Historical Facts & Mysteries:Brief History of the Washoe
Bigfoot sightings in Tahoe?
My name is --omitted--, I've been keeping this secret since around 1986 and didn't know who I could tell without sounding like a nut, but it's been bothering me, and I hope you are the appropriate person to contact regarding this matter. Here is what my wife and I saw.
During the late summer of 1986 my wife Mary and I were driving east on highway 50 heading toward Lake Tahoe at about 11:30 p.m. We were about 25 to 30 miles west of Lake Tahoe when we approached an S curve. As we made a right turn, the road curved toward a mountainside and then turned away to the left. While making the right turn however, our headlights were facing the side of a hill and something else, we were not prepared for. About 40 yards directly in front of us, we saw a huge hairy man like creature walking along the side of this hill at the roadside our headlights were directly on it and there was no mistaking what we saw at that distance, as we made
the left turn away from the hill the thing disappeared in the darkness.
My wife and I stared off ahead, and as we drove a short distance, both turned to look at each other and we said, "did you see that" I knew I hadn't imagined it, because she saw it too.
Now the problem was who we could tell without sounding crazy, so we never told a soul, but I've been searching for the right person to tell because it's been eating at me for all these years, I hope you are the person I've been seeking.
Thank you in advance, and by the way, just so there is no question about my sanity, I am a sworn peace officer for the state of California, and just telling you this could ruin my reputation and make me the butt of jokes for the next ten years.
-Name Withheld by Request.
UFO sighted near Lake Tahoe
aprox. 1230 am , may 25th
My boss Ed was driving to work on highway 395 soon to make a right turn on kingsbury grade when something passed over his car from behind him.
He said it passed over and that it was round and was dark blue with flouresent green underneath. It took off like a bullet after it passed over the car, and then vanished out of sight!
Ed is a very reliable witness; he was afraid to report this because he knew the police would think he was crazy. I have no doubt in my mind he was telling the truth. Aparenly there has been a few UFO sightings in and around lake tahoe recently! You decide for yourself.
I'm looking to the sky a little bit more seriously now!
UFO sighted in Myers
Occurred : 11/17/1998 04:30 (Entered as : 11/17/98 04:30) Reported : 11/30/1998 18:36 Posted : 12/15/1998 Location : south lake tahoe california (meyers, CA Shape : Disk@ approx. 4;30
Am my sister in law was up doing some late night paper work when her attention was gotten by a bright light in the sky. As she went to the window she saw this light descend then hover. It made no noise and had a bright red light in the center. She watched as it moved off and disappeared.
10 min. Later she was shocked when a white light completely engulfed the house and yard. The light made her hair stand up!!!
She went to the bedroom to wake my brother and he woke up to see the light departing. My sister in law clearly startled checked on her young child and found every thing normal.
These people were some of the most skeptical people @ UFOs until now. They told me about it because of my past experiences with the subject. My niece tells them she sees them all the time ( no big deal !! )
UFO sighted near Lake Tahoe
Occurred : 5/24/1997 20:00 (Entered as : May 24, 1997 approx. 20:00) Reported : 6/27/1997 07:15 Posted : 1/28/1999 Location : near Lake Tahoe, CA
A "formation" of very bright lights passing very slowly and silently overhead. Must have been enormous. Biggest and most unusual thing I have ever seen. I am writing about a "phenomenon" that I witnessed that was unlike anything I've ever seenbefore, so I guess it would fall under the description of a "UFO".
As a scientist with areasonable understanding of astronomy and meteorology, and with an equally good knowledgeof aircraft (both military and civilian), I can safely say that what my colleague and I witnessedwas something that I'm sure would not fall into most of the easily explainable categories.
On a clear night during the Memorial Day weekend (24th of May), I saw something that looked absolutely enormous moving across the sky in a westerly direction. Since all I could see were the lights to this thing (very bright white lights), I couldn't make out the shape precisely. What was even more puzzling was that the lights seemed to move, ever so slightly, with
respect to each other, but it was definitely not a "formation" of any kind of aircraft like I had ever seen.
Although I couldn't guage the exact size of the object since I didn't know what altitude it was at (although I would guess it was pretty high), it appeared to be bigger than anything I've ever seen flying before, maybe several times the size of a jumbo jet. There was absolutely no noise and it seemed to be moving very slowly.
We were on a little stretch ofroad between Lake Tahoe and Interstate 80 and there were a lot of stars out, so I'd be really surprized if others in the Lake Tahoe area didn't spot these strange lights, also. Have you received any reports of sightings like this in this part of the country? Because of my job, I am hesitant to "go public" with this kind of information, so I would appreciate it if you didn't publish my name or email address.
Please let me know if anyone is aware of any really strange military exercises going on in this area.
![[Facts & Mysteries]](H1_01.jpg)
Much of the early history of the Washoe has been lost but conjecture is that they originated among the coastal tribes of California and either migrated of were forced to move east to the areas surrounding Lake Tahoe on the Nevada-California border. When the Washoe's history does get documented (AIA, 389-391), the story is not a pretty one.
The Washoe's lands around Lake Tahoe lay directly in then path of the the California Gold Rush of the1850s. Being a small tribe, they never had a chance to withstand the onslaught of greedy gold miners. Many were killed and others driven off their lands just so easterners could dig for gold. As if that was not bad enough, in 1857, silver was found in Nevada right in the midst of their remaining lands. This was the famous Comstock lode. What little the Washoe had was stolen and in those days Native Americans had no rights or protections and no recourse but to accept their fate.
The combination of the two rushes left the Washoe as beggars scrounging for food in the municipal dumps of towns like Carson City and Reno - towns built on what had been their homeland.
Today the Washoe of California and Nevada occupy a series of small "colonies" in Nevada and reside off these reservations in both states. The Nevada "colonies" include the Alpine Colony (80 acres), the Carson Colony (160 acres, 248 residents), the Dresslerville Colony (40 acres, 152 residents), the Sparks Colony (28 acres, 264 residents). The Woodsford Colony (580 acres) is on the California side of the border (AID, 41). All these colonies are governed by a single Tribal Council based in Gardnersville, Nevada.
The Washoe share a single flag as well. The flag is dark blue and bears the seal of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California in gold and blue in the center (seal provided by the Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California). The seal depicts the geography, flora and fauna of the lands of the Washoe. With a backdrop of mountains, the foreground is filled with three main sources of sustenance for the ancient Washoe - the Pinon pine, the salmon and the deer. At the base of the seal are two crossed eagle feathers for the two states that play home to the Washoe nation today.
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