Tremulous skeins of destiny
          flutter so ethereally
          around me--but then I feel
          its embrace is that of steel.

          --The Book of Counted Sorrows

          Benedict of Amber is a warrior, tried and true. His first love was of the art of war, and he has striven to be the best in his chosen field. Hardly anyone would disagree with him on that matter. However, in following where his path has taken him, he's distanced himself from his family, most of which he cares about. His long trips out into Shadow served not only to further his skills, but also to alienate himself from not only his father and grandfather (both of which have mysteriously disappeared), but some of his siblings as well.

          The inner Benedict is filled with conflicting emotions. He loves his family, but mistrusts his father after his full siblings, Finndo and Osric, disappeared. He fights countless wars, hands bloodied an infinite amount of times, yet always for the underdog, cause ignored. Is this for some sense of "fair play", that he should always fight--and win--for the loser? Or merely just to test and hone his already impressive skills? He rarely talks--really talks--to anyone, so his inner thoughts go unknown to most.

          Lately, Benedict has a lot of soul-searching to do, and he's finding that his karmic balance is coming up in the red. Most recently, he's found that his brother Gerard has gone mad, and Ben believes that it's his fault. Benedict's disappearance briefly into shadow, coupled with Oberon's and Dworkin's kidnappings, might have driven Gerard over the edge...with some diasastrous results. Somehow, no matter what he first intended, whatever Benedict touches turns to dust. Is it any wonder why he's so reluctant to let anyone get to know him?

          The last vestiges of youth clinging to him, Benedict is tall and thin. His complexion is fair, lightly tanned from time spent outdoors. His feigned casualness and calculated indifference lends a calming air about him. His brown hair, straight as an arrow, is tied back loosely, out of his way--though he wears it unfettered just as often. Eyes are the window to the soul, and his are no exception. Hazel eyes peer back, showing to an observant onlooker some of the inner turmoil within, threatening to break the placid exterior.

          He dresses appropriately to the Shadow, and not always in "his" colors. Still, some things are almost always the same about his wardrobe. The clothes allow freedom of movement...nothing especially tight or restraining. Most of his wardrobe is what others would call rather "plain" with nothing being elaborately decorated, but simple in design and function. Third, except when dressed in his traditional Amber garb (an example of this includes what he was wearing when his Trump was drawn), he could be considered a 'slob', especially by those socially conscious of his siblings. Most of the time he's clean shaven, but he's been known to go days without a proper shave, especially during what he would consider a 'vacation'...or until the beard itself starts to itch.

          The two above pictures are examples of his normal type of dress when in a Shadow comparable to Shadow Earth. He did go a stint with short hair, cutting it in a brisk military style, but prefers longer hair. Unfortunately, the picture to the right was snapped when he was growing it out again.

          "Then there was Benedict, tall and dour, thin; thin of body, thin of face, wide of mind. He wore orange and yellow and brown and reminded me of haystacks and pumpkins and scarecrows and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. He had a long, strong jaw and hazel eyes and brown hair that never curled. He stood beside a tan horse and leaned upon a lance about which was twined a rope of flowers. He seldom laughed."

          --Corwin, Nine Princes in Amber, by Roger Zelazny (who can say it better than the man who first 'saw' him?)

          His symbol is an eagle in flight & colors are brown, orange, and yellow.

          His mother is Cymnea, Oberon's "first" lady. She also bore Finndo and Osric, with Benedict being the youngest of the three. His two elder brothers disappeared when Benedict was very young. He was old enough to know Oberon was the cause of it, but too young to really know the reason why. Ever since then, he's been the model son to Oberon, acceding to his father's wishes to the letter and beyond. He visits Amber once a year for a few months at a time. Every time he returns from Shadow, he would shower his younger siblings with gifts and attention (at least until they walked the Pattern when they reached 13), telling them stories of things he's seen out in Shadow, and battles he's fought. The last few visits, Benedict has gotten more withdrawn, and less likely to give as much attention to his family. Indeed, he was spotted on his last visit to be talking with some of the castle guards, choosing mundane company rather than his family.

          Before he walked the Pattern, he seemed to favor Eric, Corwin, and Deirdre for playmates, being as they were the closest in age to him. His friendship to Eric has continued to this day, as he always brings news of Eric's well-being with him back to Amber. When pressed on any further news, he simply shrugs and changes the subject.

          Ah...logs, logs and more logs! This is all from Benedict's point of view, of course, so other players might be surprised to note that he doesn't catch everything. And, well, parts of it have his opinions too, his internal musings on the matters that he's dealing with... Anyway, for your reading enjoyment.

            Bleys -- There isn't really words to say how I feel about this except that you are a dangerous man, Bleys. Unfortunately, only to yourself.

            Brand -- What I have got to say to you? Nothing, unfortunately. If I knew you better, perhaps then the reason why you're so quiet would be known to me. Then again, perhaps not.

            Brandon -- Nothing, and I mean nothing will hurt you that's within my power to stop it.

            Caine -- Trust is a thorny issue, Caine, on both sides of any relationship.

            Callandra -- You remind me so much of Jacqueline, so full of life and happiness. I wish you could have come to us in less troublesome times. I'll strive to protect you, as I never had the chance to do with Jackie.

            Corwin -- Get your head out of your ass.

            Deirdre -- How I wish both of your full brothers were more like you, Dee. While I know we disagree, it fails to drive a wedge between us. Of the family, perhaps you understand me best, and for that, I'm thankful.

            Dworkin -- Grandfather, I respect your knowledge and power. Your attitude towards people leaves a lot to be desired.

            Eric -- Eric. It seems to me that I should be remorseful here that you would not come to me against the enemies who threatened your family. However, I am not. You got yourself into your own mess. If you drag the rest of us into it, I will see that the score is evened...even if it's the last thing I do.

            Finndo -- You are everything I imagined, yet nothing like the image I had in my mind.

            Fiona -- Sharp-tongued witch. I doubt we'll ever get along, but let there be no more harsh words between us, when the family needs us so.

            Florimel -- Dearest Flora, perhaps we'll find some way to restore you to yourself. I hope so. I miss you, little sister.

            Gerard -- Is that you returned to us? Or never left?

            Jacqueline -- Jacqueline... You are the reason your father is still alive, though you know it not. Are you safe? Well? We might never know. If you can hear these words, know that your uncle loves you, and will do as much as he can to find you.

            Julian -- Odd, silent brother, you are a relief in these troubles times. With your recent activity, I wonder if I should have gotten to know you better, but somehow, I don't think it would have made a difference in how we treat one another.

            Llewella -- You are a kind person, Llewella, probably the kindest I know. I worry about you though, and because of that, I worry about the Empire. It may not be a job you like, but it's yours now. Deal with it.

            Mirelle (deceased) -- How I miss your smile! After this is over, I will take the time to light a candle in your memory, Mirelle.

            Oberon -- All I ever wanted was your unequivocal approval. I wanted to be the best at something, to make you proud. How was I to know that what I was best at drove you away from me?

            Odin -- If you're much like our Father, Uncle, we will be in for some interesting times.

            Osric -- I wonder now, if you're anything like Finndo. If so, I know that I'll be curious as why Father banished you...the exact reasons. With him gone, I may never know. Hell, with him here, I still may never know.

            Primus -- What your brothers did to you was unforgiveable. What you wish to do in return is evil.

            Random -- I refuse to believe you killed yourself, Random, especially with Flora's revelation. Why do you not come back to us? Have you found Mirelle where you are, and are happy at last?

            Slade -- I don't like you, nor trust you. As long as you work for Amber's benefit, you will be tolerated.

            Jesse -- You come to Amber with strange, albeit happy, news during difficult times. It's selfish of me to want you to stay here with me, in the thick of danger it seems. However, I swear that I'll do my best to protect and honor you, love.

            Lord Karm -- I really should find time to talk to you, Uncle. Mayhap when this is over.

            Khara -- You have the unique pleasure of being the only woman that I'm both attracted to and repulsed by. If you had acted sooner, or maybe not quite so strongly, something might have developed. As it is, you are still a good friend to have in these dark times.

            Khyron -- Do you still live? I doubt it. It's a shame; I think we could have been great friends.

            Thrawn -- The one word I would use to describe you is "impressive", though I feel that's not enough. You are the end-all and be-all of every general I've served under; all the qualities that made them great I see in you. However, when this is done, I somehow doubt you'll go back to where you came from happy and satisfied, and that thought unnerves me.

          In the case of saving time and space on this main web page, a compilation of miscellaneous information about this version is Amber is becoming available. "Becoming available" in this case means that this list/compilation is by no means complete, but rather will be added onto while this game goes on. It's rather sparse now, but that will soon change. Also, anything else that does not neatly fit into this web page will be put here, such as Benedict's character quiz (for those of you who are interested).

          Life planned out before my birth
          Nothing could I say.
          Had no chance to see myself
          Molded day by day.

          Looking back I realize
          Nothing have I done.
          Left to die with only friend
          Alone I clench my gun.

          --"Disposable Heroes", Metallica

          Amberites have passed through since January 17, 1999.

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          This Golden Circle site owned by Maximilia.

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          Notes: Ideas for the original character "Benedict of Amber" are copyright © Roger Zelazny. Idea for the orignal character concept "One Year Later: Benedict of Amber" copyright © 1997-2001 Lana Gjovig. The GMs of this PBEM Game "One Year Later" are Jo Ann Spencer and Chris Pipinou. OYL Banner graphic is copyright © 2000 Jo Ann Spencer. This page is meant for entertainment purposes only. This game is now defunct, unfortunately. It was a lot of fun, and there are still some good stories to be had...but I do not believe that we are playing any longer. Other than cosmetic changes, this page will not be updated in any significant way. This page was last updated on January 6, 2004.

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