'The Nothingness Review... Pusher'
by C.Schmidt ®
Disclaimer:Not mine, theirs, Don't sue me Mr. Oakes! I'm poor and the kids
really want Christmas presents.
'The Pusher'
by Steppenwolf
"Ya know I, smoked a lot of grass. Oh Lord, I popped a lot pills. But I
never touched nothing, Hmm, that my spirit could kill. Ya know I've seen
alot of people walk'in round, with tombstones in their eyes. But the Pusher
don't care, ah, if you live, or if you die.
God damn! Hmm The Pusher. God damn, yeah, hey I say The Pusher. I say God
damn, God damn! The Pusher man."
Opening Thingie....
A grocery store. Lots of happy people, buying food for
their families, tasting all the free stuff, eating all the grapes before
they get to the check out counter, the kids running amok in the aisles,
cheap skates reading all the magazines looking for articles and pictures of
Gillian Anderson, David Duchvony or anything x-files related before they buy
the mag, that they probably would in any normal circumstance not be caught
dead buying, but because their idols are in this edition they fork over the
cash gladly.
All is normal with one exception, one man buying all the Mango Kiwi
Tropical Swirl Protein drinks, he could possibly cram in is basket, sending
it's stock on Wall Street to soar. Oh, and all the under cover FBI agents
that are outside and in the store. Other than that, it is a completly normal
day. The man on a protein kick goes to the check out counter stopping along
the way to read the tabloids, some dumb story about a huge worm in the New
Jersey sewer system, he usually goes by the name of Mayor Ed Kotch, but I
think we all know him as the flukeworm. Well the FBI get their man and are
on their way to the jail house, when for some reason the man with a protein
fetish decides to make a pass at the young officer driving the car....
PUSHER: Gee officer, I just love a man in uniform, especially a cerulean
YOUNG DUMB OFFICER: Well thanks, I try to look my best when ascorting
murders, rapists and in general scum of the earth, like your self to jail.
PUSHER: And I do appreciate the care you put into your appearance. And
cerulean blue is my favorite color, it really brings out the manly manliness
in your facial features. Ahh, cerulean blue is like a sea breeze....
YDO: Nah.... I think that is supposed to be more like a gentle breeze, Mr.
Pusher man.
PUSHER: Yeah ya know you are right. That sounds so relaxing, think I'll say
it over and over till that cerulean blue Mack semi-truck cruising a 120mhp
rams into the side of the police car. Cerulean blue is like a gentle
breeze. Cerulean blue is like a gentle breeze. Cerulean blue is like
a gentle breeze. Cerulean blue is like a gentle breeze.....
CRASH! BOOM! DEATH AND MAYHEM! And the Pushers flees.....
Cue Opening Theme X-Files Music -
Ooo, David, cool! Ooo better, Gillian!
SCULLY!!!!!! Whoo Whoo!!!!! More scenes that we have been watching for the
last 4 years. When are they going to give us new opening scenes?
Commercials, Join the Navy "Be all you can be," visit our web-site and see
how the Navy is not just a job. It's an adventure at
http://www.usnavy.com... and more mindless brainwashing by big companies to
force us unsuspecting couch potatoes to by their stuff or things we don't
need, like get KFC for Santa even though we know damn well all he eats is
cookies and asks for the occasional carrot stick for Rudloph. And an add
FBI Headquarters, the basement. We see Mulder, Scully -- who looks
mighty fine in that nice red power suit no mole and a skin patch over the
tattoo, wait she don't have that yet this is a repeat -- and Agent Burst,
watching a slide presentation on "The effects of cerulean blue and Mack
semi-trucks and their destructive force... The does and don'ts of a rookie
cop. Don't let this happen to you."
BURST: He calls himself Pusher.
SCULLY: That's a nice name. So what happened, and why are you bothering us
with this. We have lots of work to do and interviews to grant, on the whole
Flukeworm in the sewer thing. The National Inquirer is stopping by later.
They want an exclusive, and are still reeling that Mulder told the story to
The Globe first.
MULDER: Well you didn't tell me The Inquirer bought the rights Scully! I
need a new secretary, you think like we are equal or something and have the
same rights I do at killing all the monsters and aliens.
SCULLY: I am not your secretary Mulder! I was hired to keep your butt out
of trouble and to always be there to perform autopsies on aliens or any
other weird thing you happen to stumble upon. Not keep track of your
schedule. That's why CC pays the local population of Vancouver, they are
cheap labor and make great extras for the set.
BURST: Will you two stop! I have a major problem here and I came here
looking for help. This Pusher man, is bad news. And I wanna get him! Not
only would it look really good on me service record but CC might have me
re-appear as a guest next season. And I hear the likes of Linch, King and
various other writers, directors and stars are going to be working on the
show while Chris devotes all is time and energy into that new program FOX
wants him to do.... What’s the name of that show?
MULDER: Millennium, and I hate it already! But your right back to the case
at hand.
SCULLY: You claim this Pusher was making a pass at the young officer and....
BURST: Yeah and then next thing the new squad car is scrap metal and Pusher
is gone.
MULDER: The power of suggestion Scully, we see it all the time. That's
what this is.
SCULLY: I'm not buying it Mulder.
MULDER: Ok, then explain to me why you use Clairol instead of Nice'n Easy to
dye your hair red?
SCULLY: Because I had a dollar off coupon, not because I was brainwashed
with subliminal messages. If that was the case we'd all be wearing Nike's
so we could be like Mike, drinking Coke, own Direct TV, and vote Republican.
MULDER: Burst was there anything else at the crime scene.
BURST: Yes, Pusher did take the time to write a clue on the car with the
dead officers blood.
SCULLY: NIN RO???? What the F*** is that supposed to mean?
MULDER: No, no Scully.... It's RO NIN, don't you remember anything? This
is a deranged mad man and lesson 101 at the academy was "All deranged mad
men will leave clues and write them backwards." And it's a Samurai without a
MULDER: What you never watched Yojimbo?
SCULLY: Um, no! I guess I missed that one, saw "A Fist Full Of Dollars"
though, and "Enter Of The Dragon."
Mulder and Scully are sifting through some martial arts mags. Mulder
is reading the classifieds and Scully is looking at the pictures. Stand in
secretary chick comes in and Scully tells her, "Next time have the make up
guy cover up those bruises better, looks like you got mugged." The
Secretary explains that she did indeed get mugged and said the guy got away.
Her story falls upon deaf hears, as Mulder continues to scan the classifieds
and Scully drools over the pictures. Mulder finds an add that he saw in all
the mags, and being that they are at FBI Headquarters there is the handy
dandy Japanese/English dictionary just laying around. Mulder figures out
that OSU doesn't mean Pusher was an alumni from Ohio State, but rather it
means to push.... Cool..... Mulder and Scully put the FBI training to work
get some phone numbers and stake out public pay telephones all night...
Cats rule and Scully drools.... And they get the number for a golf range,
and think it could just be another OJ tip but go check it out any way.....
At the golf range Pusher awaits and takes practice shoots before having an
FBI Agent burn himself, Scully puts out the fire and Mulder gets the Pusher
man. They haul his butt in and Pusher bets Mulder 5 bucks he gets off.
Well Pusher rigs the jury and brainwashes the judge and goes free. Mulder
pays up and makes him look and now becomes a worthy opponent for Pushers
Mulder is at the shooting range Scully pops in and they discuss the
scientific implications of the 'Whammy.' Pusher goes to the FBI
headquarters, gets by the security with a 'pass' and pays a visit to the
secretary chick, plays on her sympathy, gets the info he wants then lets
loose the chick to beat Skinner up, and she leaves size 7 heel marks all
over the AD.
Scully and Mulder use the lame criminal trespassing complaint and obtain a
search warrant. A full swat team of agents crashes Pushers apartment.
Mulder finds protein drinks Scully finds drugs, and Burst gets a call.....
BURST: Hey Pusher long time no see.
PUSHER: Yeah what a whole 2 days. Hey are Agents and Scully there? Well
namely Scully? I think she's hot.
BURST: Yeah there here so what?
PUSHER: No reason just asking and it's in the script. Hey didn’t I tell ya
that you had a great name?
BURST: Yeah what about it?
PUSHER: Oh nothing, except right now the script calls for me to get into
your mind, make your heart beat fast. So you will have a heart attack and
die. Of course the G-man and G-woman figure this out but not fast enough
and you croak. And that means no return guest appearances on next season's
eps. too bad huh?
BURST: I don't believe you! CC promised....
PUSHER: Nope it’s true says right here, Burst well Bursts... Me on the other
hand, well I have a great scene coming up later.....
Bursts bites the special guest stars dust. Mulder and Scully locate
Pusher at a hospital where he has taken it over, killed some people in a
protest for better food and cuter nurses.
MULDER: I'm going in!
SCULLY: Why? It's just one of those dumb protest things, let the locals
handle it.
MULDER: Nah, this guy is pissing me off and I want him.
SCULLY: Well if you must here put on all this swat gear so I can see you
beat this disgruntle and unruly patient to a bloody pulp. I mean Jeez, I
hate it when patients bitch about the food this guy deserves what he gets.
Oh and hey take my gun too, I wouldn’t wanna see ya get hurt.
MULDER: Gee thanks Scully, I didn't think you cared.
SCULLY: I didn't say I cared just don't wanna see you get hurt. Because
then they would force me to do more work and carry the show in your absence.
And not just get to sit around and look pretty and throw loops in all your
theories. I'd have to do real work and CC doesn't pay me enough for that.
Mulder walks down the halls stepping over dead bodies till he finds
Pusher. For some reason he takes off all the SWAT stuff and Scully freaks.
SCULLY: Hey what happened to the picture?
EXTRA SWAT MEMBER: Dunno, must not have paid the cable bill.
SCULLY : Well I had better go in after him, and give him a piece of my mind
for having the TV link go out. We were just getting to the good spot and
the popcorn was already too.
ESM: Well ya better suit up. Sorry I don't have all the fancy stuff like we
gave Mulder. With all the cut backs in the Agency we only have one SWAT
gear out fit and we all have to share. All we have is one bullet proof vest.
SCULLY: No way I ain't wearing that God awful vest.
ESM: You have to, it says right here in the script. "Make Scully wear the
ugliest vest we have and give her the line this is the only one we have
left. She will complain that it does nothing for her cleavage and yell at
wardrobe. Don't listen to it. She is 5 times smaller than you. Get
another Extra in there if need be to hold her down. But get that vest on
her. It is very so important because it adds validity to the scene and CC
wants to send it around for the Emmy people. Tell her it is for own good
that she wears the vest."
SCULLY: You are lying it doesn't say that!
ESM: Yes it does see!
SCULLY: This vest does absolutely nothing for my cleavage. Get me the idiot
in wardrobe that got this dumb vest 2 sizes to big!
ESM: This is the smallest size they got. Now put it on like a good little
actress and go get Mulder!
SCULLY: My agent is gonna hear about this! This bites!
ESM: It's for your own good, now go save Mulder's butt. We're all rooting
for ya! Be a good little trooper and team player and do as the script says.
Besides I think CC is sending this scene to all the Emmy people.
SCULLY: Well in that case, better have make-up come in and touch up the
sugar coating stuff on my face so my mole don't show. Or CC will have a
fit! Something about my face being to small.
ESM: Your face isn't small your height might leave a bit to be desired but I
like the beauty mark.
SCULLY: Well thanks agent, and I know I'm part of the vertically challenged
and I would appreciate it if you would stop making mocking comments about my
lack of height. It might have grave effects on my ego and self worth and I
might be forced to seek professional help. Therefore missing a few eps.
And remember what happen the last time I wasn't in an ep?
ESM: Oh, yea '3' and Mulder got laid by a vampire.
SCULLY: Yes and the ep sucked, ratings were low and CC was pissed! And you
would not want to be the reason he is mad. Trust me I know. I made him made
once and ended up being abducted by aliens.
ESM: I thought was because you were pregnant.
SCULLY: Uh, huh, that's why he was angry, he had to listen to the execs. at
FOX say "I told ya so. You should have gone with the top heavy Anderson not
the short one."
ESM: Well ya got that vest on?
SCULLY: Yeah, guess I better get in there.
ESM :Yep.... and Agent Scully... Good luck.
SCULLY: Thanks....
Scully puts on the vest and goes to fetch Mulder.... Who is playing a
nice little game of Russian Roulette with Pusher using Scully's gun...
SCULLY: Hey! That's my gun!
PUSHER:Shut up Agent Scully! You are interrupting a very challenging game
of Russian Roulette between me and your partner. Wanna join?
SCULLY: No! I just want my gun back. With all the bullets too. The last
time I returned my gun back to wardrobe it was missing a few bullets and
they took it out of my salary. Bet they never take stuff like that out of
*his* salary.
MULDER: Come on Pusher, lets finish this. There's a ball game on in a few
minutes and I wanna make it home in time to watch.
PUSHER: What makes you think you will be alive to watch it Mulder.
MULDER: Well I read the script. Scully is gonna give a great preference
here and possibly earn her self a Emmy nod. She'll cry it will distract
you, but only for a moment and you will have me point her gun already to
shoot. Which I wouldn't mind doing sometimes because she can really be a
pain in the ass... Demanding to drive, not buying my sunflower seeds when I
ask, always making my look like a fool by finding holes in my theories, and
she looks better then me. But I have this soft spot for this lovely
G-Woman, even though the vest does nothing for her cleavage.
PUSHER: So what are you getting at? Stop stalling and shoot her Mulder!
Remember she doesn't believe. She is a spy hired by the CSM to debunk your
work kill her kill her kill her!
SCULLY: > Don't Mulder he is lying. He is using your fears to turn
you against me.
MULDER: Ya know he's right! You have been nothing but a pain in my side
since day one. I have a good mind to....
Scully makes a mad dash for the alarm and sets if off. She is later
fined for pulling the fire alarm when there was no fire. Mulder thinks
about doing in Scully but instead shoots Pusher. Scully grabs her gun back
and awwwww Mulder and Scully share an intimate moment...... Later in the
hospital there is another intimate moment, they do hold hands at the end.
The significance of that little gesture sets the 'shippers in a frenzy
anticipating the up coming sex scene that is still up coming.

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