Mulder and Scully.

SCULLY: So what if we are? Now give me my real present I don’t want no commemorative coin chain what ever this is. I want what all women want... diamonds! Or money.

MULDER: Whoa! Max was abducting way back in the first season and we can’t help you because we haven’t seen him since. And Scully I am in the FBI what makes you think I can afford diamonds? Its the Apollo thing or nothing!

SCULLY: Mulder is right we haven’t seen your brother so leave us alone. Besides I didn’t like him. He was weird...

SHARON: But you don’t understand he is back....

MULDER: No way!

SHARON: Well not really but see he was but then he was on a plane and the plane it... it crashed or something.

SCULLY: Should have told him not to fly Value Jet.

MULDER: Come on Scully lets go check this out.

SCULLY: Mulder! But its my birthday and I haven’t eaten my cake yet.

Mulder drags Scully to a meeting. They hear the tape from the pilots. Mulder tells them the plane abducted by aliens. Everyone in the room quickly moves to the other side as far away from Mulder as they can. As they don’t believe him and think he is nuts! Then Mulder tells everyone he is with the FBI. This gets him no where, as they now know he is nuts and refuse to comment.

Later Mulder and Scully go to the crash site and start placing little flags on dead people. Some of the people that were at the meeting find a body and do weird things to it. Mulder as a thing for watches and decides he must look at everyone’s, of course he notices that they are all nine minutes off. They find a survivor.

Scully paces back and forth mumbling to her self while she waits on a run way in the cold as a plane lands...

SCULLY: God I hate Mulder! Scully go pick up Sharon. Scully go get the car. Scully do the autopsy. Scully get me the lab results. Scully look at this. Scully look at. Next time he can wait out on a run away in the freezing cold for people. I don’t get paid enough and I don’t even have a damn desk! This sucks! I hate Mulder.

SHARON: I brought all the stuff Max sent. Are you OK?

SCULLY: No it’s cold out here and it was my birthday. Some birthday thanks to you I didn’t even get to eat my cake. And all that is yours?

SHARON: I brought everything like I was told.

SCULLY: Look, right now I am not in a good mood and I don’t think you have told me everything so you better start now! Or well I am an FBI agent and I can have your butt thrown in jail for with holding information. And I also paid attention in self defense class. So if you don’t give me the answers I want to hear I can mess you up real bad....

We see Mulder playing around in the plane wreckage in a hanger as Scully comes in. They chat, Scully tells Mulder lots of things using lots of big words. Mulder goes into a Mulderism on how he thinks Max was abducted again before Scully throws all kinds of holes in his little theory by informing him Max is dead, they found his body, burned just like the rest. Mulder is in denial and leaves.

We then see Max’s sister in her hotel room reading through Max’s letters. The she gets abducted by something. Mulder, still in denial goes to a different hanger where they are keeping the bodies from the crash. He finds the body bag he was looking for and opens it. Mulder finds an old card with his name on it. Mulder then starts looking at all the other bags. Scully finds Mulder and they chat. Mulder then tells Scully someone must be in the fencing biz because all the watches are gone. Scully also informs Mulder of other things and they go to some base. They ask their questions and leave. The other GI gets scared.

Mulder and Scully are now off to see Max’s sis. As they walk up to the hotel the manager hands Scully the bill for the trashed room....

MULDER: Has this motel ever heard of room service. Look at this mess.

SCULLY: Ok, get the Mulderism over with. I've got lots to do and little time.

MULDER: Fine, I thought you liked my explantions

SCULLY: No, they bore the crap out of me. But go on, get this over with. I suppose you are gonna say Sharon was abducted by aliens.

MULDER: Well... yes.

SCULLY: Mulder why would aleins want Max's sister?

MULDER: How the hell should I know? I don't write this stuff I just read it. Beside maybe they have a thing for keeping the family together.

SCULLY: That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard you say!

MULDER: Well I don't see little miss know it all exactly over flowing with ideas.

One of the guys at the meeting comes to see Mulder and Scully. He has info. Later we see that the GI that was scared killed himself. Nice and neat too, no blood or exit wound. Anyway, the other GI flees as other people that were also at the meeting -Yep same people that did the weird things to that body- comb the area.

Mulder is sitting in his room listening to a tape gets an idea and calls Scully. Scully goes to see what Mulder wants but meets someone along the way. Later they take this new friend to see one of the people at that meeting -the one that gave them the info, the semi-bald one.

MULDER: OK I got proof, Mr. guy from the meeting!


SCULLY: This is Frish, some army guy that says he made this plan crash.

FRISH: I did and it was wierd. Am I going to go to jail?

MULDER: Not if we have a say you won't.

FRISH: Good cause I hate jail.

MGFTM: Look I don't have a clue what you people are talking about.

SCULLY: Thats Ok neither do I. All this talk about stealth planes, other crash sites, aliens is to much for me. All I wanted was to eat my cake but no! I get dragged here. I need a smoke!

MULDER: Shut up Scully we are trying....

SCULLY: Shut up Scully! How dare you tell me to shut up look...

FRISH: Hey! Will you two stop bickering, my life is in danger.

SCULLY: Like I care. I'm not an extra on this show.

MULDER: Frish is right we need to get him some where safe.

SCULLY: Why and where?

MULDER: Well I don' t know. But I do know this, this episode is a two parter and he could very well be important. For all we know Scully he might the answers to your deadly uncurable cancer.

FRISH: Cancer??? I don't know anything about cancer only miltary cover ups. But you have cancer Agent Scully?

MGFTM: No way you got cancer. You look so...

FRISH: Hot, beautiful, not sick.. heck you look better then your partner. He looks like he just got up but you... Whoa mama!

SCULLY: Well I was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer and will probably keel over anytime now, but I feel fine. Mulder you could be right. What if Frish knows how to cure me.

MULDER: Scully are you agreeing with me?

SCULLY: Um... yes, but no..well sort of..

MGFTM: Well lets go find that other crash site.

They leave to find the other site and there is a really neat airplane scene. The Mr. guy from the meeting, for some reason decides to go to the crash scene and is abducted by aliens. Mulder, Scully and Frish talk. It is decided that Scully will take Frish to DC, by her self!

Mulder goes scuba diving, and Scully takes Frish to a bar. Where they run into Pendrell.


SCULLY: Oh great the geek, Um... Hi Pendrell.

PENDRELL: Hey let me buy you a drink there birthday girl.

SCULLY: Well Um... I’m sort of Um... busy.

PENDRELL: Oh come on, let me buy you a drink.

SCULLY: Um... I’m with someone. Yeah that’s it. I’m with someone.

PENDRELL: Who? I don’t see that nut case Mulder anywhere.

Scully sort of points in the direction of Frish....

PENDRELL: Him??? Your with him?? Oh come on Scully. I have had the hots for you for the last four years and military guys just don’t seem like your type.

SCULLY: Well neither are geeks. And Pendrell remember this is the x-files. You can have the hots for me all you want but you will never have sex with me. I’m holding out for Mulder.

PENDRELL: HA! Never gonna happen. Hey let me buy you that drink and I’ll get one for solider boy over there too.

SCULLY: Sure fine what ever.

Scully walks back to Frish and waits while Pendrell orders the booze. Scully sees one of those people from that meeting, the one with the mustache and realizes something is up. The mustache guy pulls a gun, Scully yells "Get down!" Pendrell is at the wrong place at the wrong time and spills the beer while he gets shot. Scully shoots the other guy then rushes to Pendrell.

Meanwhile, Mulder is under water. Mulder finds a wreckage, a dead alien and then sees a light....... To be continued.....


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