We're always glad to hear from our visitors. this info will in no way be sold , or given out to anyone. |
Rebecca Mevissen - 02/02/00 21:23:19
My Email:r.mevissen@worldnet.att.net
where are you from?: Brainred, M.N.
age: 41
How did you find us?: LINKS
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO
Professor Clark Schmidt - 07/24/99 22:46:42
My URL:http://www.cvsma.com
My Email:sororJ@msn.com
where are you from?: Boca Raton Fl
age: 49 years young
How did you find us?: Followed the Yellow Brick Road
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Yes
Returned and saw me dead sight. It is now buried, and have reincarnated the above. Do stop by, and venture round a bit. Come and sit in the Lecture Hall. we have a fine speaker this month.
Professor C. Schmidt
MOM - 05/07/99 04:55:53
My Email:dulcimer@earthlink.net
where are you from?: NC
age: 49
How did you find us?: You lead the way, Tom
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Hi Tom, I checked out your website, but with the problems I have viewing on my old computer w/o good grafics, well, I can barely make out the words. Maybe one day I will have a better system.
BTW, Little Audrey has really taken off and is talking so much better once we arrived. Her 2nd B.D. party was a big success last Sat.
I am working on buying for Lil A'a 4th B.D. which Antoinette wants to celebrate a month earlier as her third baby is due in September. I bought him a bunch of Veggie Tales stuff.
Cause for concern: Antoinette has not slept for several days, took a day and a half off, but still no sleep and she is in great pain. Her legs hurt her and are cramping. The doc told her to increase her calcium another 1200 units a day. It's too early to
now if this will work and he told her to take benidryl (she is taking the generic) to help her relax and sleep. It's really difficult to treat her while she is expecting. She cannot take many products and most products fail to work as expected when expect
ng and when not. Sigh! Please pray she gets releaf tonight and all goes well here on out.
Bye, Love, MOM ^..^
Jana Floyd - 05/02/99 22:31:23
where are you from?: San Antonio, TX
age: 17
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
jana floyd - 05/02/99 22:29:48
Dwight Stevens - 04/30/99 13:34:16
My Email:scumby@webtv.net
where are you from?: South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
age: 53
How did you find us?: Originally by surfing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
New site looks great...
Savannah - 03/28/99 17:23:51
where are you from?: Simi, CA
age: 24
How did you find us?: just cruising the web
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I enjoyed the story about Mary, and I am very intrigued by spirits, though have never seen or felt one. Of, course I don't know if I would like to see. I don't know much about this yet, but would like to learn more. -Savannah
carelyn shellman - 03/22/99 04:46:59
My URL:/westhollywood/cafe/3174/naborinphx@geocities.com
My Email:naborinphx@yahoo.com
where are you from?: phoenix,az
age: 33
How did you find us?: surfing yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no,what?
this sounded cool.
- 03/17/99 23:03:59
- 03/17/99 23:03:29
Ishtar - 03/08/99 05:34:12
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/Ishtar/Ishtars_Palace
My Email:Ishtar@inergy.com
where are you from?: Cyberspace
age: That's a good question?
How did you find us?: that newsletter "what's new"
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO?
Please visit mine
Ishtar - 03/08/99 05:28:58
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/Ishtar/Ishtars_Palace
My Email:Ishtar@inergy.com
where are you from?: Cyberspace
age: That's a good question?
How did you find us?: that newsletter "what's new"
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO?
Please visit mine
nicole - 03/01/99 07:47:21
My Email:pjbish@dcsi.net.au
where are you from?: trafalger vic
age: 11
How did you find us?: i tiped in ghost
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Rich La Rose - 02/05/99 23:42:52
My Email:???
where are you from?: L.A.
How did you find us?: Internet
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
Hi, Guys! I'm looking for video footage of ghosts caught on tape, for an upcoming FOX Network Television project. Please call Mike Fleiss or myself, at (310) 841 - 6700. Thanks!
- 01/31/99 21:32:58
Tim Terry - 01/29/99 02:51:46
My Email:ravage1@prodigy.net
where are you from?: colorado springs
age: 22
How did you find us?: surfing then znet
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
looks like you have a calling but you may want to change the color of your text on main page you can't even see it unless you highlight it
- 01/10/99 08:26:07
Dwight Stevens - 01/10/99 04:58:28
My Email:scumby@webtv.net
where are you from?: South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
age: 53
How did you find us?: before
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I have many stories from famous bigfoot hunter and author John Green of begfoot sighting here in the basin if your interested, just e-mail me back and I'll forward them to you.
Regards, Dwight
byte me - 11/22/98 03:15:47
so where are your stories?
your page is lame
Growing Tree - 11/12/98 03:25:22
My URL:http://members.aol.com/growingtr/index.html
My Email:Growingtr@aol.com
where are you from?: New Mexico
age: **
How did you find us?: By a Link
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Nope
I lived at Lake Tahoe Ca. in Christmass Valley from 1994-97. I hiked and snowshoed above there, to the east in those Mtns. Many Ghosts around that area. Found nice arrowheads too.
amanda storm - 09/29/98 17:39:02
where are you from?: pa
age: 19
write me at
136 e.penn st carlisle pa 17013
amanda storm - 09/29/98 17:37:14
Cindy - 09/17/98 22:29:14 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Could you start a sighn-up page for out of state poeple to join?
Caroline - 09/02/98 13:24:09
My Email:ois@tinet.ie
where are you from?: Ireland
age: 25
How did you find us?: serch
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Professor Clark Schmidt - 09/01/98 13:07:33
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/cvsma/
My Email:sororj@msn.com
where are you from?: Boca Raton Fl
age: 47
How did you find us?: surfed sights
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Yes
Thought that i would just breeze in, look the sight over for a moment and breeze out. Liked what I saw.
professor C. Schmidt
Dr. Clark Schmidt Ph.D. Metaphysicain - 07/16/98 01:19:04
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/cvsma
My Email:sororj@msn.com
where are you from?: Boca Raton Fl
age: 48
How did you find us?: surfing through
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
just wanted to say to some fellow members.
Dr, c, Schmidt
Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 21:24:18
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Grace - 07/01/98 01:49:44
My Email:ezzx@aol.com
where are you from?: So. CA
age: Too old to tell
How did you find us?: link from elsewhere
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
Like to hear of paranormal sites in So. CA and surrounding area, that I might visit.
Linda - 06/30/98 00:09:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/flukeekulf/index.html
My Email:jht@easynet.on.ca
where are you from?: Canada
age: (mother of 3) old!!!!
How did you find us?: Link Exchange Banner
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Not yet!!!!!
Glad to come across your page it will hopefully keep on growing keep up the good work.
Did you come across the book called The Psychic Within, true psychic stories by Dayle Schear,psychic she apparently lives in LAke Tahoe although the book is written in 1994 on blue dolphin publishing. She solves murders, missing people, ghost stuff quite
If anyone has any questions and wants to check out my page it's free cos Im practicing over the web.
Different than working face to face.Kind regards to all Linda
Mona Ortiz - 06/24/98 21:14:50
My Email:mortiz@mtest.teradyne.com
where are you from?: Milpitas, Ca.
age: 36
How did you find us?: searching for ghosts
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I have been curious about the supernatural
and am progressively going thru the various
search engines to find what is out there. It
is an area I had not really taken a look at and
i'm finding it very interesting. I am not suprized
that many curious things abound in our state
and it wonderful to access a local site.
tommy t. - 06/19/98 17:36:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/5065
My Email:snowsurfer98@hotmail.com
where are you from?: lake tahoe
age: 29
How did you find us?: surfin"
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
cooool sight mon ....
insurgent - 06/18/98 18:27:18
My Email:cooltube@cdsnet.net
where are you from?: oregon /so.lake tahoe
age: 38
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I lived in So. Lake Tahoe and I do have some true ghost stories. That I experienced. I was not the only one that experienced these ghost.
Jackie Cosgrove - 06/16/98 20:18:46
My Email:i-Pagan@webtv.com
where are you from?: L.A.
age: 39
How did you find us?: just surfed on
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Hi,my name is jackie.I keep looking for people who like things like UFOs and GHOST.But I can not find any one who likes them.So if anyone likes things like that please E-mail me. Jackie
Joan K Chaffee - 06/12/98 02:41:28
My Email:Naoj22@AOL.com
where are you from?: Massachusetts
age: 39
How did you find us?: IGHS site/local clubs
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
jordy - 06/09/98 08:01:09
Mikko Torniainen - 05/31/98 18:52:58
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/taide/mito
My Email:mikko.torniainen@pp.inet.fi
where are you from?: Finland
age: 17
How did you find us?: Via Altavista
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: I don't think so
Great site. I'm originaly from CA, I have family in Victorville, my aunt owns property on Lake Tahoe- small world. Keep up the good work youre doing here.
John Kuntz - 05/14/98 23:33:27
My Email:indiana@mindsync.com
where are you from?: Rocklin, CA
age: 42
How did you find us?: yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
Debbi - 05/11/98 19:47:52
My Email:Debbik@msn.com
where are you from?: california
age: 42
How did you find us?: Searching the web
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
DOMENICA - 05/03/98 23:03:28
where are you from?: GREECE
age: 24
How did you find us?: SEARCHING
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO
ghost - 05/03/98 16:54:48
My URL:11241942
My Email:nikkil1@gte.com
where are you from?: the deep
age: real old
How did you find us?: youfound me
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: i use to be but it scared me
leslie - 04/15/98 04:33:39
My Email:lesliecaughran@1stmtg.com
where are you from?: san jose
age: 25
How did you find us?: lake tahoe search - yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Interesting website of yours that I stumbled upon. I liked your music, graphics, and stories. Are you for real, I mean do you really look for ghosts and strange happenings?
John J. Jacisin, M.D. - 04/07/98 07:20:22
My Email:drjjj42@inreach.com
where are you from?: California
age: 55
How did you find us?: Searching Lake Tahoe
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
Jason - 04/05/98 19:09:24
My Email:scubdoo@hotmail.com
where are you from?: San Francisco, CA
age: 24
How did you find us?: surfing the web
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I have always been interested in hauntings, ghosts, and anything relating. If you have any information on how I can become a member in one of these ghost clubs, please send me any information relevant. Thanks.
tar - 03/28/98 06:39:42
My Email:tar
where are you from?: tar heel state
age: 14
How did you find us?: fell in tar
- 03/27/98 20:12:11
Berty - 03/24/98 22:16:18
My Email:Berty@BTInternet.com
where are you from?: Bolton,England.
age: 23.
How did you find us?: just surfing along.
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: who ?
Nice art, great sounds, its just lurvley.
Berty - 03/24/98 22:12:24
Selina - 03/23/98 20:47:08
where are you from?: Wisconsin
age: 14
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
willy - 03/21/98 23:27:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/KWO
My Email:wamdog@webtv.net
where are you from?: CT
How did you find us?: surfed in
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
nice page keep up the good work. what is i.g.h.s.
d - 03/21/98 15:11:58
where are you from?: dd
age: 45
How did you find us?: rr
s.jones - 03/14/98 15:42:56
where are you from?: s.l.tahoe
i'm waiting !!
Jennifer - 03/10/98 17:01:45
My URL:http://www.onlymail.com/commtouch/user/vball
My Email:vball_98@onlymail.com
where are you from?: West Haven, Conneticut
age: 18
How did you find us?: i am interested in ghost huntings
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: i dont know what it is
i would love to learn more about it so i am hoping i hear from you soon
Justin Ashcraft - 03/09/98 17:12:26
My Email:none
where are you from?: N. Bend ohio
age: 15
How did you find us?: recomendations
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
You need to get pictures
Liz - 03/07/98 21:25:32
My Email:nationalpastime@yahoo.com
where are you from?: Toronto
age: 45
How did you find us?: browsing "paranormal" on the Web
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I am a spiritualist medium who enjoys reading, talking to others about ghosts, life after death, ESP, etc. God bless you.
thomas juul - 03/04/98 08:11:54
where are you from?: Denmark
age: 19
How did you find us?: yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
thomas juul - 03/04/98 08:10:29
rob mckay - 03/03/98 10:39:48
My Email:rmckay@softcom.net
where are you from?: lodi, Ca
age: 34
How did you find us?: yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Sum Ting Wong - 03/01/98 04:02:58
where are you from?: nearby
How did you find us?: a regular visitor
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I click on stories, and nothing there.
What up? Background only, no words.
Sum Ting Wong!!
wyatt a goring - 02/27/98 05:42:54
where are you from?: utah
age: 26
How did you find us?: luck
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: huh?
Heidi & Ted Z. - 02/26/98 19:11:25
My Email:flyingfinn@hotmail.com
where are you from?: Temagami, Ont. Cda.
age: H: 35, T:45
How did you find us?: noir entity links
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Great stuff.
heidi 7 ted - 02/26/98 19:09:55
My Email:flyingfinn@hotmail.com
where are you from?: Temagami, Ont. Cda.
age: H: 35, T:45
How did you find us?: noir entity links
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Great stuff.
thePSIguy - 02/23/98 00:43:43
My Email:ThePSIguy@aol.com
where are you from?: Spokane, WA
age: 31
How did you find us?: looking 'round
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
cool site....used to live in the area and know of some stories if you are interested.
Keep up the cool work!
JASON LEWIS - 02/18/98 05:38:49
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/jasstac/index.html
My Email:cyberjas@webtv.net
where are you from?: Lancaster PA
age: 25
How did you find us?: html disc
Great looking site!!!
Stacy McArdle - 02/17/98 03:28:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/9413
My Email:wi_paranormal@hotmail.com
where are you from?: Wisconsin & Illinois
age: 28
How did you find us?: IGHS
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: YES
I will check back to see what you've added, so far so good! Take care.
Mary - 02/13/98 16:08:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/marylees/index.html
My Email:mlmb92@webtv.net
where are you from?: Mo.
age: old enough
How did you find us?: alt.discuss
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
very interesting site. Lots of neat stories.
I have saved your site to keep myself updated.
september Frost - 02/13/98 03:28:28
My Email:september@olynet.com
where are you from?: Wa. state
age: You tell me!
How did you find us?: yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: nope
Hi guys. I tried to read some of your (stories) I guess they must be hideing like some other ghosts I have tried to scare up? Hope your site gets better... September Frost.
DiverseDi - 02/13/98 01:44:05
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/diversedi
My Email:DiverseDi@webtv.com
where are you from?: GA
How did you find us?: Drac
Cool website.........This webtv is truly awesome!
Magic - 02/13/98 01:02:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/sideline/5481/
My Email:magic777@webtv.net
where are you from?: Parts unknown
age: As old as my hair and almost as old as my teeth
How did you find us?: NG
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Wonderful stories. Your Lake Tahoe story of "tessie" took me back several years. Back in 1969 a UFO was seen to splash into the lake. After that time several sightings of "tessie" , a lake monster, started cropping up. Also, several sighting of a Bigfoot.
This led people to believe that a bigfoot type creature may be piloting UFO's at least one form of UFO pilot. Anyway, in 1969 a team of divers went into the lake and could never get to the bottom, something was repelling attempts after so many feet as I r
call. Then as you said Jaqueus Coustou took an expedition into the lake and they got close enough to the bottom to see what was there. Their findings were never released but, they said it was horrible, the world was not ready for this. I have recently tal
ed to a member of that expedition in a favorite beer joint of mine and I learned what it was that they found. At the bottom of the lake , well you may have guessed, its full of bass turds. (scream)
Brian George - 02/13/98 00:39:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Skatan
My Email:poptartz@webtv.net
where are you from?: OHIO
age: unknown
How did you find us?: Word o' Mouth
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: What?
Cool page. Check out either one of my page by clicking on their banner. Later.
As a resident of Stateline, NV - let me know about area meetings and events please!!
MOPEY - 02/04/98 01:02:51
My Email:MRF1X1T@webtv.net
where are you from?: NEW HAMPSHIRE
age: 57
How did you find us?: FRIEND FROM TAHOE
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO
Margie Montoya - 01/27/98 17:41:39
where are you from?: Las Cruces, NM
age: 17
How did you find us?: looked for ghosts
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Chad Hutton - 01/26/98 23:43:48
My Email:@aol
where are you from?: Myrtle Beach SC
age: 13
How did you find us?: I looked up stuff on ghosts
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I always been fascinated about ghosts. Please send me some cool places to go on the web. thanks
HK Hunter - 01/14/98 13:36:27
My Email:jasnetwk@vol.net
where are you from?: Hong Kong (China)
age: 26
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
Dwight Stevens - 01/10/98 06:59:46
My Email:scumby@webtv.net
where are you from?: South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
age: 52
How did you find us?: surfing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Great website, keep up the good work. May I suggest at some point in time you explore the many sightings of bigfoot at Heavenly Valley and Sierra at Tahoe ski ranch. Also a couple of yearrs ago a Cal Trans snow plow driver observed a bigfoot crossing Hwy.
89 in Myers. It's reported that about the same time an El Dorado County Sheriffs officer seen one in Myers also. A couple of years ago my wife saw one going up our creek about 2:00 A.M. in the morning when our motion lite came on. I refused to awaken and
hought it was just the nightly bears coming to visit and look for food. I have in my possession pictures of the footprints taken by snow groomers at Sierra at Tahoe a couple of years ago. I have interviewed the parties involved and find their storie to be
both truthful and consistent in facts. Also a large party of departing skiers saw the bigfoot banging a garbage can against the tree in the parking lot as if it were angry, It then ran away in to an area known as sales canyon. Once on my scanner around th
same time period I heard snow groomers at Heavenly Valley speak about what they were viewing in an area known as California dam or California lake. This area is on the Nevada side of Heavenly Valley and according to these groomers as they were chasing th
bigfoot on there tractors it lost its own tracks by walking in the waters edge and running over the ridge top. This was a very strange story I heard on my scanner one evening. There are all kinds of legends about real weird things at Fallen Leaf Lake als
. The Local library has a lot of info. on these things. Contact me if I can be of any further help or if you would like to stop by and see my bigfoot footprint pictures at Sierra Ski Ranch.
- 01/04/98 20:16:13
CATHY - 12/30/97 07:23:06
where are you from?: HONG KONG
age: 19
How did you find us?: SEARCH
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: NO
- 12/29/97 17:45:38
clarence - 12/22/97 23:39:54
My URL:http://?
My Email:mars144@juno.com
where are you from?: Orange California
age: ten
How did you find us?: I was intrested on ghosts.
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no (sorry)
I thought cameras and camcorders CAN'T catch ghosts? Did you run from the ghosts ounce you first started? " because I sure did " WELL I mean my friends and I saw a black myst inside inside his house his stove wasn't on nothing was on actu
lly! after we saw it ...............................................you guest it ! we started jaming out of the house(while screaming !) NO one believied us! and I mean NO one! once we came back. it was gone! We went to the hall by the two bed rooms and
heard a tapping at one of the doors....................................Yup! we ran again! and screaming.About 45 mins later his mom came home we told her everything! But she did'nt listen .So we decided to prove it. we went by the door but there was no
tapping! once we stopped by the door I pushed my friend in (on accident!) and he came crashing in the room yeah he started to scream for no reason. once I started to run in I saw nothing in there. BUT we saw what we saw .
clarence - 12/22/97 22:52:50
Lynsey R. - 12/21/97 16:02:30
My Email:lynsey@wans.net
where are you from?: Dallas
age: 15
How did you find us?: comp
I used to live right next to cave rock before i moved to dallas to live w/ my dad. My mom used to tell me about all these weird things that happened up on the rock. Tonight im going back for Christmas and maybe ill see the ghosts.
- 12/12/97 21:13:03
Gerard Concannon - 12/10/97 22:56:44
My Email:gerandca@tinet.ie
where are you from?: Ireland
age: 41
How did you find us?: Surfing the net
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
cool site
Jon - 12/10/97 18:50:23
where are you from?: Modesto
age: 18
How did you find us?: computer
Cool Shit
Belinda Thomas Swindell - 12/09/97 15:20:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/paranormalgroup
My Email:HRPRG@webtv.net
where are you from?: Virginia
age: 29
How did you find us?: link
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
A very nice page!The stories are very interesting.Keep up the good work.
Kesza - 12/04/97 13:38:53
My Email:kesza@freemail.c3.hu
where are you from?: Hungary
age: 19
How did you find us?: interested in ghosts
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
A few days before I was a sceptic, but I read a Peter Underwood book about ghosts, and I am very interested in these creatures.
fulvio - 11/29/97 15:22:43
My Email:furbani@pelagus.it
where are you from?: italy
age: 54
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
no comment
BILL CROSS - 11/24/97 14:30:24
My Email:BCross4077@aol.com
where are you from?: Columbia.. Mo.
age: 49
How did you find us?: Browsing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: I don't think so.
Have always been interested in the paranormal.
I have seen and heard many things from the other side. We used to live in a hunted house in Poplar Bluff.Missouri.339N. Broadway. Poplar Bluff. Missouri.63901 to be exact. You could not get me to spend a night in the house alone. Thank yoou Bill Cross
Jason Bordley - 11/22/97 07:28:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~nepis
My Email:noirentity@mindless.com
where are you from?: dover,de
age: 21
How did you find us?: ighs ghost clubs list
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
nice site! we ask that you come and check out our site. if you like it please add a link to it.
Kiley Spengler - 11/20/97 20:12:48
where are you from?: California
age: 16
How did you find us?: looking up parapsychology
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no.
This is raging. The graphics and all are probably the best parts.
Jenny - 11/19/97 23:01:27
where are you from?: Oregon
age: 17
How did you find us?: playing around
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I thought the music was cool. Sorry I don't have an e-mail address. See ya later!!!
hottstuff85 - 11/17/97 19:22:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Rampart/8623/ufo.html
My Email:hottstuff85@hotmail.com
where are you from?: oregon
age: 38
How did you find us?: looking for pics for my new web page
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: not yet but i would like to be
ive allways been interested in the unxplable such as the bermuda triangle , atlantis, ghosts, ufos,bigfoot,ex and im real excited to find another section that has the same interests as mysilf please feel free to drop by and visit me anytime
Ed Randol - 11/12/97 01:07:39
My Email:edrandol@sonic.net
where are you from?: Santa Rosa, CA
age: 42
How did you find us?: surfin w/ daughter
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Have a cabin in Tahoe and am interested in the psychic world. If my deceased parents are anywhwere, they're at the Lake.
Levi Goodlock - 11/05/97 13:43:56
where are you from?: Pittsford Michigan
age: 17
How did you find us?: under lake tahoe
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
webmaster - 10/31/97 17:41:13
My Email:ltghosthunters@geocities.com
where are you from?: lake tahoe,ca.
I want to wish everyone a "Happy Halloween"!!!!!
thanks for visiting my websight :)
Charlie Little - 10/27/97 02:48:46
My Email:charlie@snowcrest.net
where are you from?: Now near Mt. Shasta, was from Carson Valley, Nevada
age: 54
How did you find us?: Looked up Lake Tahoe on the Internet
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I had a Wahsoe Indian Nanny as a child and heard many stories about Lake Tahoe, she said that the "little people" lived under Cave Rock, among her many stories.
- 10/25/97 19:32:00
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/COSMIC/
Paul Pendragon - 10/24/97 16:06:20
My Email:LordPndrgn@aol.com
where are you from?: Crestline, CA
age: 27
How did you find us?: IGHS - and Yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Yes
Please e-mail me when your story page is up and running. I can't wait to hear what your chapter of I.G.H.S. is doing. I'm starting my own chapter in Crestline and need a little inspiration.
Daniele Bianchini - 10/21/97 21:04:21
My Email:albian@ats.it
where are you from?: Rome Italy
age: 20
How did you find us?: I find the ghosts
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes since 10 Jun 1997
I am an Italian Ghost Hunter's.I am interested in paranormal phenomenons and in particular in ghost since five years.I know many things about italian ghosts.I am investigating with some people many italian haunted house.
- 10/21/97 20:50:11
Bryan J. Gangl - 10/16/97 17:43:16
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:ganglb92@miller.rcs.ca
where are you from?: Regina, SASK
age: 14
Buttons award review - 10/15/97 21:13:59
My URL:http://www.abutton.com/
where are you from?: Seattle
age: 34
How did you find us?: Award submission
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: DK
Thank you for entering to win our award, we will give your site much consideration.
Keep up the good work.
Dave - 10/14/97 03:48:12
where are you from?: wisconsin
Ami Petz - 10/07/97 05:17:33
My Email:APetz@inreach.com
where are you from?: Tracy
age: 18
How did you find us?: through yahoo
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
jodie - 10/04/97 04:41:39
My Email:jodie@dnc.net
where are you from?: Oregon
age: 15
How did you find us?: I looked up ghost
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
My parents are going to Lake Tahoe nxt week. I told them about this and their scared. haha
Skankin' Sean - 10/02/97 01:31:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SkaSkatePunk/
My Email:skankinsean@sprynet.com
where are you from?: HELL
age: 69
How did you find us?: From Satan
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Where?
no... check out my page... please!!! SKA SKA SKA
Ed - 09/28/97 22:04:40
My Email:edward@inreach.com
where are you from?: Stockton
age: 26
How did you find us?: yahoo search
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
BOO!!!!! :>
ron g.f - 09/28/97 12:14:44
My Email:svp@oakweb.com
where are you from?: lake tahoe,nv.
How did you find us?: sufing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
cool sight
ron g. - 09/28/97 12:11:48
rudy - 09/26/97 05:18:34
My Email:sierra ns1@aol.com
where are you from?: sacto, CA
age: 60
How did you find us?: cruising
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
best music i've discovered on a home page
thanks for the fun
CHRIS "SNAGGER" - 09/25/97 04:31:14
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepags/i/n/g/ingenleader.html
My Email:reporter@hula.net
where are you from?: HONOLULU
How did you find us?: ON YAHOO
CHRIS "SNAGGER" - 09/25/97 04:26:57
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepags/i/n/g/ingenleader.html
My Email:reporter@hula.net
where are you from?: HONOLULU
How did you find us?: ON YAHOO
Lawrie Patterson - 09/13/97 13:10:12
My URL:http://www.ozemail.com.au/~busstop
My Email:pattersn@ozemail.com.au
where are you from?: Sydney Australia
age: 59
How did you find us?: Browsing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Will be visiting your area next week and look forward to meeting you nice people.
Kevin Chorzelewski - 09/12/97 23:24:39
My URL:http://www.starsysfw.com/chorgey/index.htm
My Email:kchorzel@hotmail.com
where are you from?: Bellmawr, N.J. USA
age: 35
How did you find us?: Guestbook Surfing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Nope, don't even know what it is.
Nice layout you have here. Keep up the great work!
Just passing thru. Have spent a lot of time in Tahoe area with my own encounters.
Peter - 09/10/97 03:25:28
Hi there!
Take a trip to:
Map (N2Chiles) - 08/31/97 03:37:07
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/n2chiles/
My Email:n2chiles@gte.net
where are you from?: Seattle
age: 40
How did you find us?: Surfing
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: nope
Nice page, visit my page and sign my guestbook too!
C ya!!
Edwin Cintrón - 08/25/97 20:29:13 GMT
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~rums/prboats.htm
My Email: donqcristal@hotmail.com
where are you from?: San Juan, Puerto Rico
age: 32
How did you find us?: lpage
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: nope
your page gives lots of information
Alison - 08/21/97 18:24:15 GMT
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/l/i/alison0313.html
My Email:AliRose16@aol.com
where are you from?: MAssaChusetts
age: 17
How did you find us?: Guestbook surfer!!
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: nope
Beetlejuice - 08/21/97 06:58:29 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/CaptainKundalini/index.html
My Email:CaptKundalini@webtv.net
where are you from?: Austin, Texas
age: 41
How did you find us?: I surfed on in.
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: Yes
Well, I went to Jilliard, I attended the Harvard School of Business, I've traveled quite extensively. I lived thru the Black Plague and I've seen The Exorcist 167 TIMES AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVRY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT; NOT TO MENTION THAT YOU'RE TA
Tim Bowling - 08/19/97 13:15:01 GMT
My URL:/~timbowling
My Email:timbowling@msn.com
where are you from?: Seattle, Washington, USA
age: VERY old
How did you find us?: Got lucky
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
I've never seen a ghost, and don't know what I think about them, but they make for good stories. Hard to believe a scientist of the calibre of Cousteau would deliberately hide information, but I suppose anything is possible. Nice page, thanks for letting
e visit.
Anthony Contestable - 08/18/97 05:09:59 GMT
My Email:bozzer@webtv.net
where are you from?: SLT CA
age: 100032
How did you find us?: Magic
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: OHHHH YEAH
Great start. GO BIIIIIGG!!!!!!!!!
Leslie - 08/18/97 04:44:09 GMT
My URL:/SoHo/Lofts/4165/
My Email:lesliekamm@americanteleport.com
where are you from?: Pennsylvania
age: 32
How did you find us?: my GB
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: no
Great site. I can't wait for some ghost stories.
Dindo Santos - 08/18/97 02:11:26 GMT
My URL:/HotSprings/9364
My Email:dfcsantos@iname.com
where are you from?: Marikina, Philippines
age: 32
How did you find us?: From Official Guestbook Surfer's GUESTBOOK
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: No
I like the comment you wrote in the Official Guestbook Surfer's GUESTBOOK. So I have to check yours. Your site is COOL but I never did look at your GHOST STORIES. A secret between us; "I'm afraid of ghosts". (HA! HA! HA!) I hope that I add up to you
list of guests. Happy Ghost Hunting.
really cool page!
I linked to the international ghost hunters
society page through your links page ,and am now a
member of I.G.H.S! right on keep up the good work!
wurm - 08/18/97 01:53:04 GMT
My Email:wurmomatic@webtv.net
where are you from?: l.a.
age: 27
How did you find us?: art bell websight
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
really cool page!
I linked to the international ghost hunters
society page through your links page ,and am now a
member of I.G.H.S! right on keep up the good work!
wurm - 08/18/97 01:55:38 GMT
My Email:wurmomatic@webtv.net
where are you from?: l.a.
age: 27
How did you find us?: art bell websight
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
really cool page!
I linked to the international ghost hunters society page through your links page ,and am now a member of I.G.H.S! right on keep up the good work!
- 08/18/97 01:26:54 GMT
- 08/18/97 01:21:56 GMT
Wendy Hudson - 07/05/97 15:50:37 GMT
My URL:http://www.Whudson20@aol.com
My Email:Whudson20@aol.com
where are you from?: East of England
br>age: 37
How did you find us?: List of paranormal e.mail addresses
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: yes
We have been established as a society for over 25 years and are known for being one of the most respected research societies in the country.
We are serious researchers who have some astounding "evidence", much of which could intrigue the World. Especially our findings from Borley (which we investigated for 7 years).
We have apports and recordings from this most haunted place that could put into question the findings of the so-called "experts". We are at present researching an R.A.F. base in England, which has provide us with the most outstanding results!
This investigation has been running for 8 years and is still going strong!
We have recently finished filming a documentary on the work of our society for television, which will be shown at the end of July in Great Britain.
We are always looking to be in touch with other "respected" ghost hunters, which is why I have decided to introduce us. Anyone who has any comments is invited to e.mail us;-
Angel - 06/26/97 07:44:17 GMT
My Email:angelbeth
where are you from?: Australia
age: 17
How did you find us?: Tom told me
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: nope sorreee
Needs more input but looks pretty spiff. Where's the ghost stories?!!
- 06/24/97 23:38:20 GMT
matt johnson - 06/24/97 23:37:41 GMT
where are you from?: lake tahoe,ca.
age: 26
How did you find us?: a friends computer
are you a member of I.G.H.S.?: not yet
cool page! strieght t
the point!
scott de squirrel - 06/24/97 23:29:26 GMT
My Email:wales@webtv.net
where are you from?: Long Beach CA
age: 28
How did you find us?: surfin
are you a member of I.G.H.
.?: no
the world is coming to a bend!!