Fan Fiction
Have an idea for an X-Files script, but can't get Chris Carter to listen to you for some reason? Add your story, or just read what other people have done at my Fan-Fic section.
There are tons of great X-Files home pages out there. Visit my Links section to see some of them.
Pendrell Come Back!
Still in denial over Agent Pendrell's death? Simply miss his presence on "The X-Files?" Visit my Agent Pendrell section.
The 'Shipper Section
Have you always wanted Mulder and Scully to "get together" but felt no other X-Philes shared your opinion? Visit my 'Shipper section.
Upcoming Episodes 
Dying to know what X-File will grace your TV screen this Sunday? Visit my Upcoming Episodes to get all the info, including summaries, cast lists, and more.
X-Files Awards
All X-Philes know that The X-Files is the best show on television, but it's always great to know that other people out there think the same thing. Visit my Awards section to get all the info about the achievements of this great show.
X-Files Reviews
With Detour, my career as an X-Files review writer began. If you want to see one X-Philes' views of the X-Files episodes aired to date, or add your own opinions, head to my X-Reviews section.
X-Town: A Tribute to Vancouver
After it was announced that The X-Files was moving to Los Angeles, I felt compelled to make a tribute to the birthplace of my favourite TV show. Visit my X-Town section to see some pictures of Vancouver, and get a complete list of all the different shooting locations used on The X-Files.