Cinder, Daughter of Bleys -- Valleygirl

          Sex and beauty are inseparable, like life and consciousness. And the intelligence which goes with sex and beauty, and arises out of sex and beauty, is intuition.

          --David Herbert Lawrence

          Cinder's just a regular girl...really. She's not into all this 'weird-o stuff', and her introduction to Amber is somewhat overwhelming for the poor girl. To make matters worse, she's the daughter of Bleys, and he just expects her to pick things up like it's no problem.

          It's a problem.

          However, Cinder is a 'do-or-die' kind of girl. She's not exactly willing to roll over and, well, not die...because Amberites don't die...but, well...she's not exactly willing to just roll over. This is all a challenge, something she almost views as being made especially for her. After all, she already knew she was something special: that much was obvious where she was raised.

          She makes friends easily, though most consider her a ditz. Perhaps here in Amber people might be able to see through her ditziness, and perhaps not. That is, if anyone takes the time to, with whatever crisis is sure to come upon Amber with this many relatives gathered in one place, at one time...

          Cinder is of average height and's plain that she's very active, and keeps herself in tip-top shape. Her light red hair is generally a pleasant mess; somehow it manages to stay out of her way and looks good, though it appears she doesn't work to achieve that look. Her skin is tanned, looking a soft bronze color, and her eyes are a light aqua, switching from green to blue and back again. She's very pleasant to look at, and tends to wear tight-fitting clothing, so as to show off her toned body. Rarely is she seen in anything that's even remotely formal, choosing instead cut-offs, sneakers, tank tops, and the like.

          Cinder hasn't chosen a symbol for herself yet, nor any 'colors' that are hers. She does tend to dress in black, red, or orange.

          Cinder is a girl of many words, most of them vacuous or nonsensical. Still, occasionally, she does come up with something impressive, or almost intelligent even. While her player will not be quoting everything she says in a player journal, there will be excepts from Cinder's journal here, as well as some actual quotations from the game itself. Anything that is prose will be posted here.

          Quotes from the Game

          Cinder was raised out in a Shadow called Midian. To her, it seems more real than Amber, as she's quite used to that place...and this place is very, very strange. Her full name there is Cynthia Hades (rhymes with 'spades'), and her father, Damien Hades, was a famous and wealthy lawyer there. His wife, Lucretia -- or Lucy for short -- was a necromancer, not that any of the family knew that. They had adopted Cynthia when it appeared that they couldn't have kids. Wouldn't you know it, but as soon as they adopted Cynthia, Lucy got pregnant. She had twins, which were named Athena and Nathan.

          All of the kids grew up in luxury. All of them did well in school, and all of them were extremely social at one point in time. Things went wrong with Athena, who did a bit more than dabble in the occult with Nathan, and she ended up being possessed by a demon somehow. At least that's what Cinder thinks. She was trying to find a solution for this -- and not succeeding very well -- when Bleys found her, and explained where Cinder was really from.

          Cinder believes him...and doesn't. She sort of resents her father now, because he gave her up 'for her own good'. That's what all parents say, though, and she's not so sure about it. She still doesn't know who her real mother is, and she's almost afraid to ask. This much of a change in her life...well, she's afraid of any more surprises.

          Aloria -- She seems really nice...and she's aged well. Course, she's supposed to be one of the younger people around here, and she's like ancient! So, that means that everyone else is like...well, really ancient!!

          Benedict -- I guess he doesn't talk much. That's ok, because I think he looks kind of scary looking? You know, like Ted Bundy or something.

          Bleys -- This is my Dad. He says he left me out somewhere in Shadow so I could 'live my life like I wanted to'. Ok, so like, when did he make this decision? When I was a baby? Jeez, c'mon here. I mean, like, how did he know I didn't want to spend it with him? My guess is that he was busy and just dropped me someplace...then remembered and thought, "Oh, gosh, I better go get her." And by the time he got there I was all grown up, so he had to like, make up that lame excuse. Pul-LEEEZZZEE. Still, he's pretty nice. Kind of a doof, but nice.

          Brand -- Oh. He's like dead. Dad didn't even want to mention him. I think he's my full uncle, if there is such a thing in this mixed up genetical thing we call a family. I'm not sure, and Daddy didn't say, but I think he's Luke's Dad. If not, Fiona's his mom, cuz I know Lukie's my full cousin. I think he was supposed to be insane or something. Shyah. Right. Like anyone here can talk.

          Caine -- Isn't he dead?

          Coral -- She's not around, so she must be dead or something.

          Corwin -- Isn't he dead too? What? All the people with 'C' names in this family die?!? Argh!

          Deirdre -- Oh, she's dead too. Wow. How many dead people does that make?

          Dworkin -- He's freaky looking. And Daddy said he was "interesting". I think what "interesting" means is flat out bonkers in Amber.

          Eric -- Another deader.

          Fiona -- My full auntie. She looks really nice. I bet she wouldn't have left me out to fend for myself.

          Flora -- Ok, so like the "Fashion Queen" of Amber is like really bitchy. And opinionated. And should mind her own business.

          Geo -- Flora's kid. I think I know what he does now. You see, his mom (the hoochie-mama) goes around pissing people off or sucking up to them and he's like damage control. Sheesh, you'd think that people around here have kids for like, reasons or something.

          Gerard -- He's just a big ole sweetie-bear.

          Julian -- Ok. He stays all day in the forest with his rangers. Hel-lo? Does anyone else think that's strange other than me?

          Leotah -- His name is totally backwards, but other than that he's pretty nice. I, he's nice, and good looking, and like organized. But I think he's totally related to Fiona. You can't win them all.

          Llewella -- Green hair. Like, totally punk!

          Luke -- Wow! What a hottie! Why can't I find a guy who looks like that??

          Malaclypse -- Caine's kid. What's with the weird name? Like, I can't even pronounce it, much less spell it! Oh, but he looks like Robert Smith...isn't that cool?!?

          Martin -- Random's kid. He's a cutie-patootie, and I guess he's like heir to the throne. He looks like he could use a good make-over though. Way too farmboy.

          Math -- Ok, he's like the custodian of the castle or something. I think he has the keys to everything. He seems really smart too.

          Natasha -- Deirdre's kid. Ok, so like, Dad doesn't deal with her, so I like, prolly won't either. I mean, he says she's nice an' all, but she's like from India or someplace? So, um, I guess she doesn't visit very often.

          Oberon -- This is my Granddaddy. I guess he's dead too. Like, everyone is dead, but we're not supposed to be able to die, so someone is lying here.

          Perdita -- She's totally cool, like the sister I almost never had. Other than Athena of course, but she was adopted. Uh, Athena was adopted, not 'Dita.

          Random -- This is the King. I should say something nice about him, but he looks like a little twerp.

          Shinseki -- Deirdre's kid. Daddy says he's like tempermental.

          Vyvyan -- He looks like a total reject from 'Mad Max'. Oh, and a guy has a girl's name, but spelled all different to make it 'manly' or something. Please. Find a lawyer and sue your parents.

          Not that Cinder knows about the Courts of Chaos yet, or any of the people there, but since there are players from the Courts...this will be the section that will detail Cinder's opinions on them

          Aramas --

          Dara --

          Despil --

          Gilva --

          Jurt --

          Mandor --

          Merlin --

          Orsini --

          Suhuy --

          Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
          When Death claims the light of my brow
          No flowers of life will cheer me: instead
          You may give me my roses now!
          --Thomas F. Healey

          The original character concept "Cynthia Hades -- Cinder" was created for "Homecoming", an Amber diceless roleplaying game. The concept of "Amber" is copyright © Roger Zelazny, and the game is copyright © Phage Press. No copyright infringes of the rpg is intended. The game is run by Jager, whose real name escapes me at the moment. This page was last modified January 6, 2004. This game is now defunct, and this page will no longer be updated.

          Links to some great sites with Kathy Ireland pictures can be found on the Link to Pictures: Kathy Ireland page.
          Cinder's Wu Name is Embryonic Crusadah.

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          Nick Calloway: If the World Did Not Exist
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